Needing a boost!

  • Due to some events and my schedule being way jam packed, I stopped calorie counting for about 6 consecutive days. I still ate healthily, but I know that my total would have been higher than it should have been. I'm trying to get myself back on the wagon by calorie counting on alternate days.... Hopefully I'll get back to where I was but I need support! Because of this slack attitude I put on 0.8lb so not too bad, but I definitely do NOT want any more
  • Boost!

    So it was working for you before and life happened and now for some reason you don't want to go back to what was working? Instead you are doing what's not working? Ummm. How does that work? I'm missing something, I'm sure of it.

    Please take the above as tongue in cheek. Life is full of challenges, it's how you deal with those challenges that define your success. Get back up.
  • As Dr. Phil says, "How's that working for you ?"
    I find that when I don't count calories and don't plan my meals I eat much more than I think .
  • Keep counting until it becomes intuitive. Then, err on the side of LESS calories if you have to. At that point, no matter how busy you are, you should still be able to stay on track.

    My rule was, "If I have to question whether or not this item fits my calories / diet / plan, the answer is probably that it doesn't." Some days winging it is the only chance we have. Just get better at winging it and you'll be fine.

  • Yeah I guess I didn't clarify enough:

    I was on holiday so it was pretty easy to eat healthily... but now I've started school and training again so it's become easier to eat a bit more than my calorie total 'just in case' I get hungry during school or training. And also falling into the mindset of 'it doesn't matter, I'm exercising enough'.

    Guess I need to get back on track asap. I feel like no matter what I do my weight won't budge down anyway (thanks to PCOS and being a featherweight).
  • Since you are so "light" and do not really have a lot of weight to lose, and given that you are PCOS, you'll probably have to be pretty strict and even then your weight loss will likely be very slow. It'll be more of a matter of finding a strategy you can live with while maintaining. You can go back to doing what was working to get the last pounds off. Good Luck!