Fast Food Addiction

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  • I'm not addicted to fast food per se (relative to other Americans, I never ate much of it growing up). But I AM addicted to other foods, especially carby-sugary combos (like pastries). And a host of other things.

    The addiction can be HORRIBLE, I know. Just today I decided to figure out how many times a day I feel a craving to eat (this does not include real hunger). In the span of 7 hours, I counted 26 times I had cravings. Sometimes 6 times in an hour. They ranged from mild to not so mild. And this wasn't even a hard day.

    For me, if it's something like pastries or peanut butter, I have to cut them out altogether. I can't eat a little. Ever. I lose control. That doesn't work for everyone, but it tends to for me. It's when I think, "I've been doing so good with this! I can start slowly reincorporating X food," that I slip.

    To answer your question, I haven't overcome it. I have to constantly strategize, avoid, substitute, distract, and power through. Not fun, but beats the alternative (super obesity, which I would easily reach given time and food).

    Good luck! this is a good site for support.
  • I'm a fast food addict. It's so hard for me to drive by them and not stop, but I decided to cut it out cold turkey and, while it's been hard, it's been worth it. I used to feel so guilty for eating fast food, but now when I get a craving, especially when I'm in the car and all I would have to do is turn the corner I decide to do something else. I usually call my fiance or someone else because I don't want them to hear me order fast food (I was a closet fast food junkie).. and by the time we've talked for a few minutes I'm long past the drive-thru and I don't regret my decision.
  • Been there! Actually, I still do fast food all the time, however, I eat less or different foods.

    I'm not sure at what point I discovered just how awful I feel after eating a Quarter Pounder with Cheese and large fries. I was exhausted and actually wanted to just sleep after I ate a meal like that. Funny thing is, it's different than if I were to eat a similar meal at home or a restaurant and I'm thinking it's because there is just so much darn sugar in the ketchup and buns,etc. I was also starting to get heart palpitations after having extra fried foods. Seriously....I had to make a change.

    I still do fast food several days a week, but have made huge changes.
    1. Subway is my friend. Not sure if it counts as fast food, but I love it!
    2. Small portions if I DO want McDonalds, etc (but this is maybe 1x a month or every other month)...and even then, their small fries make me feel icky.
    3. I find things I can eat. Carl's has a GREAT BBQ Chicken Sandwich for 350 (or so) calories. No fries.
    4. Wendy's has really good salads and sometimes I add a chicken sandwich or nuggets (not ideal, but better than before).

    I told my husband I should write a book and show weight loss while eating fast food every single day. NO, it wouldn't necessarily be the healthiest, but there are healthy options and if you stay within your calories you'll be fine.

    Ultimately, we all know fresh (low cal, low fat, unprocessed) foods are best, but we can have fast food in moderation. This...coming from someone who used to eat it every single day.
  • I go through cycles. Several weeks before I decided to eat healthier again I was eating out every day and got pretty sick of it. Both Jack in the Box and Wendy's sound the worst to me right now, McDonald's could be ok but luckily I haven't craved it in ages (a Daily Double and an unsweet ice tea is enough to settle me).

    I'm not sure if I've been "addicted" to fast food for a while, although I know I certainly have been at times. If anything, I'm more addicted to the convenience of grabbing something on the go, as I don't like to cook.
  • you know what's funny? i used to eat fast food all the time.
    i include subway, starbucks, mcdonalds, wendy's, chinese take out, etc. in this category of "fast food". categorically: it is fast, if i don't have to cook it.

    i also consider rotisserie chickens fast food: i didn't have to cook it.

    ironically? i don't have a huge issue with it. even if i go over my calories. i will have the meal, then i will jump right back on the very same pony and continue on my merry way.

    more ironically? i have an issue with wheat/carbs/sugar. i find that i cannot (for the most part) be around, near, or eyeball distance from them, especially when it is more then one portion, and it is at my house.

    i ate a whole bag of ryvita crackers, with i can't believe it's not butter. in 2 days. why? it;s like carbosaurus rex is on the prowl.

    a nf/skinny vanilla latte and an espresso brownie from starbucks? lead to a pint of ben and jerrys.

    i find that if i white knuckle, and wean myself off something- i have no issue. but if i allow it into my house/ viscinity, serving sizes are out of question. I HAVE TO EAT IT ALL. this is something i am learning to deal with

    wierd isn't it?