Some days are harder than others!

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  • P.S. Speaking of tea, Rooibos herbal tea is great for appetite suppression.
  • Quote: P.S. Speaking of tea, Rooibos herbal tea is great for appetite suppression.
    My favorite is rooibos with ginger tea, add a smidgen if stevia and it really brings out all the flavours ...
  • Quote: My favorite is rooibos with ginger tea, add a smidgen if stevia and it really brings out all the flavours ...
    Yum! I'll try it tomorrow!
  • Yes, there certainly are good days and bad days.. Along with easy days and rough as H*LL days!!

    I keep thinking back to my previous attempts at IP when I have rough days. Last time, I never hesitated to give in to temptations. I had the mentality that I made it into ketosis once, I'd do it again. And unlike most people, I didn't feel miserable after eating off protocol, not physically any way. Most of the time it was little things.. I spoon of peanut butter here and there, a small bite of pasta, etc.. A few times it was major mess ups, carry ins at work are my DEMISE!! But I've learned that those cheats are what made it so easy for me to give up last time. Tomorrow marks 21 days of 100% OP for me, and that's totally exciting to me!! My husband and I experiment with our proteins and veggies, and have been incredibly successful at creating new and tasty things, some of which my teenage daughter absolutely loves!! I can't say I don't miss my old foods, but what I can say, is I am enjoying teaching myself more creative and healthy ways of cooking and eating.

    I wish you the best of luck!! Hang in there!! =)
  • It has to be a good idea to just move on and get back into the swing of it! Dieting thoughts tend to be tough for us. Too often we have an all or nothing attitude! Many dieters succumb to this "i blew it" idea! Often, this results in even more eating. Nothing is blown or destroyed by a slip. It can happen and still success can be had!
  • Quote: My husband and I experiment with our proteins and veggies, and have been incredibly successful at creating new and tasty things, some of which my teenage daughter absolutely loves!! I can't say I don't miss my old foods, but what I can say, is I am enjoying teaching myself more creative and healthy ways of cooking and eating.
    What a great outlook, and I agree on those old foods! I will say that IP has got me cooking WAY more than I have in the past, and I am even looking at buying some new cooking necessities since I pretty much have nothing.
  • I had a really good day back OP yesterday I checked my calendar and realised that TOM is due soon - it's not an excuse, but it definitely explains why I had such a hard time on monday night. It's my only faltering in almost 8 weeks and I just couldn't understand why now??? since then I've been as focused as I was before the slip-up..... these thing happen, and we just need to be prepared and keep going..
  • I'm in week 5 and I understand what you're talking about. I cheated in my first week and STILL regret it. Whenever I think about doing it again I think "I dont want this to be another thing I've given up on".

    My coaches are really motivating. Even if I have a low loss (and i've seen them react to others who have losses of less than a pound) they tell me how proud they are and how great I'm doing. It's really not worth it. The highlight of my day is not going to be how I ate that cupcake.

    I seen someone say something about exercise and i've been thinking about starting as well. Not only does it fill the time, but it creates another accountability. When I used to exercise, I didn't want to cheat and ruin all the work I put in at the gym.

    You'll get through this as long as you stick to it. Keep yourself busy and do whatever you can to stick to it and you'll see how rewarding it can be. Hope this helps

  • I love Rooibos. Right now I am drinking an Herbal Chai...nice.
  • I found a mantra that works for me "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!"
    Any time I want to cheat (especially out with DH and M-i-L) I repeat it to myself over and over. It gets easier every couple days, but there will always be bad days. Your true strength is found in those bad days. Find a mantra that works for you. You can repeat it in your head so no one even knows you are struggling... and if all else fails... take a nap. You can't eat when you are sleeping.
    Those are my 2 go-tos. Hope they help.
    You WILL make it through if you want to!!!
  • I fall back won't mess things up as long as you get right back on track...we all have our moments...It's forgetting about it and starting again that keeps you losing weight and feeling good.....
  • I am having one f those days total Pms and a long day at work. I am hungry and cranky. I am at hockey practice with my son, dinner when I get home, but all I can think of is chocolate-which I don't really even like!
    I miss having dh home to help keep us both accountable. He is away.
    Tody is one of those days when I think maybe this is good enough and I can eat a few things not op. How thin do I want to be?
    Sigh. I will eat my dinner as soon as I get home and hope that perks me up. I know it's hormones today! Sorry to complain!
  • Quote: I am having one f those days total Pms and a long day at work. I am hungry and cranky. I am at hockey practice with my son, dinner when I get home, but all I can think of is chocolate-which I don't really even like!
    I miss having dh home to help keep us both accountable. He is away.
    Tody is one of those days when I think maybe this is good enough and I can eat a few things not op. How thin do I want to be?
    Sigh. I will eat my dinner as soon as I get home and hope that perks me up. I know it's hormones today! Sorry to complain!
    But what about your Lulumons (?) How will they feel if you are off program? Hang in there. You can do it. 1 pound. 1 pound.
  • Thanks! That made me smile. Eating my dinner and finding inner peace!