Slim Fast help

  • I'm on an 1800 calorie diet. I also use 1-2 Slim Fast meal replacements in the day, one for breakfast, sometimes one for in between lunch and dinner (yesterday didn't need the second one) and what I've noticed is exactly the same weight loss as I had with Nutrisystem. I realize it's all about how many calories you are taking in.
    I am using 1 diet dinner at about 300 calories plus 1 fruit at lunch, a meal replacement plus a fruit at breakfast and then decide from there how to manage the rest of the day.
    I was considering going back to Nutrisystem which has a new, improved Program and also considered EDiets which has fresh meals delivered. Both are expensive but I'd consider it if need be.
    Slim Fast is pretty cheap. A box is under $6 and with a diet meal around $3 and a meal out which can cost as much as $10 or so I am paying the Nutrisystem daily price or EDiets price but for me now, it isn't about just the money, I want to eat out lol. I want to break the rules and get out of my house this first week and just get rid of the water weight that I know will probably take a good 1-2 weeks because I lose fast and gain fast unfortunately. I guess when you eat right your body wants that very much and will shed the excess weight right away and rid itself of what it doesn't want. I had wanted prior to this attempt Asian food. I know that the high sodium foods have made matters much worse and I believe my body is ridding itself of trapped water. I can feel the 6 lb. difference today. Oh yes I can and also, I see it.
  • I am a firm believer that you should do what works for you. I have no problem with Slimfast . If this is the right daily calories for you and this plan works for you go ahead and do it. This plan will give you more control than NutriSystem, maybe at a later date you will want to do something else, that's OK, too.