New to all of this...where do I start?

  • Hi everyone! I am new to not just the site, but the whole weight loss thing in general. I am 27 and have been heavy as long as I can remember. My mom and sister and both heavy, my dad is not, but weight is never something that was talked about in my house. We were never taught portion sizes or healthy eating. Mom cooked whatever tasted good and used food for everything! To cheer up, to celebrate, for was always food.

    I have always been unhappy with my body but just recently it has gotten to the point where I am getting depressed and ashamed of the way I look. I won't allow my wonderful boyfriend of two years to even take pictures of me cause I don't wanna see the end result. I have done countless diets, shakes, yoga and gave up after weeks and no results.

    It needs to change! This weight needs to come off of me so I can start to feel comfortable in my own skin...Where do I start!?!
  • You need to start by finding out your BMR. You can do this by googleing "BMR" Calculator. This will tell you how many calories you would burn if you were to lay in bed all day. Next, you need to find a calorie in-take calculator and see how many calories you should be consuming each day based on your weight, activity level and desired speed.

    From there you just need to try and eat around that many calories a day. Please remember, that your NET intake of calories per day should never be below 1200, and that for even small woman, so I would start by never letting your net intake get below 1400.

    Your net intake includes the calories burned through exercise. For example, if you ate 1700 calories, but burned an additional 400 during exercise that day, your net calories would be 1300. Some people do not understand this and will only eat 1200 calories and then exercise to burn 400 more, causing their net calories to be only 800 which is NOT good and can prevent weight loss.

    Another thing alot of people suggest is planning your meals ahead of time. This way you aren't searching the cupboards when you are starving and then grabbing the quickest thing. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!.

    Also, do not deny yourself treats! A treat isn't going to kill you, and as long as its within your calorie budget for the day then you are fine.!!

    I know this information is based on calorie counting, but that really is the most doctor recommended and easiest way to go without having to buy any special foods. Plus its something you can maintain for the rest of your life!
  • Welcome to the forum! Candeka gave you a lot of good information. The only thing I can add is if you have a bad meal, a bad day, heck, a bad food week. Do NOT let this be a reason to throw in the towel. Get back on track at the next meal. You can do this!!!
    Best of luck to you!
  • Welcome! Here's a couple of links. Try doing a bunch of reading and see what you find. Think on what you've read. Go for a walk and think about what you'd like to eat next. Weight loss doesn't have to be fancy. Start by eating less and moving more. Your plan will grow and develope as you shrink and develope

    And remember that 3FC is here 24/7. Any time you need to refocus ... just come to 3FC and read some more. We're happy to be here for you.
  • Best of luck to you!!!
  • Quote: Your net intake includes the calories burned through exercise. For example, if you ate 1700 calories, but burned an additional 400 during exercise that day, your net calories would be 1300. Some people do not understand this and will only eat 1200 calories and then exercise to burn 400 more, causing their net calories to be only 800 which is NOT good and can prevent weight loss.
    Candeka gave some great tips. I recently discovered I've been eating too few calories (some days I was lucky to get 1000 calories eaten) and guess what I've lost since? Nothing, not a single pound. My weight loss has stalled for weeks now, due to not eating enough. That's what I get for counting in my head and estimating . I'm writing everything down now to make sure I get enough food, since I workout daily. Make sure you eat enough, especially if you work out.
  • Welcome! Looks like they have you off to a great start for some good information.
  • Tahra, welcome, glad to have you join us. I suggest you look for a Challenge or Support group to join; small check-in groups make it easier to connect, get involved, and be accountable. We have groups centering around specific diets, themes, or age groups, find one that inspires you and just post to join!
  • thank you everyone for all the warm welcomes and tips. the tip about making sure i eat enough hit home. i tend to not eat anything until dinner time and i have found in the past when i snack a little all day i lose but i never really thought about it! thanks guys!