I cant stop

  • so i just got home about an hour and a half ago.....i cooked and ate dinner (a burrito) and not even 30 minutes later i grabbed the box of lucky charms cereal and have been snacking on it since....it was a FULL BOX and now HALF of it is gone!!!! WTF....its not like i like to binge....it just feels like i have absolutely no control....i have told myself to stop after ever handful but i keep going
  • Maybe your body isn't getting the vitamins it needs to stay satiated. That will cause uncontrollable killer cravings for me everytime. You should try eating more protein and less carbs. Carbs make me crazy. Also try adding a good multivitamin and some supplements- that might help.
  • Funny you should say that. I can never have just one bowl of cereal. Don't know why, but it triggers a binge in me like nothing else. It always has done that to me. So, I almost never eat it now.

    I have learned to be reasonable with most things, but can't do it with cereal.

    Cut yourself some slack, drink a few glasses of water and move on. Binge on 3FC instead. That's my new addiction!
  • Throw it in the trash!! Take the box, put it in the trash and pour something on top of it.

    I cannot have snacky carb things like cereal in the house, at all... it's dangerous!!!
  • I vote for the trash! When I don't have the willpower I have to take desperate measures and THROW IT AWAY.
  • Some foods are triggers, and in your case cereal seems to be one. In my case, it is cookies. I haven't touched a cookie since last year and have not binged ever since. You have to get rid of the cereal and then see what took you to it... Maybe you lack some vitamins, or you were eating too many carbs, or you had an emotional issue... Think about it and try to solve it.
    And don't beat yourself. Just start over, as we all do when we slip! Good luck!
  • Cereal usually has a lot of sugar in it too. Which is NOT going to help.
    You might wanna find something else to snack on. Something that make you feel full. Because if you're hungry its harder to stay away from whatever food you have at home.
  • Call it a life lesson learned.

    Throw it away if you have any left, and don't buy any more. Resist once at the store is easier than resist a thousand times at home.

    Cold cereal is one of my trigger foods -- esp the sweet ones or simple starch ones (ex: rice krispies). I NEVER go to town like that on hot cereal like oatmeal!

    How are your emotions? Were you stressy? Angry? Lonely? Sweets usually indicate heart hunger and want for comfort but if you had it dry -- crunchies indicate an anger emotion.

    Or it could be your blood sugar swinging up and down. Which means more protein and fat in your meals to help balance it out.

    Take a multivitamin in case you are low in nutrients too.

  • I have the same problem
    @astrophe I think you hit it right on the head.. about sweets being a heart hunger.... i'm going through that right now!
  • Quote: Funny you should say that. I can never have just one bowl of cereal. Don't know why, but it triggers a binge in me like nothing else. It always has done that to me. So, I almost never eat it now.

    I have learned to be reasonable with most things, but can't do it with cereal.
    OH yeah, I am like this with pita chips and hummus... I can't even buy it anymore because I WILL eat the entire thing in one sitting, and thus a food that is actually relatively healthy and a good source of protein is now on my no-buy list. I have a few things like that... I don't even let myself think about buying them because I know how it will end up, when I come home STARVING after work and it's right there and so convenient.

    I agree with others that carbs are often the worst for triggering binges... they just seem to have an addictive quality to them, even if they're not a sweet sugary food. Have you tried stocking up on fruit? I just bought that most amazing strawberries and raspberries, they taste like pure sugar, and I don't feel bad about munching away on them. It seems that the natural sugar has helped curb my cravings for chocolate and even for bread and chips.

    Hang in there-- it's all a learning experience!