Trying to get out of the 250's :)

  • Is anyone else trying to get out of their 250's rut? I've been here for a couple weeks. Been working out and walking almost every day and of course at work and I'm trying to drink 8 bottles of water a day combined with green tea and eating a raw salad every day. I just need inspiration lol. I don't want to get down in the dumps about my small progress. Thanks guys
  • There is a 250's thread somewhere on here. Welcome aboard. I am in a rut there too.
  • Stuck at 255 myself!! I am trying to do 60 minutes walking on my treadmill everyday, plus one hour zumba on monday and wednesdays!! I have not been doing GREAT at counting my calories, but I am watching my intake and I definately should have lost at least 4 pounds by now. I think that I may not be losing weight due to taking some prednisone for my hacking cough, but it's the only thing that has settled it this frustrated!! I have found that if I make myself NOT watch TV, I am far more productive and I eat far less...

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