Test results!!

  • I've been doing the low carb/high fat thing for about 8 months now and, while I've been losing weight, the part of me that was programmed to think "cholesterol and fat = BAD" was always in the back of my mind making me question what I was doing.

    I had to buck up and get my blood tested today and was super excited to find that nearly all of my numbers have improved!!!

    My total cholesterol: 219 (down from a high of 249)

    HDL: 54 (up from a low 48)

    LDL: 140 (down from a high of 165)

    Triglycerides: 126 (down from a high of 174)

    VLDL: 25 (down from a high of 35)

    My ratio: 4.1

    So the high fat, don't worry about dietary cholesterol plan works like crazy for my body. My numbers aren't perfect but I'll take them! Incidentally, my worst numbers came when I was working a low fat/low calorie weight loss plan. Who knew?

  • Very interesting, glad to hear that your body is responding well
  • This is great news! Congratulations on your ever-improving health.
  • thats awesome! Hope my numbers improve. I have high cholesterol.