My intro-Making a Change (Again)

  • Hey all! I'm Brittney...I was around before last yearish....I did MRC and lost some weight...but got burnt out and gained 10 back.

    I just sort of realized that in just under 6 months I will turn 25. So I've set my goal of 150 by 25. I know that it totally doable if I can make a change.

    I psuedo eat healthy. I buy healthy things at home, try and cook low cal/fat/healthy dinners, etc. But I am a junk fooder. My office is by the vending machine at work. And I am guilty of pretty much a snack a day there. Then if I run errands at lunch, I might eat my healthy lunch but then get drive thru on my way back to work. Its ridiculous and I know it.

    I do work out. In fact, I teach Zumba. I currently teach 7 classes a week, and that is another excuse for me. "I'll be teaching 3 classes tonight, so I can eat whatever the heck I want."

    I'm going to make some changes in my life....adding in some weight training, working on stopping my junk food habit, changing up my eating, etc.

    I started a blog to track my progress. Anyone want to join the fun and work as my buddy?
  • Hi Brittney! I am Isis
    7 Zumba classes a week! Holy! I love Zumba but I am not very good at it, its rather embarrassing lol I used to be a junk & fast food addict, double cheese burger from mcD's?! GIVE ME 2! Ugh, I am glad to say I have kicked that habit!
    You sound like you have an amazing plan! As long as you can stay away from those vending machines and drive thru's then I am positive you will lose the weight. Especially doing all that Zumba! I would love to have a buddy to talk to, I am trying to lose the last 20lbs and its freaking difficult!
  • Hey Brittney!

    I'm also new here. I joined a while ago but my weight loss was going great so I didn't feel a need to post, however of the 24 lb I lost, I have gained back 14 So I'm ready to get back in control! I think the reason I did so well over the summer is that my sister and I were doing it together. She's at uni now so I've joined this forum as I find it so much easier to lose weight with someone else!

    Good luck with your weight loss
  • Welcome back! You can do it!