WW Weekly Chit Chat: 1/30 - 2/5

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  • Hello everyone! Welcome to WW Weekly Chit Chat!

    This is a thread for any and all WW users to get to know each other. To talk about their days or weeks. Whether it's plan-related or not. Just a comfy area to chat about things in general. Grab a chair, pick up a cup of hot tea or coffee and relax with everyone!

    Please join in at any time
  • Whew! What a week...

    Before I get too far I wanted to send out a big to everyone who was joining in on the last Chat thread! I really enjoyed seeing how everybody individually came to find the WW program. This week I have less on my plate, so I'm hoping to be able to reply more to all the great things I read :3

    My husband was out of town on business for a few nights. I'm very excited to say that I ate quite well while he was away. No junk!

    I also had a yearly exam at one of my doctors last week, and she was very happy to see that I had dropped some weight from the previous year. I hope to make her even happier next year

    Thanks to everyone for the different coffee-making suggestions! Right now I just do instant. I can hear the gasps. The coffee snob in me is very disappointed in myself Wouldn't you know it? Today I was walking through Sam's Club and there was a whole pile of Keurigs. I looked wistfully at them for a few. I thought it was so funny after all the positive comments to run smack into them. Maybe I'll be able to wear my husband down

    I like to think up silly, little challenges in my head. Most of the time they're only for the day or they're like ToDo lists that get done quickly. However, this one jumped out at me last week, and I wanted to share it with you guys.

    I decided I wanted to be in Onederland by the End of the World. For clarification, the big joking "end of the world" day is 12/21/2012. Whether or not I'll actually be able to lose 80 pounds in about a year is not quite the point for me. It's mostly a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that I don't want to spend the rest of my life overweight.

    Also, my brother and I have been nudging eachother about having an "End of the World" party that night. I think it'd be pretty rockin' to have a party and look smashing at it.

    So, 325 days left. Too silly?
  • good morning....
    i just rejoined WW last wednesday night. daughter wanted me to join with her. a little about me. i joined a year ago when the new plus came out. only lasted a week or two. just didn't work for me. seems to be going much better now. i searched for apps (besides the WW paid one) found a few good ones. made a difference in the shopping. this is my 10th + time joining WW. i have saved all my materials in a big popcorn tin. just went back through all that the other day. counted my weigh in cards. some i joined and never went back. some i was there for weeks. only one other time i was there for a year. lost 60+ pounds than. i fell when all point stuff started happening. that was a long time ago. anyway, so far so good. i have my first weigh in on wednesday night. i have been counting calories for weeks before. so don't expect a large loss. i had been losing doing that.
    have a great day.
  • Lovely....I think that's a great goal!!! If we're going to go down anyway, might as well do it in style

    Chipper....welcome back and good luck this week!!!

    I'm getting frustrated with myself. I think my body freaks out whenever it hits a new decade. I was so excited a couple weeks ago when I hit 178.8!! I was in a decade and a new all time low. But since then, I have gained and lost the same 3 pounds. My body did this back when I crossed into onederland, and again when I hit 190. I think it's trying to hold on to everything it can and my body is fighting me pretty hard and I'm getting frustrated and annoyed.

    My biggest concern though is whether or not it's my body fighting me or it's me fighting my body! Self sabotage is the worst.

    I really need to settle down with the program and almost start from the beginning again. The plan this week is to really measure everything out and really focus on following the plan to a T and seeing if there's any difference.
  • My goal this week is to get a little fat in my diet. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out.
    I don't cook with oil, I use spray. I use spray butter. I had to stop buying peanut butter because I couldn't be trusted to not eat it with a spoon. I have not been getting the recommended servings of healthy fat (i.e. 2 tsps a day). I'm hoping to get it via avocado and possibly nuts. Don't get me wrong, I am certain my everyday foods contain plenty of fat, but there must be a reason why they recommend it. And I haven't gone wrong following their recommendations so far, even when I thought the number of points I was expected to eat was ludicrous, if I ate them all, I lost. With my weight loss semi-stalled again. I'm hoping this will kick it up a notch.

    I weigh in tomorrow, wish me luck!
  • Lovely, I think that's a, uh, "lovely" goal (forgive me!) and might have to adopt it for myself! Onederland by the End of the World. In fact -- that would be Onederland by my friends' annual Holiday party! Okay, definitely adopting that for myself

    This was one of those weeks were I was constantly hungry. Grr. It was so annoying and I admit that on Saturday I went carb crazy, omg. But I lost about 1/2 lb, so apparently it wasn't as bad as I thought. I just don't know what it was, but all week I could not stop eating. But today is the start of a new week!
  • Hi all, I didn't weigh in last week at a meeting since I was away, but when I got home the scale says I dropped a pound, and now says another one gone, so I hope it will look this good for the meeting on wednesday. CHipper, I sure hope it sticks this time. Did you sign up for online support too? If you are not a meeting person, (I didn't like it much) maybe online will be better. I am liking the tracker.
    Re the healthy fats: 2 reasons for having them: fat helps us feel "full" and diets too low in fat can prevent us from absorbing fat soluable vitamins. There is also growing research that not getting healthy fats affects our wellbeing generally. The essential fatty acids they contain affect many things. Google search is useful here. I usually take a fish oil capsule daily too, to make sure of it. As long as you stay within your points you will be fine.

    see you later ladies
  • morning...
    fatmad....i go to meetings. since my daughter wanted me to join with her. now she has all her coworkers joining. so i am just here. i normally weigh at home monday mornings. at meetings now wednesdays at 7pm. that's after dinner and clothed. so big difference in the two. i lost .8 by my scale since last monday. we shall see on wed.
    have a great one
  • Oh lovely what a great goal and idea! do you mind if I steal part of it? the thought of a end of the world party makes this next year sound like more fun than halloween! LOL

    Well chicks this week my focus is on eating good after 2.5 weeks of travel I need to get back in the groove. I did lose weight but no really when you consider the gain I had while on the road. But hey don't let anyone tell you Honolulu is not worth it all I can say is wow

    So to kick off my week I went to the gym and did 30 min weight training and 55 min of cardio on the elliptical..holy molly I will feel it tomrrow

    As for the rest of you....all I can say is you are "awesome" you inspire me everyday I get up and am excited to read the posts...good bad and ugly does not matter it just keeps me moving forward with all the support
  • Hey Ya'll !

    I don't know if I posted in last weeks thread or not. I looked through it but I"m thinking I didn't since it was weeks end.

    Any who I'm Lisa AKA LEESE. I'm 43 and live in Kodiak , Alaska! My hubster is in the military and we are on our second tour here. We arrived here in Kodiak the first time in 2002. Completely fell in love with Alaska. From Kodiak we went to Petersburg Alaska and then Sitka. and now here we are back in Kodiak.

    I'm thankful too cause there are actual WW meetings here. Last time we were here I lost a little over 30 pounds. Gained most of it back the 6 yrs we were away. Neither of those other 2 towns had a WW. I was relying in ONLINE only and well I need competition to keep me motivated ! LOL yes to me meetings are a competition. lol I could explain it but you may think I'm silly... OK OK OK

    So I usually choose someone to compete against and they don't know it lol
    It's all about rather or not I lost more than them in that week. I TOLD YOU IT WAS SILLY !

    Anyway I have to fabulous doggies that keep our bank dry with vet visits. But love them to pieces.

    I need to get of this couch and start moving ! I've been stagnate for about 18 months now. I'm lazy, I haVe a back low back, and my knees are in bad shape.

    OFFER UP SOME IDEAS! anyway glad your here !

    This site is very over whelming so I'm going to try to stick with just regualr threads like this one.

  • Chipper - Glad things are going well so far into the plan. I hope your Wednesday Weigh-in goes well Since you weigh-in for yourself on Monday, I know that I'd only be taking the Wednesday night one with a grain of salt, and probably just be going for the group/daughter.

    Chele - Oh, I absolutely want to go down in style! You know my first thoughts when I read about your waffling over the same three pounds on at least two different past occasions. "Yeah, but you're no longer just hitting Onederland, and no longer just hitting 190!" You're down into a new decade, and it might flip-flop for a short bit, but you got over it those other two times and that just goes to show that you WILL go down further.

    Movie - I know that there have been occasions when I wasn't getting as much fat as I needed, and things are much easier on me when I get in the recommended amount. I know that for me, that doesn't always mean oil specifically. Sometimes it means peanut butter or nuts or avocado or even just a type of salad dressing. But, yeah, I'm much happier on plan when I get in healthy fats. So, I understand wanting to get them in. You can definitely do it

    Tudor Rose - Have I ever mentioned I always loved reading your name? I think it sticks out to me, because when I first saw it I was in the middle of watching some Henry VIII stuff, and other historical-type dramas around the Elizabethan era... It was like an "Oh hey!" moment. Yay for Onederland by the Holidays & The End of the World! I hear you about those "hungry weeks". Ugh. But, then there are some other weeks where it feels like I couldn't eat more if someone paid me! Mysterious ways of the body!

    Fatmad - Hey there! Nicely done dropping a couple pounds Hope the meeting goes well for the "official" version!

    Nancy - By all means, please enjoy having an End of the World party if you want! Really happy to hear that you had fun in Hawaii. Honestly, the pictures of seen of the islands there are just breathtaking. Hurray for all that exercise you got in! Holy moly indeed! I'm aching for you just reading it.

    Leese - Glad to have you join in with chatting! I don't think you're silly for wanting a little competition. I know plenty of people who love that little jolt of success. I think it's awesome that there are meetings available for you where you are. I know that a good meeting/group/leader is just one of those wonderful things to have available. As far as movement suggestions: I'm probably very vanilla. I like to walk. Walking is easy, free, and simple without putting extra stress on any of my joints. I sometimes do an occasional exercise DVD (oh, like Richard Simmons ), but I do have to recommend some form of slow moving yoga. I discovered it years ago, and for me it's a way to have some quiet time with my body (if that makes sense) while stretching and breathing. It's very relaxing, while at the same time ends up waking me up mentally.


    Had an ear doctor appointment. Good news: My hearing is fine! Not-as-good news: There's nothing to be done about the tinnitus in my left ear. Thems the breaks, basically. To reduce its annoyance I can use white noise at night, or do soft-sounding things during the day. The best advice they could give at this moment is "Tune it out to the best of your ability." Which is what I've been doing. Focusing on the (very good) fact that my hearing isn't suffering for it, though, as often tinnitus is accompanied by that.

    I'm having a bloaty day. You know when you can just feel it in your fingers? Hoping to keep hydrated, and move around a little more today.

    Wishing everyone a great day/week
  • Lovely I am so sorry to hear about your tinnitus but your positive attitude will get you through it
    Leese - Welcome! I have never been to Alaska but have heard how beautiful it is there. I have a school chum who lives in Ancorage who keeps inviting me mabe this summer.

    Well today I am having a 'skinny' day It feels so good. No difference on the scale just my clothes seem to fit a little nicer today. My skirt is actually loose. I am suprised I am not sore today after my workout last night so I guess this means another night at the gym
  • Hi all: just plugging away at things. I ate a swiss chalet last night, was really pleased that I kept within points range, had 1/4 chicken dark with salad. no fries, no bread. I really love their chicken pot pie, but thought it might put me over the points. When I looked it up when I got home it was 19 points! yikes, so now am planning a lower cal version, since I'm hungery for chicken pot pie. Have the chicken thawing as we speak, and will pick up a few other veggies to put in. Yum.
    Going for a trail walk, doing well with activity points. Last week used most of my "plus points" but didn't trade in any activity points. I just realized that it Tuesday and I still have 21 plus points left. I haven't needed the extra food and points so much, so much be adapting. Also not quite so active though, so maybe that made me more hungry.
    Have a good day ladies
  • So I have a question for everyone and am hoping someone might know the answer. i want to start making Green Monster Smoothies for breakfast on Tuesday mornings when I have 6am yoga (a big breakfast before hand is a bit much and I don't have time between yoga and work for my usual proper breakfast. So I figure smoothie before, something like a hard boiled egg, half bagel and cheese after -- anything portable really).

    Anyway, I'm just not sure on points. With green monsters, some of the items like the banana and spinach, normally wouldn't be counted but since it's all being mixed together would I then count the points on the fruits & veggies?
  • Thanks for the welcome ya'll !

    TUDOR ROSE: I think it's silly that a fruit or veggie are 0 but if you use them in recipes or mix together you count it. WW sometimes just isn't as simple as they say.

    I NEVER COUNT all fruit or veggie smoothies.

    here is my FAV Green smoothie I make it and have it in a 2 day period.

    Glowing Green Smoothie
    Makes 2 servings, 16 ounces each

    1 1/2 cups water
    1 head organic Romaine lettuce, chopped
    3-4 stalks organic celery
    1/2 head organic spinach
    1 organic apple, cored and chopped
    1 organic pear, cored and chopped
    1/3 bunch organic cilantro (stems OK)
    1/3 bunch organic parsley (stems OK)
    1 organic banana
    Juice of 1/2 fresh organic lemon
    Add water, chopped head of romaine lettuce to the blender. Starting the blender on a low speed, mix until smooth. Gradually moving to higher speeds, add the celery, apple, pear, cilantro and parsley. Add the banana and lemon juice last.
    Nutrients: 87 calories, 11 grams of natural fruit sugar in a 16-ounce glass.

    It takes about 10 minutes to make and you can prepare in advance. It will last up to 2 days in the fridge. You can also make it once a week and freeze in portion-size glass containers. Thaw them out the night before.