I'm changing my life, today.

  • I had my gallbladder removed December 6th of last year. Ever since, I've been having gallbladder like attacks that are extremely painful and occur frequently, (sometimes 3-4 times a day). I just got the results of my last test, (already did several ultra sounds, mri, tons of blood work) an upper gi endoscopy. They said my stomach was inflamed due to acid reflux. I've had that for 3 years, so that is in no way what's causing these attacks. I see my doc next wednesday. If he can't help me, I'm just going to say f*ck it and get back to my life. I'm 20 years old. I turn 21 in October and I have a lot of goals for myself that I am determined to meet. I know i'm strong, I can fight through this. I want to start working so I have money to eat healthier and I just want to start living! I'm not wasting anymore time on doctors that just want to take my money. I'm sick of being told to go to the ER so they can just pump me with drugs. I've cried a lot of tears and I'm ready to put this sh*t storm my life has been behind me. I hope my language doesn't offend anyone, but I'm sick of being the girl people feel sorry for. I don't want to feel sorry for myself anymore. I'm ready to change my life. And I'm starting with my weight loss.
  • Good luck to you on your new journey
  • i truly hope you see a difference! i agree about the greedy docs. you show em.
  • Magic,

    I had my gallbladder out in May. I was 26. I only had 1 attack prior to having it removed. The second attack was awful and I suddenly collapsed while shopping. I had in inpatient stay for 5 days and 2 surgeries to remove it. I had gangrene in there and my liver was failing. My surgeon told me I would go back to normal after the surgery and be able to eat anything etc. Not so!

    Prior to having my gall bladder out I NEVER had issues with my stomach or acid reflux. I could eat anything! Afterwards, most things made me sick. I had stomach aches all day long. I had the "dumping" issue. My doctors didn't really believe me, but I tracked it. I found that I couldn't eat dairy at all anymore. I can't eat fried food at all either. I have to be careful what restaurants I eat at. I eat a mainly vegan diet now and I am not sick.

    What made the biggest difference was when I started taking enzymes to break down the lipids (fats) and carbs and dairy carbs. The liver produces bile, and the gall bladder stores it. When the body eats something with fat, the gall bladder would squeeze the bile out to break down the lipids and carbs. Now, that we don't have gall bladders, we don't have alot of those enzymes and our food doesn't get digested properly. I went over it with my doctor and got the enzymes over the counter at a vitamin shop. I started taking them in Dec 2011 and have stopped getting sick, stopped getting acid refux, and stopped having urgent diarrhea. I lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks because I felt better and my digestion system was working properly. I also stopped getting constipated.

    Look at your diet and talk to your doctor about taking enzymes for digestion. They aren't that expensive and it could make you feel alot better. If you have specific questions let me know or feel free to PM me.
  • I had my gaulbladder removed three years ago when I was 20. I did not have any attacks after but I know from the one's I experienced priar to the surgery were unbariable. D;. I hope you'll get a real diagnosis soon

    You have an great attitude about everything and its going to get you far with your weight loss. So good luck
  • I was having pain in my side and my parents told me it was probably my gallbladder because most of my dads brothers and sisters had to have theirs removed and they are all over weight. I am scared to death of surgery, so I cut out eating fast food all together and the pain started to stop. Ive lost about 30lb now and I have not had any more issues with it. I used to not be able to drink milk or eat ranch dressing and yogurts because they would mess up my stomach. I am now able to eat those things.

    I have no idea if its all related or not, but I know most of my issues were due to weight. That is the main reason why I am dedicated to being healthy.

    I cant say I know exactly what you are going through since I never had my gallbladder removed, but I do know how crappy pain can make a person feel especially when you are overweight. I also know how stupid doctors can seem(not trying to offend anyone in the medical field)-I had a doctor who had horrible communication skills and just didn't seem to care about my concerns.

    Just eat as "clean" as you can. Stay away from greasy, fatty and oily food and focus on what your plan is to lose weight. It will get better. You should also write down a few notes off of what others who have BTDT so you can ask your doctor about supplements to alleviate your pain.