Maintainers Weekly Chat January 9 - January 15

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  • Hello again maintainers! I have sure missed this place =) It seems that I'm maintaining fairly well, but I've stopped weighing myself because it makes me neurotic. The fit of the clothes is my judge...

    I'm back in Arizona after about 6 months in wonderful Pennsylvania, and right now I'm working on secondary applications to med school (this is where they ask you to write more essays about how great you are and of course send more money). I'm also fostering a dog, which makes my life complete

    Gary, I love the boating pictures - that looks like so much fun!

    Saef, congrats on the review at work. It's so nice to be appreciated.

    Dagmar, good luck with your dad. I remember having some issues with one of my grandparents and I'm dreading the day my own father needs help - he's a stubborn guy, too.

    My slow cooker is usually only pulled out for making chili, although I keep intending to use it for other things. I do tend to dismiss recipes that require pre-cooking. I agree, it kind of defeats the purpose of using the slow cooker in the first place! I will definitely have to try paperclippy's whole chicken idea.
  • Hey Iris Love the new avatar - obviously you're running races! And of course I have to ask what kind of dog you're fostering?

    My dad has had a call from an agency I set him up with over a year ago. I guess my sending him to hospital resulted in the rattling of a few doors. I also have a call from another agency. Here's hoping all of this will amount to help that he accepts.

    I had the weirdest exchange with him this morning. I again mentioned that he needed a hearing aid so that he could understand what was going on around him. It seemed the lightbulb finally went off as he replied that he didn't realize his deafness had progressed. I guess if you're deaf you don't hear people who are shouting at you as shouting.

    Better go make dinner ready. DH is "running errands" so no idea when he'll arrive. I have an appointment with a client at 7 so I'd better get the cooking prep over with. Vegetarian tonite - I have had meat/chicken for about a week now and need a break!

    Good evening all!

  • EEEW - food stuff
    is it me or is this too gross?

  • I'm wondering if the kids will have school tomorrow due to the freezing rain that's expected overnight as they haven't used one snow day yet - very unusual for where I live. Hubby keeps joking with me that when our youngest goes to college in 11 years that's when we're moving to Hawaii to become a couple of surf instructors, lol.

    paperclippy: Thanks, it's good to be back.
  • Quote: I admit though I get annoyed at slow cooker recipes that require a lot of steps. If I was going to saute my meat/veggies/etc before putting them in the slow cooker, why am I bothering? Cook on high 1 hour then reduce heat to low? Why would I want a recipe like that? The whole point of the slow cooker is so that I can dump a bunch of ingredients in, turn it on, and leave for work.
    Oh yes! I feel exactly like that, Jessica and Allison.

    My new washer plays a little song when it's done washing. Not an alarm. A song.

    Yesterday I went to the gym during lunch and perked up a little bit. After work, I finally got to walk Emma - clocked it when we got home and we went a little over 5.5 miles! Woo! But I spent the rest of the day in a fog. It's really tough for me to sit at a desk all day, and in the winter, I end up doing it 4-5 days/week. I find myself in this fog of "sitting boredom" often and I hate it. The rest of the year I stay very busy but there are a few months of winter where I don't have a lot to do...

    Dagmar, it's not just you. That is really gross. Hey, why don't we take it to a country fair and deep fry it, too?

    Hi Iris! Dagmar beat me to it - what kind of dog? I remember you mentioning wanting a dog a while back.
  • Quote:
    My new washer plays a little song when it's done washing. Not an alarm. A song.
    My old dishwasher did the same. It annoyed me that it had lights that flashed while it was running, played the song when it was done, and then didn't indicate that it was in need of emptying (my old Amana had a light that came on when it was done and stayed on until the door had been left open for a minute or two--indicating that it needed to be emptied). My new one doesn't make any noise unless there is a problem--then it has an alarm that sounds so you can go fix the problem before it runs the rest of the cycle. Then, once done, it props the door open a few inches to let out the steam and allow additional air drying so there are no spots! When the door is propped open, I know it needs emptying. I love this dishwasher!!!

    Lost another pound! Loving this diet as it's so easy. The only thing hard is figuring out what to feed DS.
  • Quote: is it me or is this too gross?

    Definitely Gross!!!

    Our new fridge makes a high pitched ding when the door is left ajar - until we got used to it DW and I would walk around the kitchen looking for the source.
  • ew, I'm agreeing with "gross" on the donut thing. I love donuts, but come on...

    The dog I'm fostering is a mix, we're thinking shepherd-sharpei. She's very sweet but also very shy and terrified of other dogs (something must have happened to her in the past). They rescue group I am working with is paying for some training and socialization classes so hopefully she'll gain some confidence there. As soon as she's done doing her business she high-tails it back toward the house - although I'm sure there are some potential adopters out there who would prefer a dog that doesn't love long walks.

    Allison, your dishwasher sounds amazing. Admittedly right now I'd settle for any old machine as the current dishwasher is me, but I can dream a little!

    Megan does the washer offer options of tunes? The house I'm renting has this silly doorbell that has a bunch of song options you can set it to. It was really exciting at first but they get annoying rather quickly, so luckily you can also choose a regular "bell" sound!

    Fitmom, I can't argue against Hawaii! =) I'm in Arizona right now and I STILL think it's too cold in the 50's and 60's.

    Dagmar, I'm glad to hear your dad finally showed some interest in the hearing aid. When they fit right and are good quality it makes things SOOOO much easier in terms of communicating!

    I signed up for a 4-mile trail race and it occurred to me last night that it's coming up quickly - Jan 29! I definitely need to up my daily distance (I usually do between 2 and 3 miles) and work on running (ok, jogging, I admit) hills. I'm know I won't have a competitive time but I still want to train and feel good about my personal participation in the race.
  • Hi guys! Still hanging in here, trying to keep my feet going in the right direction. Feels hard sometimes. DSS has had two great days in a row back at school, here's hoping he can keep that up. They are going to have him meet with the counselor every week and put him in a 'good choices' small group with other kids who are having trouble. I hope that helps.

    I've used my slow cooker two days in a row now - I'm hoping to find more things for it. I'm also taken aback by the multipart recipes. If I had time for a multipart recipe I would be cooking at home. LOL.

    Iris - you can be ready for the race! Rock it!

    Dagmar - glad that your dad is responding. That will make it easier.

    Fitmom - I could live in Hawaii...

    Megan - it took me awhile to get used to the song on my washer and dryer, but now I like it.

    Allison - sounds like the Nutrisystem is working well, yay! DS is a teenager- he'll eat anything.

    Jessica - I think 20 would be my line for the running, too. The coldest I've done so far is 26 and it was nippy.

    good day everyone!
  • Hi all.....

    Congrats Saef on your great job recognition! My dh also gets ranked and we're waiting to hear what his new ranking will be-- hopefully quite high as he works like a dog and travels 90% of the time.

    I also have a meal in my slow cooker today. I just bought a used copy of Fix it and Forget it Lightly and I'm trying it out. The recipe called for apricot nectar which I couldn't find. I bought apricot preserves but then googled apricot nectar and it said you could sub orange juice, so I put mostly orange juice and just a little of the preserves. I couldn't figure out how it would be low cal with a whole jar of preserves!

    I'm having a rough week. Dh is gone. Dd is still here until next Tuesday and she and younger dd had a GIGANTIC blow-up last night. It was ugly. I missed it as I was at yoga, but when I came out-- older dd was there-- she had walked in the cold to get out of the house (probably 1.5 miles-2 miles?). I got her side of the story on the ride home, and then younger dd's side of the story. What I have are two daughters who are very high-strung, rigid, and set in their ways-- we aren't used to older dd being home-- and we're all trying to be understanding and compassionate about her living with Tourette's. It isn't easy. I'm just hoping I make it till next Tuesday. I told dh when we spoke and he told me not to leave them alone together.... that sounds like a ridiculous solution.... Oh well... I guess they'll never be friends. I just hope they don't kill each other.
  • Quote:
    The recipe called for apricot nectar
    I think apricot nectar is more like a beverage, I think Kern's makes it (it's in a can).
  • Iwas going to say the same as Allison.Nectar is liquid and preserves are more like jam.
  • Michele, sorry you're having a tough week. Perhaps your DD's will get along better once they're out of the house. My sister and I fought constantly throughout her teens/my pre-teens until she left for college, and continue to fight whenever we have to be in the same house. We get along wonderfully if we only see each other for a few hours at a time though.

    Iris, sounds like a nice dog! Good luck on the race.

    Shannon, I hope the new school arrangement works out to help your DSS.

    My washer makes some "ding dong" type sounds when it finishes. The dryer (matched set) has similar ones, but the melodies are subtly different. It's great because I can tell which one finished from across the house so I know whether I need to come do anything or not.
  • MICHELLE So sorry to hear about your DD's blow-up. But thank your "older one" for me for the wonderful thank-you card I received today!

    Look for the blessings...sometimes they are hard to see!

    I wish I could have seen them in raising my nephew as they were happening rather than looking back...

    I would have been a better uncle/foster father...

    but it all worked out!

    Thanks be to God!

    ALLISON! I keep forgetting to tell you that, although Angie meets up with her sister at South Coast Plaza once or twice a year, I have not been there to see the shadow box. I drive past the mall often when I travel the 405. Maybe one day I will sneak over there or have Angie pull in one night coming home from visiting her sister in Huntington Beach.
  • rollin', rollin', rollin'
    Anyone ever watch "Rawhide"? (yep, I'm thaaat old). This is my very subtle way of segueing into falling off the wagon big time for the last 8 days. Mostly from the stress with my dad but there are other things too.

    So now I'm running behind (good exercise at least) getting ready to leap back on.

    I'm thinking I might join a face-to-face weight loss group, just to have some live social contact. I can't think of any groups except weight watchers. I am 137 lbs. right now and pretty muscular and fit looking. Would they even let me into the group?

    I think I need a group to address the emotional aspect of my eating, rather than the mechanics of dieting. Anyone got any suggestions?

