"The Revolution"

  • Ok, here it is. I recently view a new tv program called The Revolution".The show features a unique concept. Each week one woman's five-month weight loss journey will unfold in just five days, with daily results and the final transformational reveal on Friday.
    I thought it would be fun to do my own revolution starting Monday I will be following The BFC plan, logging in daily with my stats. My first phase will end April 23,2012. Then I will continue with phase 2 after that until I reach my goal weight of 165lbs. So this will be "My Revolution". Anyone can join in using what ever plan that works best for you and make it your revolution and follow along. I plan do blog and keep photos a long the way. Come and make this the year your year!
  • Well. day one went well, day 2 alittle harder. But I am learning things about myself and gaining respect for my body. No doubt with each new day, I will become stronger.
  • Interesting. How's it going?

    I'll have to see when the show is on here. I've never heard of it.
  • Week 2 and I prepare ahead yesterday and hopefully next week will show good results.I am slowly but surely getting back on track. Hi Elliefunt, welcome. I live in central va. and the show is on at 2:00 pm . check it out, is a good show