Is There Room for a Newbie?

  • Hello all.I was surfing the net for weight loss sites and ran across this one. There was something about it that made me feel like I belonged here. Let me introduce myself and tell me a little about me.

    I am 29 years old and right now, I'm at 309, I have been doing WW for almost 3 years and have lost 50lbs, but I have so much more to go, and it is so hard to do this on my own. So here I am reaching out for help to people who know what I'm going through. I hope you do have room and wisdom for me.
  • Of course you're welcome here! Congrats on losing 50#!!!
  • Thank you. I've been reading and catching up with the posts, this is a great group.
  • Welcome Ravyn! This is a supportive GREAT group of ladies!

    Miss Chris
  • Ravyn, welcome! 50# is quite an accomplishment! Share your secrets with us!
  • Wow this board is wonderful. I cant believe the support here.
  • Hi Ravyn! Welcome!

  • there's always room for one (or one hundred) more!!!

  • Welcome Ravyn!!!

  • If you are looking for support, you have certainly come to the right place!! These ladies are amazing!! Please feel free to jump right in. Be sure to post a full profile in our "profiles" sticky at the top.

    COngrats on the 50 lb loss!! That is great!!
  • Welcome and congrats on your weight loss! I think WW is a really good program, although I haven't tried their new points system (I was on it many moons ago when they were still doing exchanges ).