Is a dramatic first week typical?

  • I started with a regimen of 1500 calories a day on New Years Day. Additional details are that I try for 30 grams of fiber a day, and to eat more protein and fewer carbs than the prorated RDA for my target cals.

    I did not exercise rigorously- only about 4 hours of brisk walking spread out over 2 days.

    Starting weight was 215. When I weighed in after a week, I was at 208! I'm 5'6" so I didn't really think that I was heavy enough to have that kind of number.

    Anyone else have this experience, and then maybe drop into a normal 2lb a week pase afterwards?
  • Yes, you always lose a lot of water weight in the first week.
  • Yes! I dropped very quickly my first week. A lot of times it is water weight, but if that was the case then I would have been holding onto a LOT of water! I dropped six pounds my first week when I started and then another six pounds the first week I started back up again months later.

    After that my weight tapered off and then I lost at a rate of around 1.8 pounds a week (an average—I rarely actually lost that amount consistently each week)
  • It is normal to see a big loss the first week or two after that it will slow down, but as long as you keep losing , that is the point. The bottom line is what is important.
  • It's normal, but not universal, and it's very, very encouraging, isn't it!! Congratulations for being off to a great start.

    On days that I run, I have seen a fluctuation of 6 lbs in ONE DAY.

    Keep going -- the more weeks you see a steady loss, the more you will know that it is meaningful weight loss. Be patient and persistent.
  • Yes, dh lost 15 lbs last week with no exercise, and just by keeping under his calorie allotment and making sure he reached his target burn for the day. He was seen marching in place a few times to make sure he met his daily burn, but other than that, he even managed to eat out a few times.

    yes, I DO hate him!! LOL. JK of course. But it is hard next to my 2.2.
  • I'm still eating about 120-150 grams of carbs a day- way too many for a low carb glycogen depleting effect.

    The other really visible thing is that my stomach has suddenly become quite saggy. Water or fat, the fullness that was keeping the skin semi firm is leaving rapidly. Apparently i'm going to be frequenting the body image subforum.
  • From what I hear that's normal... I weigh in this Thursday and it will be 1 week.. I am anxious to see the drop.. i hope its good!