Beach Chat - Friday, March 9

  • Good morning and farewell to my little taste of Spring. We got two inches of snow last night and the temperature's way down again. Mother Nature is such a tease, especially in March and April. I do remember one year when it snowed on Mother's Day - just not right! :nono"

    Donna and I are off to the gym together for 7:30. She is now doing 90 minutes which is just too long for me, not that it would tire me out but it just takes a huge hunk out of my morning. We may have to start going separately.

    DWARPS meets tonight at neighbour Liz's house which will be fun as usual. We just finished "Luck" which I enjoyed and some others hated so it could be an interesting evening. We may even talk about the book for more than one glass of wine!

    So what's ahead for your TGIF? Sit and chat a bit and have a coffee sweetened with sf Irish cream syrup.
  • Good morning Ruth! Yes...we had wonderful drenching rain for hours last night...loved the thought of it melting, melting the white stuff. And this morning fresh white over everything. But only about 1/2" for us. Sorry you got more!

    Back to work for me, today's my Monday. I hope my 48 hours away from my job was enough for me to have a week's worth of patience

    My first time with the Jackie Warner dvd was not too bad, but that's always how it is with a new routine, kinda confusing til you've done it dozens of time.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning!

    Ruth - you made me look at our forecast - only 42 today. But Sunday goes back to 60's!! Maybe I'll start working on my garden then .

    Holly - I bet with your job, you would deinately need to recharge your patience level. Do you find most tourists are happy or crabby?

    Wow, what a bad night's sleep, it is time for coffee (oh, and it's not very strong ). I have a short day today...I was planning on some kind of workout before I pick up the kids, but Ruth made me acknowledge the weather so I'm not sure what I'll do. Maybe a swim? (the dog will be so disappointed...)

    Oh, the birds are having a great time out there this morning!
  • Good morning!

    Tater - Sounds fun

    Kelly - Congrats! Keep up the good work.

    Lisa - I'm back on PH1 too; two days down. I feel so much better already.

    Ruth - I'm ready for Spring!! DH and I did 90 minutes every morning at home before I hurt my calf and my trainer thinks that may be WHY I hurt my calf

    Holly - Wishing you patience today.

    Twynn - Me too; rough night.

    We have a house-guest coming today. And old friend of DH's. (They went to school together as kids then lived together during grad school, which is when I met them both. He was best man at our wedding.) Fortunately their lunch out is with another old friend so I can skip that; not sure if I can get out of the restaurant dinner. Since I'm only on day 3 of PH1 (again), I'd rather eat at home.

    I got caught up in this ancestor search online yesterday. Spent hours without realizing it and have nothing to show for it! Frustrating. But intriguing. Since this would normally be a "workout with mom and trainer day," I'm going to try to motivate myself to do an upper body only workout on my own while my mom is still traveling.

    Have a great day, all. BBL
  • I had a nice long post, but something went screwy and I lost it, so I went and had another cup of coffee, instead.

    We don't have snow, although it's a lot colder than it's been. Our forecast for next week calls for temps in the 60s & 70s. I won't complain!

    Hurray for Donna, Ruth, with her determination at the gym! Ninety minutes is a long workout, though. Have a good time at your DWARPS meeting tonight.

    Holly, I hope you have a good day at work and don't run into any obnoxious tourists!

    Twynn, sorry about your lousy night's sleep. It's a good thing you only have a short day, today, though. Any chance of catching a nap later?

    Jake and I are going to spend the day in NJ at Monica's. She has several handyman jobs that need doing that her DH never got around to doing, so it's Dad to the rescue. I'm tagging along for the fun.

    ETA- Good morning, Karen!
  • Fly by again, off for treatment then dropping DW at work for noon.

    On the bright side - the cold is only staying a day or two then right back to the 50s around here, and even 60s on Tuesday. Remind me of that tomorrow if I wake up to snow!

    Happy Friday friends
  • Good Morning

    It's 28 degrees here right now which literally had me flying out of bed...I bought a case of organic apples yesterday and they never got in from the car. They're fine...thank goodness.

    I rode my bike to the pool and back yesterday. It was chilly but nice. I'll do that again today then we'll keep our chores to a minimum since I got a call for work tomorrow. We'll enjoy our evening here and leave bright and early.

    Have a great day everyone!

    ETA-these are the apples I bought...I'd never heard of them
    Organic Enterprise Apple
    Enterprise Apples are a late season apple with a brilliant, glossy dark red skin and slightly elongated shape. The flavor profile of an Enterprise is somewhat spicy, meaning it has a complex combination of tart and sweet flavors reminiscent of cinnamon or hot flavors on the tongue. This is a very full flavored apple with a somewhat thick skin making it a great choice for eating, baking, or cooking with. A great recipe for this apple would be a warm apple compote to compliment pork, or an apple cobbler.

    Skip the cobbler...I'm just going to use them in my morning smoothie.
  • Good morning!
    Ruth - enjoy your meeting tonight!
    Holly - hope your patience holds out. I worked customer service when I was younger & don't think I could do it now - I would end up clobbering someone!
    Twynn - I'll join you for a second cup of coffee- I could have used a lot more sleep last night.
    Karen - good luck finding something OP at dinner
    Cottage - have fun at Monica's
    Cyndi - hope you day flys by quick!
    Debbie - those apples sound good. I've never put them in smoothies before - what else do you add?

    It's snowing like crazy here now. My son's going on a field trip today to learn about maple syrup and I really hope he doesn't get too cold. Wish they could've done this trip on Wednesday when it was so nice out.
  • checking in to say hi to everyone, before I get ready for work-

    Debbie - you had me laugh at the literally flying out of bed, remembering something that needed to be brought in! for me it's usually a can of diet Coke that hopefully didn't explode in the car

    Karen - best wishes for staying on P1, if you have to go to the restaurant. Hope the houseguest is a pleasant person to have around.

    Cottage - Is Monica a daughter? I grew up in NJ.

    CyndiM - YES to our forecast for next week!!!

    Kelly J. - I don't think I officially said Hi to you yet! Hi

    MissusTater - when do you leave for your cruise?

    Quote: Holly - I bet with your job, you would deinately need to recharge your patience level. Do you find most tourists are happy or crabby?
    Unfortunately, I think I'm the crabby one! It's just that it's the end of the season for me, been here since late October. What irritates me is not really their fault..they are shopping, browsing, deciding, debating, taking FOREVER to make a decision () whereas I GO into a store, BUY something and get out.

    But the store has more than grocery/beer/wine, it's got postcards, locally made foods, touristy stuff. But I have to stand at the counter at attention, lol, if they are anywhere near the register. And if there is a long list of to-do's for me, it's very trying. I'll edge interest..I'll go to my chore, and THEN is when people charge to the register.

    It is made much more difficult when I am hungry, and we aren't given a designated break, and it really looks crappy I think for employees to eat in front of customers, but I have no choice! So when my tummy's rumbling is when my patience is shortest. There was a grown woman last week, lingering at the register when her husband was ready to pay, she's just looking at al the candy, looks at him and says, "Do I want M & M's?" I just wanted to yell "YES! YES you DO! HERE! GoodBYE!"
  • Quote:
    Debbie - those apples sound good. I've never put them in smoothies before - what else do you add?
    An apple, ginger root, sm carrot, kale, protein and green(spirulina) powder. I occasionally add other ingredients I have on hand...cucumber, raspberries, etc. I tasted this apple this morning and don't think I'd enjoy it for eating...the skin is tough like a red delicious. It doesn't matter for my smoothie, though. Organic for .99/pound couldn't be beat!
  • Good morning everyone,

    I have been mia again, seems like that happens more frequently now, my schedule at work is so busy I just don't have a moment to stop and I just need to make the time.

    I am working from home today as DD2 is sick so keeping her home from school and they are coming to install uverse today just internet tv is not in our area, tired of slow dsl.

    I hope everyone is doing well.... Have a great day everyone
  • Holly--I leave on Sunday. I am freaking out today! I always do before vacations, idk why, they hit that panic button in me every time.

    BTW I am the WORST browser on vacation...we go on long road trips and every store we go in I wander around and look at all the shelves just in case I see something I might need. I am a terrible hoarder, too, if there is anything free. Little packets of crackers or honey, plastic forks, napkins, I collect things everywhere we go. I have never been to Vermont, though!