UK Calorie Trackers?

  • Hey I was wondering if anyone knew of any good calorie/intake trackers (I think I'm using the right word... things you put all your food for the day in and you weight and it tracks it- gives you charts etc. I found a great one before that broke foods down into nutrients as well and tracked exercise) that are geared towards the UK? I've found a couple of good ones for the US but I often find it a bit awkward using them because either the foods are different here, are called something else or the portions are worked out differently here. Most of them allow you to add foods but that's rather tideous.

    So yeah it doesn't need to be a UK site or anything it'd just be good if there was one that did gear towards the UK. Oh and needs to be online and free!


    P.S I think this is the right forum or would this be better elsewhere?
  • hi my fitness pal is a good site and by reading the threads a lot of people on here use that one
  • I just found, create your own account and track your progress.
  • The one I am using right is "Perfect Diet Tracker", you can download it for a free trial. I have used many diet softwares, but this one is not only the easiest to use, but you can choose the country you live in and it accesses the data base for the country (you can change it anytime). I am using the UK selections and see food items from Tesco and Sainsbury and many UK brands. We are moving to Scotland in April, so I am testing out the software for that and then we are moving to Denmark after awhile and sure enough, it access all the Danish brands. I high recommend it. I am not sure what the final cost is, but if you chose to buy it on the first day of your download trial, it is $19. It then goes up each day of the trial until it is whatever the cost is. I prefer using a software I own rather than an online one, because I can keep the record and use it if I am offline.
  • I use mfp aswell and usually have to add quite a few brands but I don't really mind. I bought a cheap set of measuring cups in Aldi a few months ago to get in line with the US portion sizes that are more often used on there.
  • I have been using The Daily Plate on the Livestrong website and it actually has most of the UK products on there (such as Asda,Tesco, Sainsburys and Marks and Spencer).