
  • I've been off the wagon for this whole semester. And I haven't just been a little bad, I've been very, very, very bad. I haven't even visited in a couple months because of my shame (or stepped on a scale). My caloric intake, if I knew what it was, would be off the charts.

    Now, I've been attributing it at least partially to the fact that I'm really busy with classes, but when I think about it, I think I've just lost motivation. I don't really care that much. Which is awful, because I do care, but it's like I feel totally apathetic about losing weight and being in control about my life.

    What do you guys do when you're lacking motivation? What motivates you?
  • I usually come here and browse goals and mini goal stories when I need motivation. Also reading the support forum helps, because its nice to know there are others going through the same thing as I am. I also have a list of the reasons why I am on this journey and I tend to read that almost every other day to help myself stay on track.

    Im the type of person who has to stay obsessed with something until it gets fixed, otherwise I cant sleep and I get super stressed out. So Ill out right admit that I am overly obsessed with my weight loss. I dont talk about it constantly, but I think about it constantly. I stay on 3FC about 40% of my day, Im always thinking about what Im eating today and when Im going to exercise next. I used to get on the scale ALL the time just to see the number when I first started, but that has gotten better I dont really do that anymore. Ill probably be this way til I get closer to goal, but thats just what works for me.

    Ive had so many false starts in the past, If I dont constantly think about it and remind myself why Im doing it Ill start to derail the train again.
  • Well...I'm motivated by what I see in the mirror. I've already lost some weight and -- importantly -- it *shows,* so I'm always reminded of where I'm going.
  • I'm not sure I feel "motivated" all the time; I'm trying to make certain things a habit. And when I consider reverting to old/less healthy habits, I stop to think about what I really want.

    Also, apathy may be related to other issues in your life -- do you feel "blah" about everything? (Been there, too.) You might want to do yoga/meditation/quiet time or counseling to get at your mood.

    Take care,