made a boo-boo

  • so, i'm calorie counting, and it's working out great for me.

    the thing is, i'm also working over time at work right now.

    according to sparkpeople (which is working great for me) my goal is 1,360 - 1,710. Typically I eat somewhere straight in the middle. I do Bikram yoga (proper calorie burn calculation for my body specifically is about 1200 in 90 mins- I count it at about 900 burn). I do this almost every day.

    Today is a bikram day. The issue is- I packed a lunch, bla bla bla ate well all day, bought myself a snack (99% chocolate- i allow myself some chocolate almost every day, it's not a binge thing at all). Anyways, I work in an office environment, and I was diverted to timbits in a meeting (BUT this was before the planned chocolate, so that's still hanging out in my desk, and I have no intention of eating it)

    my issue is, I have 26 calories left for the day. its 3 42 pm. I am not hungry right now, drinking water and going to the yoga.

    BUT the issue is, I will be home from yoga around 8 30, and wont be going to sleep until about 11 pm. I'm going to get home, and im not going to be SUPER STARVING but i'm going to be 1) dehydrated, and 2) going to need to do a little re-fuel.

    My original intended dinner was chicken noodle soup - i'm sick/on antibiotics so it's not from scratch, it's the lipton version, i have about 2 cups of it left (technically 2 servings, about 170 cals), but anyways i was intending to eat both of them. clearly that's not happening?

    alternatively i can probably eat some low fat 0% yogurt with berries, i can probably ring in a cup of the yogurt with some frozen raspberries for under 100 cals.

    anyways, I had a big bad loss today, aka lowest scaled weight to date. this is on TOM, and ANTIBIOTICS (which makes me think that an even lower weight is hiding under there, which made the 7 timbit decision a little easier- BUT I DON'T REGRET IT AT ALL!!!) HAHAH

    if you were in my position what would you do?

    1. wait it out.

    2. graze. - yogurt/raspberries - potentially something else? (grazing usually leads me to about 40 cals of crackers).

    3. have a regular dinner?

    other suggestions?

    sorry for the long scenario
  • I would have a light, but regular dinner.

    But I don't do well with the whole deprive myself of eating thing. I would be too tempted to binge on bad things.
  • I agree - you need to eat just keep it light and healthy. Your original planned meal sounds perfect
  • If it were me, I would eat the soup you had planned. But then again, I calorie cycle, so if I eat more than my calories on one day, I just make up for it on another day during the week. If going over your calorie count bothers you, you could always just eat your dinner and cut back 50 calories a day for a few days to make up for it.
  • If you're hungry, you need to eat! I also agree with lin43...I don't think there's anything wrong with adding 50-100 cals today when you're hungry and need it, and then planning out tomorrow with a 50-100 deficit to make up for it.

    Congrats on lowest weight to date!!!
  • I'd eat a regular dinner, then I would carry the extra calories over to the next day. So tomorrow, you would just eat on the very low end of your calories. A form of calorie cycling. This gives me peace of mind.

    Also keep in mind, if you are sick and on antiobiotics and such, you will be hungrier and will need to eat more.
  • hey ladies, thanks for the advice,

    unfortunately that didn't end so well for me, it ended in the soup, the yogurt, an apple/pb combination and some chocolate. probably still brought it in under an additional 300 calories, but i was HUUUUNNNGGRRRYYYY last night.

    normally, the additional calories don't bother me particularly, but i have 2 christmas parties this weekend, and very clearly the self control of a toddler ha ha.
  • What's a "timbit"?
  • Quote: What's a "timbit"?
    I just google it, its a doughnut hole in Canada. Oh yummmmm that sounds so good!
  • Quote: I just google it, its a doughnut hole in Canada. Oh yummmmm that sounds so good!
    Oh! I was thinking it was just a different name for 'tidbit'. Ha, ha! Glad I asked, thanks.