Aussie Chicks 2012

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  • Hi Girls,

    It was quiet at the end of the year in our old thread but I thought with new year here that hopefully you'll all join me back here for another dedicated year of weight loss and motivation.

    I spent the new year in with my partner's friends and family which was great, however, my son is with his dad until the 10th January, so I am feeling a little bit low.

    I havent counted calories, WW points, exercise hours etc. for the past month. My partner goes back to work on Tuesday and I am committed to making a difference in my choices, that includes food and exercise.

    Hope to see you all back posting and welcome to some newbies.
  • Hi ...

    I'd like to join you again for the New Year??? .. I posted for a little while at the beginning of last year before I fell off the wagon ...

    Hoping to have a more consistent year this year ....

    I hope the weather is good in Australia as it is has rained the entire New years weekend here in the North Island .... and the forecast is not any better for Mon and Tues ....

    Take care .... I'm with you on trying to be better tracking etc ...
  • Welcome Back!!!

    We can motivate each other this year. Weather has been fabulous, Summer is here! Well sort of... the days are still mild but just the way I like it, cant stand the 40 degreess Summer days Melbourne is experiencing today.

    Today I am off to spend my last unfocused day with my partner... we are going to have lunch and see War Horse. Then thats it.... focus focus, plan, track, exercise!
  • I would also like to join. About a week ago I started the journey again (I had lost a large amount of weight about 2 years ago, but I didn't maintain my weight very well).

    Spending a lazy day with my daughter, but might do some just dance on the wii later.
  • Hey Vanessa and Cupoftea .... hope your day is going well ....

    I'm feeling good with the increased exercise .... I've been eating well too ... but hasn't shown just yet on the scale ..

    Hows the year started with you guys ??

    Still raining here though ....
  • Glad to hear you are feeling well after an increase in exercise.

    I have to admit, I have not been exercising like I should be which comes down to me continually making excuses. I am setting a goal to get to the gym at least 2 times next week and have 2 out of gym exercise sessions.
  • Hey Vanessa I speak to Von and Julia on facebook so don't post much here anymore. I am on and off with the boy - he still likes drinking more than I think he likes me. He is hard to resist and very sweet when he wants to be, but I know that I deserve better so we're not "together". We do have a strong attraction and are very comfortable with each other but I know that's not enough.

    I have been dating a lot lately to see what's out there.. it's raining men at the moment. It is hard to know what to do with all the attention since losing weight - I am not used to it and feels strange.

    Weight has been stable or slightly up over the holidays, but has settled now and back to tracking. Not exercising a lot lately but diet is the most important thing for me. Size 6's are tight but the 8's are still good and I know if I concentrate I will drop some weight quickly. I've lost about 2.3kg in the past few weeks since I started watching it again. The odd thing is that even gaining 3 or 4 kg feels SO uncomfortable now. I feel blobby and fat and disgusting.. which is so off when I used to be 30 or 40kg overweight and didn't do anything about it for so long. Now I can't stand my clothes getting tighter and immediately start tracking again.

    I am in my last semester of grad school as of last week... it is going to be CRAZY busy but I can't wait to finish. Now to figure out what the he!! to do.. have a few job offers and don't know which way to go.
  • I'd love to join this thread too
    I'm an Aussie girl originally from Western Australia but I'm currently living in Seattle with my husband. I've lost almost 20kgs but I'm looking to lose another 10kg or so. I lost the first 20kg very slowly over about five years and my focus is now about losing body fat and gaining muscle without bulking up.
    The weather is quite cold at the moment so I'm struggling with pushing myself out the door to get exercising.
  • Hi Getfitgirl ...

    Good luck with your goals .... I'll keep posting here if other people do ?? Though I'm not strictly an Aussie!

    Seattle .... is that a good place to live ?.... I use to think so when watching Frasier but now I'm watching The Killing I'm not so sure .... it is funny how you are influenced by TV programmes ... (I only mention it as my hubby and I were discussing how differently Seattle is portrayed in both programmes last night!!) ...

    In both programmes .... it does look like it gets a wee bit cooler in Seattle than Perth

    I always find it harder to exercise in the winter too ....
  • Well after good intentions on New Year's day, it really has taken me a month to get back onto plan.

    I went into WW tonight and reweighed in. What an eyeopener!!! I gained 6kg over the two months.

    Back to planning my meals again! Tracking, tracking and did I day tracking!!!

    I am sorry I have been absent but promise to visit everyday to give myself some accountability. Hope to see you regularly post too!
  • I havent tracked today, but I did cook my planned evening meal, Chicken, Asparagus and Ginger stirfry. It was a recipe I found in a 2009 WW magazine. Yummy!!!
  • SURPRISE............. I finally found you guys again. Lost my password (well forgot it) And have been busy. Hi Pacman good to see yr still about on here hehee. Maybe I just should have facebooked you and asked for the link? Much has happened in my life. met a man, broke up - have since gotten with a man I have knwn for about 34 years. and extremely happy. weight loss is very slow going but there isnt any real gain so thats always a bonus. I fluctuate between 62 and 64 now, but once I move back to the goldy i should be right with walking etc... Also have looked into PT stuff so probably going to go with that once a week at least will catch up on all soon, just wanted to pop my head in and say HI.
  • Hello ladies!

    In I slink with my head bowed. I'm back up to around 94-95kg, all that hard work undone! Tres frustrating but I'm finally in a place where I feel ready to start again at step one.

    I've joined up to a gym again and have my first session tonight. I'm looking forward to starting fresh at a new gym with a new program. It's been so long since I've done any weights I am feeling really weak and feeble and am looking forward to changing that.

    I don't have a "diet" plan as such at the moment, just want to concentrate on getting back into a positive routine with exercise to start with.

    Great to come back here and see some familar faces posting and some new ones too!

  • Well I had my first session at the gym and it was great. I got a 2 day split weight training program done for me and it has some weights that I know and some that are new to me.

    So excited to get started!
  • Had my second weights session last night and got through it ok. Arms are sore today! Looking forward to another workout tonight. It's amazing the flow on effect that getting back to the gym is having on me. I feel less inclined to binge on fatty foods and am starting to feel really positive.

    Also found a quote which I really like:

    The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do

    That really resonated with me when I read it so I have printed it out and stuck it to my mirror at home.

    Hope everyone is well