How do you get rid of water weight?

  • It's been 5 days since I restarted my weight loss journey. I have exercised 4 of those 5 days and have eaten well....but the only change in my weight is that I have gained a pound. I'm reading that this could be my muscles retaining water since my body is not used to me working out. If this is the case, that's great and makes me feel better...but how do I get rid of this water weight and actually start dropping pounds?
  • Time, and drinking lots of water.

    Some muscle healing you just have to wait out. But drinking extra water will help flush out lactic acid from your muscles and any extra sodium.

    I also really enjoy drinking warm water with fresh lemon juice. It has lots of potassium and seems to help with water weight, for me.
  • i've heard of 2 other things that help flush out lactic acid. #1 is a method athletes use, its an ice bath. that doesn't sound fun
    #2 is beer. Which isn't very conducive to weight loss lol. and i dont remember the science behind why it works, i just remember that is was sound.

    But honestly, i would just keep drinking lots of water, and let your body take its own natural course.
  • ice bath doesn't sound fun at all. And I don't like beer. Guess I'll stick to drinking lots of water
  • I always find drinking lots of water helps! Just don't drink it too late, or you'll be up all night. I still do this to myself sometimes.
  • A couple suggestions you may try:
    1. Add lemon to plain water
    2. Add 8oz cranberry juice to 48 oz water, like Northland, or make your own--unsweetened. Enjoy all day.

    Both lemon juice and cranberry juice have diuretic properties & may assist in ridding your body of excess water weight.
  • Quote: It's been 5 days since I restarted my weight loss journey. I have exercised 4 of those 5 days and have eaten well....but the only change in my weight is that I have gained a pound. I'm reading that this could be my muscles retaining water since my body is not used to me working out. If this is the case, that's great and makes me feel better...but how do I get rid of this water weight and actually start dropping pounds?
    taking vita b 6( 2 , 2 times a day. Morning and afternoon. )
  • It's due to torn muscle fibers swelling and retaining water (there's a misconception that this is due to retained lactic acid, which is not true. it is due to damaged muscle cells recruiting lymphatic fluid = swelling in response to damage)...this generally peaks 2-3 days after exercise and is gone 2-7 days later. It could take even take 2+ weeks if you're a slow healer. If you keep exercising, it'll take a while longer (unless you do light exercises, which helps). But it's ok! It'll eventually go away and you'll start shedding pounds fast! Just be patient and don't weigh yourself too much. Drinking lots of water helps (hypotonic fluid starts drawing electrolytes and thus excess water in your body out, getting rid of swelling).