Ugh. Coping with cycle-related cravings.

  • OMG.

    I blew it for today already -- waking up late and going to town on sweets. Ugh. It's like clockwork. Midcycle around ovulation time? I want steak. Towards TOM? I want cookies.

    You'd think by now I'd figure out how to combat it or ride it out or do damage control or something.

    So... period eating tips please. Either for midcycle or for the end of cycle.

    I know some of you know just what I'm talking about. Right?

  • Ha! If you figure something out, let me know. I'm the same way. Mostly, I just try to white-knuckle it, or sub in something lower cal. I try to remind myself that it's not the end of the world if I don't eat what I really want to eat, and that I'll really regret it later. Still, I lose that battle pretty often around TOM/ovulation.

    One thing I've been LOVING lately is those Quaker mini-rice cakes (Quakes) dipped in cool whip free. They are SOOO good. I thought the combo might be weird texturally, but it is wonderful. I've done it with apple cinnamon and chocolate rice cakes so far, and I'm not a huge rice cake fan in the first place. You get 13 mini rice cakes and 2 Tbsp of cool whip free for less than 150 cal. It feels like a good amount to munch on, and might help your cookie cravings. One of the things that also helps me is putting it on a pretty plate, with maybe some berries or something. For some reason, it makes me feel like it's more indulgent- like something I would be eating even if I wasn't counting calories (and honestly, I probably would be- it's wonderful). I sprinkle a little cinnamon or cocoa powder on top of the cool whip, make a cup of hot tea to go with, and it's pretty great.
  • Been there! If I want sweets or something salty during that time, I have it. Just not a lot. I stay within my calories. But I do have those days where I feel like storing up for the winter, just like a bear. Hang in there!
  • Ahhhhh I'm going through this now! Totally gorged this weekend cause it was my birthday (no EXCUSE I KNOW!) This happens all the time a couple days before TOM comes, I get this unsustainable hunger! Usually I do snack but on healthy stuff and binge on the good stuff, but this weekend I was so bad. I had birthday cake and 2 cinnibon's and carrot cake and rice pudding, and a brownie....omg totally went off kilter this weekend and low and behold, TOM showed up full force this AM! I find as long as the sweet stuff isn't around when TOM is coming I do fine binging on the good stuff.
  • I'm the exact same way. I get intense feelings of the "munchies" and want sugar and salt. I've been trying to cope with it by chewing gum or drinking water. If that doesn't kick the cravings then I'll have a tangerine or, my favourite, an apple cut up and sprinkled with cinnamon and a tablespoon of peanut butter on the side to spread on the apple slices! I also like a small handful (15 or so) of almonds with just a few pieces of dried fruit or dark chocolate chips. Just a taste of something sweet without going overboard.

    Good luck!
  • I know exaclty how you feel! Last night I splurged on two strawberry jelly sandwiches before bed. It knocked my calorie deficit back by at least 400 calories.

    I try to take comfort in the fact that the damage could have been a lot worse if we had peanut butter in the house. ;P

    Just try your best to look on the bright side, and eliminate things from your environment that you know are going to tempt you!
  • In the same boat....My craving is always salty chips and crackers. I try to replace my normal chips with low cal/baked chip options but I still struggle. In fact, yesterday was HORRIBLE for me. It's behind me though and today I'll forge ahead. I tell you though...the Pringles can is evil. Very evil.
  • Ugh. That period bear thing... pacing, growling.

    Hurry up, TOM!

    I went to get fresh fruit this afternoon to help stave off the sweet thing with at least something better than cookies!

    I know once I get it I'll calm down but whatever hormone surge it is... man!

    It's like cooookies! Cooookies! muahahahaha!

  • I have nothing to offer - I was really hoping that someone else had found a way! I remember once devouring an entire head of lettuce in an effort to keep myself out of the chips, crackers, or chocolate, after trying all sorts of "smart substitutions." Best I've been able to come up with is the dessert-flavored chewing gum, lots of hot herbal tea, never bringing my wallet into work (where the vending machine is), or going for a long walk. None have been 100% successful. :P It's creepy how fast that munchiness can overtake you, isn't it?
  • When I get cravings for something sweet, sometimes I get a 700ml tub of fat-free strawberry yogurt for $2 at the grocery store, which only adds up to about 220 calories. It's very yummy, filling, and takes a long time to finish (and keeps me out of the fridge).

    Maybe you'd like fat free vanilla yogurt, with dark chocolate shavings in it. If you keep it in the freezer for a while, the texture is a lot more pleasant. And depending on how much dark chocolate you put in it, it might work out to only 300 calories.

    Good luck!!
  • No tips - just sympathy!!

    Every month for about 3 days I will eat anything that doesn't run away from me, especially if it is sweet (normally I don't really like sweets), cry or let everything hurt my feelings, gain 3lbs and have my face break out. Just when I am absolutely convinced that I have completely gone crazy, TOM starts and I sigh a big sigh of relief and think - "Oh thank god." For some reason, I never remember or completely figure out why all of these things are happening to me. LOL Last month I took some Diurex for about two days and it helped. Mostly, though, I just try to make up for it the rest of the month and accept it.

    I guess I would say like the others - don't stop your exercise routine then and try to keep yourself surrounded by decent foods so when the need to eat everything not nailed down strikes, it isn't pizza and ice cream but just larger quantities of the foods you usually eat (which hopefully are healthy foods!).

    I would also say not to use it as an excuse. Weight loss is still possible if you look at it on a monthly average even if you have a few days of poor choices. If you find yourself coming up with something for every day of the month, then you need to re-evaluate whether it really is TOM eating or something else.

    Hang in there!
  • Thanks for the support, guys.

    I'm cleaning the kitchen and making some dishes ahead for tomorrow so that if the Period Bear strikes again there's better options than cookies already THERE. No cooking needed. YKWIM?

    I know in the grand scheme of things a bump in the road doesn't mean I fall off the wagon but dang bear... grrr.

    I will feel SOOOO much better once I'm past this point in my cycle!

  • I lose all will power right before my period. I did excellent when I was following the Body for Life Plan. Just kept telling myself I could have it on Sunday and made it through the 12 weeks. Right now I am giving calorie counting a try. Have you tried the Fiber One bars? There's a Chocolate Caramel Pretzel that is 90 calories and 5 grams of fiber. Take small bites, savor it. That is my plan. I usually tend to scarf the goodies down or mindlessly eat them while watching tv.
  • I don't have any tips for you. It just stinks! You work so hard and then you get to that point in the month and it's like all self control is out the window. It happens to all of us. You just gotta keep going and not let it be your excuse to quit. All is not lost and you can still accomplish your goals!