2 months in... 20 pounds down!!!

  • That is me doing the happy dance!

    I just still can't believe it!

    I got out all of my spring/summer work dresses last night, and I was expecting them all to be too big. There were only about 3 that were and I was feeling a little depressed.

    My hubby was so sweet though, he reminded me that dresses go up and down with you a little "friendlier" than pants do and you really CAN see a big difference in how they LOOK on me!

    I remember at the end of the summer, I was actually wearing Spanx AND another shapewear thing and still looked 6 months pregnant. They all fit beautifully now! (with NO shapewear) so that is a success!
  • Good for you!!
  • Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  • I'm doing the happy dance for you!! That is so awesome!!
  • Congratulations!! That is awesome!

    PS Your husband sounds very sweet--I doubt mine would have a clue that dresses are more 'forgiving' and if he did, it wouldn't occur to him to tell me! lol
  • Yay! It's great when once-too-tight jeans start to have a little wiggle room!
  • I am finally getting some people noticing and asking how much I have lost!
    Such a great feeling!
  • congratulations!!
  • Super duper congrats!