~~December Golden Girls~~

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  • Wow! It's been a busy couple days for GG. Lots of interesting topics.

    Freda - When my step-son was in the 12 YO range we dealt with him picking out clothes that were not our choice. I feel that it's OK to let them pick out weird colors if they are comfortable with them and will wear them. One time my SS picked out jeans and after he wore them decided he didn't like them. We had to battle that one out! We would not put more money into other jeans for him since they had been his choice, so he wore old beat up jeans rather than wear the ones he didn't like. His choice, and didn't cost us any more money. Now when step-daughter started pickout out things that were definately not age appropriate, we had to draw the line.

    Gayle - I agree with CK's suggestion. Management needs to actually work the job to understand the needs of the employees. We had that problem where I worked, too. It was a mail order pharmacy and the orders had to be worked in date order. No one else in my department would take the oldest orders first. They just grabbed orders randomly. A few times a day, I would stop and sort the orders, putting them in age order. Then when we were reviewed for productivity, I was told my productivity was down. That was because I was the only one stopping to sort the orders by date. This was people's meds. They had a right to receive them in a timely manner.

    Lynn - I am not a big sweet eater, and being diabetic, it's a good thing. I bake, but do very little tasting. My family wants those cookies!

    You're insurance was high! I paid $375 per month for mine, but it didn't include RX. At the time, mine were all generic so it wasn't a problem, until the DR started adding drugs that had no generic. $$$$$

    I too have lost my confrontational tendancies. But DH, who is usually quiet, has picked them up, big time! Sometimes I have to walk away when he is arguing with someone because I'm so embarassed by his yelling. LOL But he gets things taken care of.

    Wow! 208,000 miles. What kind of car is it? I need to buy a car that lasts that long. DH takes good care of our cars and they can last a lot of years, but we don't put those kind of miles on them. Good job!

    Karen31 - I lose my voice often. Several times so completely I could not make a sound. One time it lasted a month, so I went to an ENT and got it checked out. It was nodules on my vocal chords, that gradually went away. He said I need to keep my voice down and my talking to a minimum. DH LOVED that suggestion. LOL

    Donna - I put egg and bread crumbs in my meatloaf, but I don't do much kneading. I read somewhere that you should just mix it loosely with a fork so as not to make the meat tough. I will try kneading it more. Also, I used to buy whatever grade of ground meat that was on sale. Now I mostly buy the really low fat grade...92/8. Maybe the meat needs to have more fat in it to hold it together.

    Bobbi - I'm so glad I could help. I did several Google searches, with the artist's name and "bears" "green bears" etc. Each time I would get a list of websites to try. Some of them had so much stuff on them that I could not find your item when I scrolled down. Then I got lucky with this one. Would you sell yours? Or are you just interested in knowing the value?

    Rie - I don't know what kind of readings your Dad is getting with his diabetes, but I will say that you are in better control with yours than anyone else I have heard of, and I think your standards are really high. While that is a good thing, I have read lately that older people with heart disease should not try to have "tight" control over their diabetes. It can cause early death. They said an A1c of 7.5 is fine in these cases, even though the recommended number is 5 or 6. Mine run anywhere from 5.5-7.5 and my doctor is OK with that. And you know from posts I have made here that my FBS is not really very good. I know you want what's best for him, but he just might be ok with it the way it is. As far as working, I think it keeps older people living longer, having something to do like that. The work he's doing now is probably easier than the farming he did before. Yes? If it is putting him at risk, maybe the doctor can talk him into cutting back on his hours.

    When I got my C-pap, I refused a face mask. I use the nasal pillows. It was very hard to get used to, but I was told I had to use it at least 4 hrs per night for insurance to cover it and they called periodically for readings. At first I would take it off in the middle of the night, but eventually I got so used to it I even put it on if I lie down on the bed to watch TV. I always use the ramp feature and the humidity. My main problem is with nasal and mouth dryness. Since I've had this colostomy, I have gotten accustomed to sleeping on my back, and that is helping with my CPap also. When I was in the hospital I could not use my C-Pap because I had an NG tube in my nose that got in the way. They just kept me on oxygen during the night and I slept with my head elevated. If he can get used to using the C-Pap I think it will do him a world of good. Prayers going up for him.

    Marie - My irritation on my stomach is greatly improved. I talked to a wound care nurse at the hospital and she told me what to use and left some at the front desk for me. I think as long as the wound is not open or infected it will not interfere with the ability to operate. That's just my own un-medical opinion. LOL

    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • Hello Friends!

    Thank you to all of you for your well wishes and your concerns for me last night. What a great group this is! I woke early this morning to my ringing phone and the voice of my youngest son - wanting to chat. He has always been an extreme early riser and he used to come in to my room, sit on the bed, and talk to me in the mornings - laughing as I tried to sleep through the talks. What a kid. He said he figured that I wasn't sleeping well anyway so I might as well talk to him. I told him that I didn't know whether to hug him or strangle him and he laughed, saying, Mom, I'm 800 miles away

    I have a little more balance today and a little acceptance of Dad's decisions. In fact, it helped me to decide on his christmas gifts. I am getting him a collection of the old board games that we used to love: Yatzee, monopoly, aggravation, etc. A perfect gift for the guy who says he "doesn't need anything" for christmas.Thank you all, again, for being there last night.

    Today is the Toys for Tots Tournament. We have lots of prizes donated so we can sell raffle tickets and I am expecting a good crowd. I have everything organized and ready to go. I am going to wear my beloved Dallas Cowboys Santa hat (it is a tradition). I am looking forward to the day.

    Gayle, I agree with you about management. At least once per year, I work the floor along side my staff. I work a morning shift, an afternoon/evening shift, and an overnight shift. I also stop in frequently to see them when it is not regular business hours. It often makes them nervous but the old timers now understand. I like doing it and I learn from them.

    Carol, thanks for the reasoned response about the diabetes. I think you are right - Dad doesn't need the level of control that I desire for my blood sugar. I also know that dad feels that if there isn't apple pie in his life that he would rather not live longer..... I suppose it is a reasonable choice.

    Lynn, thanks for the link. I think the Mayo is good stuff.

    Red, I quit smoking two years ago. At first, I could tell you the exact number of days and hours since my last smoke. One day I realized that I didn't know how long it had been..... Hang in there - you can do it. And if you smoke, you will quit again, until one day you just quit.

    Marie, have so much fun with little Maddie! What great progress that they asked you. Wahoo!

    I am seriously out of time and I must go. Sorry for not getting personals done for everyone. Karen, Caddy Karen, Donna, Zoe, Freda, Isabella, everyone. I Love you and will say a prayer of thanks tonight for your friendship and support. Off to play pool.......

  • Good Morning, All…

    Rie - it sounds like your dad is going to be okay. I’m so glad for you, and I know how relieved you must be! Good thoughts abound! I hope you can gently guide him toward better health.

    Marie – enjoy that grandbaby! We’ll be looking for details! I’m glad that there’s progress in that whole situation!

    It's blizzarding here! The WF said "an inch or two"... as usual, they missed the mark! I don't mind the snow, and it's killing off the ants and other icky things that thrive in the summer! Yea! It'll be a nice to day snuggle with SamCat, read, crochet, and generally be indulgent. Hey! I still have to recover from that last 2% of ill health, right?

    Hope you all have a lovely day! Onward!
  • Good morning GG's,

    Good day so far. Sunny some of the time. Taking a break from my project. Got the pattern made for the scrub top (used one of the ones I bought to trace off and make a pattern, so I could make some of my own). Easier sometimes than trying to use a store pattern, because I already know it fits. A pretty Christmas print. Have cut out the pieces ~ very simple ~ a front, back, pockets and neck facing. Now taking a lunch break ~ then get it sewn. After that ~ the chili and WW soup.

    Maybe I am finally "growing up". In the past, when DH would go away, I would use that as an opportunity to celebrate and pig out. The whole time was consumed with getting food and then working at trying to get it all eaten in the alotted time. Tasted good, but what a waste of time. This is much more rewarding ~ "doing" something I want to do and accomplishing something.

    My eating is ok, not too bad, but this time it is not the focus of my enjoyment. Hope that attitude holds through the evening ~ don't know why, but that seems to be the time when I struggle most with wanting to stuff my face.

    Mom was funny last night. She has alzheimers, but last night she was "cooking on all 4" and said some really funny things. I can't remember them all, but the one that stuck with me was......I had told her about my headache and then told her later in the evening that my headache was gone. She said ~ oh it flew east. I didn't catch on at first, then I got it ~ she was referring to DH going to NC to visit. LOL ~ good one mom.

    Oh, DH has send some pictures of Evie ~ loveing that (Here are a couple)

    Ok, break over ~ gonna go sew. Hope to get the personals done this evening.

    Hope you all are having a good day

  • Wheeez....hellllo from windy Florida. The town Christmas parade is tonight, the floats may end up in the Atlantic....thats 120 miles due East of here!

    I went and bought a small Martha Steward tree. Bought new numbers for the mail box and had to chase the bag across the lawn. If you are were planning on going to the parade it's too late. Everyone has backed their pickups into place and posted chairs. Imagine even at 9am it would have been to late.

    I'm going to the bridge club Christmas party Fri. It's potluck. Think I'll make pasta salad on a stick. Made them a couple years ago and someone pick off the stuff they like and stuck the sticks back in the dish.

    Gayle....i agree total with you about they should work a week with what they suggest. When I was a DON I prided myself in never asking a staff member to do anything I hadn't done. Often rolled up my sleeves and dug in. My first headnurse as a student was Miss Ott an old time Belleview Nurse....with a uniform strached and had 32 surgical buttons up her sleeves. And she was MISS OTT. I was assigned a prep of a 500lb woman and was just starting when a second pair of hands started pushing the flab around for me....yup MISS OTT. Good job on stay busy with happy work home alone.

    Rie...So glad your Dad is getting his SA taken care off. About the apple pie. My diabetic husband would eat dog poop if it was wrapped in apple anything. Guess from 7-8 generations of fruit farmers that is genically code in. Anyway I make him apple tarts in mini muffin tins with brown sugar'nsplenda. Even bake him an apple....core it stuff 2 raisins, couple walnut pieces in bottom of the hole and fill with brown sugar and splenda. And bestest is the apple omlet with apples sauteed with ICBINB lite(I can't believe its not butter) and brown sugar/splenda. We have kept his BS around 110-125 for over 12 yrs, he has been in 2nd stage renal failure for about 15 yrs. He's probably the same age as your DF.

    Donna...so glad you are getting better. Was about to send someone over to treat you for hairballs. Snow on the weekend....wrong.

    Marie....Your are so right about the friends here on GG. They seem like sisters/BFF. Someone always has something wise to say when you have hit bottom. Who would believe cyber hugs could mean so much?

    Zoe...Now don't loss too much because they won't believe you are old enough to retire!

    I need one old shoe lace....just one. I have set out 3 times to pick up a pair and forgot forgot forgot. If I had a head I'd be dangerous.

    Carol Sue...when is the reversal scheduled? I have slept on my stomach for 70 yrs until had the surgery in June. Have to surround me with pillows to keep me from popping over(and boy does that wake me up fast).

    Rosie....I have been thinking about the tummy tuck. Oh my does that sound wonderful!

    Lynn...okay what did you do to get the students that quiet?

    Freda...I know you are at a game somewhere today.

    Red...I quit smoking 1/20/00. Smoked 3 packs aday. I missed the cigarette with first cup of coffee for months. I can't stand the smell anymore, but stick a pencil between my fingers like a cigarette...phewwwwww....orgasmic! So baby been there and done that and you can to.

    Lyn....We need Christmas pictures from the Cape. Such a pretty part of the world.

    hugs to everyone I missed...K3

    ps DH justasked what I was doing and replied talking to my friends.
  • Sissy hurt her back right knee about an hour ago and right now won't walk. I think she popped her knee out of socket and hopefully it will go back in. I gave her a rimadyl and right now she is resting here on the couch next to me. If she still won't walk on it Monday I will get her to the vet. Poor Baby! She is still eating and drinking good and liking me carrying it to her! I'll give it the weekend as long she seems to be doing OK. Prayers for her please
  • Hi all, Maddie is napping so I thought I’d work on my weekend project. My mom mailed me her laptop because no one in my family that lives in MN wouldn’t help her. So I was going to rebuild it. I think there is something seriously wrong with it. It blue screens of death (Windows – I hate windows) during installation. I’ve tried two OS disks. The DVD drive seems like it works but I’m wondering if that is the problem. I might run into town or wait till Monday and grab an external DVD drive. I’m not sure. Perhaps I should have let her buy a new one. It’s very odd problem. From her description of the problem, I swore it was software.

    Maddie and I are doing all right. I’m still not a baby person but 9 months is now interactive so we’re doing all right. Right now I have a Bruce concert on the TV since she’s not a quiet go to sleeper. I just threw out the Thanksgiving leftovers before my DH ate anymore. He ate some of the turkey yesterday. Goofball eating a butterball.

    Blizzie had her vet appt and it didn’t go well. I showed the vet the red mark I found on her tummy. She had a biopsy and blood work. She’d lost some weight but until today I wasn’t worried. Now I’m worried. Her vet called with the blood work results and a liver function test had twice the normal numbers. So this isn’t a good ING account. On the good side, they did trim her toe nails.

    BTW, Bruce Springsteen is so damn sexy. I’m ready to drool. 50” TV is good for more than just watching the Packers play.

    Carol Sue, I’m glad the rash is getting better and the reversal is still on schedule. And great information you provided to Rie.

    KarenFL, enjoy your Christmas parade. I really think you should hire someone to get your decorations out of the attic. Nancy is getting me in the Christmas spirit. And what is ICBINB. I’ve made the cored apple in the microwave with a touch of cinnamon and brown sugar and raisins. Yummy. I got the recipe from Hungry Girl.

    KarenMO, I hope Sissy is recovering. Our furbabies are so precious and when they hurt, I think we hurt more for them than when we hurt ourselves.

    Rie, I’m glad your father is doing all right. He is right that being so restricted from what one loves makes the question of quality of life questionable.

    Gayle, when I reluctantly sew, I get so mad when the store bought patterns don’t fit. I’ve done what you’re doing and use an old outfit to make a pattern but I just don’t like sewing enough to do it. When I was very heavy, sewing was the only way I could get clothes I like. A nice side benefit of being a normal size now. My sewing machine is dusty. Evie is beautiful!

    Donna, all summer you went on and on how you wanted cold Old Man Winter to show up. Your wish has been granted. BTW, I hate that you compared yourself to Vinnie Plum, even favorably, since I’m listening to Explosion Eighteen and Vinnie just filled a guys Mercede with a pile of horse dung (I’d use the word they used but it would be bleeped). So I as listened, I started picturing you doing that to your GM’s medical insurance company. I guess I laughed harder at the book’s scene than warranted.

    Chickadee, central Wisconsin? Are you a fellow cheesehead?

    Red, no caving this weekend to the cigarette. You must win the war. Fight it. Put a pencil in your fingers like KarenFL suggested and have a high octane espresso.

    While I wrote this novella, I tried an unused Windows Vista CD in my mom’s computer. So far it is working (of course it’s not done so who knows). If it works, she’ll be upgraded to what I consider the worst OS Microsoft released. Poor Mom.

  • Good morning all. Sunday here. I have SO much to do before the cat-sitter comes tonight, before two article deadline tomorrow morning and before leaving for HK on Wednesday. Help!! I wasted yesterday in utter depression and dejection over things in my life. Eating was not good and I was unable to get to the gym. I almost went, had my bag packed and the sun had come out after a cold and rainy morning, then by the time I was ready to compose myself and go, it was cloudy and yucky again so oI didn't go. Saturdays have been like this recently. Not good. Also, the quake alarm yesterday morning had further disrupted my sleep and I had slept in once the fear had subsided enough. Anyhow, deadline pressure today should get my arse in gear.

    But, I did NOT smoke. I was not really even interested in quitting smoking these months. Not at all. I wanted to have something I wanted that I could actually enjoy, forget it all. Yes, I know...stupid, but my life has been crazy and it was an excuse. Even now, or should I say, almost now, I am not really committed to quitting. But now I'm thinking, if I've gotten this far -- five full days -- maybe I should. And all your words, especially those from the ex-smokers, have really helped bring my thinking around. There is nothing worse than being told my some non-smoker that I should quit. To me that is an instigator to continue. But, I now can maybe make this MY thing. I have gotten the feeling recently that fellow smokers don't want me to quit but it's more just because they don't want to see me stronger or themselves to feel weaker. Now, THAT bothers me big-time!

    Still, my main goal is to lose weight, not to stop smoking. That said, I want to lose it healthily and my lungs and heart need to be in better shape. That will help the weight loss. It's not just about eating less and less. So, yes, in that way, smoking is a part, isn't it?


    Rie -- Firstly, let me say I am glad your father is accepting help. My thoughts are with you and I wish you and him the best. I'm afraid I know nothing about sleep apnea. However, just maybe my father might have had that years ago. Not sure... In any case, if it was that, he carried on for years after (is 80 now). You have to accept another's decisions when it comes to their life, lifestyle and health. That is the hardest, but it's the only way, unless you want to make them miserable. Yes, of course, that may mean losing them as well, but only the person him/herself knows what makes them feel like living. I know for me it would make me very angry to have someone telling me what I want or should want. You MUST repsect others' wishes even if they hurt.
    Well, on another note. Your son calling sounds adorable. But, I may be missing something but why is he 800 miles away. You are at home, right? I'm sorry if I'm missing something here.
    And yes, it really helps to hear from other smokers, now ex-smokers. Yes, I quit before and it stuck for 15 years. That is so hard to imagine now. This time it's different. This time I have fallen into some kind of truly hate myself mode because life has been so bad and I can't understand why. To me it's a sign to change my ways but I can't see anything I've been doing wrong. Thus, the motions of utter frustration, i.e., smoking. Of course, I realize that smoking doesn't help anything, I guess it's more just a cry for help, one that doesn't help, but gets me through the day (evening).

    Karen3 -- Wow, you were like me when drinking. Otherwise, I will put away tops a pack in the evening. I never smoked before evening although recently one person at work has been tempting me to join her in the early afternoon. I have said no! Pencil in the fingers like a cig. Yeah, pathetic as it is, it feels....familiar and somehow thus soothing.
    What is a Martha Stewart tree? Is this an artificial tree?

    Marie -- Thank you! I love your words. That's the kind of toughness I need to get my fighting spirit up. Anger is my biggest strength. Anger before it collapses into frustration. Up to that point it is like fuel on the fire. After that point, the tears put out any fire that may have been starting. Yes, an espresso, caffeine, another junkie fix. But, really, when I think of some of the younger people around me that are into popping all sorts of pills in the clubs (something I have never done) I guess I'm not so bad off, am I?
  • Another day spent far too much online, but I did get the family room vacuumed at least and have hung a few ornaments on the tree (Joe brought down from the attic) and set a few other decorations around the room. Made plans with our neighbors who are moving to come over next week to say our goodbyes. We are sad that they are leaving...we have been neighbors for 34 years! She delivered my last baby on the living room floor 34+ years ago! We have helped each other with this and that through the years and we will feel lost for a while not having them across the street. We are all getting older and the house was a bit too much for them now. I'm sure it will come to us too in time (my dh is actually older)...and just today he was saying, I feel like I'm going downhill. Scares me to have him say that...I mean, I know he's old enough to feel it but he's always been so strong and I depend on him a lot. Plus we still have so many plans. I think this house thing has hit him pretty hard, but still he often encourages me.

    Red - I'm glad you didn't smoke! To me it isn't just about losing weight but being healthy and smoking is a real concern when it comes to health. But it has to be your choice or it won't work. I know when my dh reminds me not to eat so much it doesn't help me, I have to choose it for myself. So I agree with you in what you said to Rie. But sometimes I wish I weren't so stubborn and could listen and learn from my dh about eating. He is so disciplined. I wonder where all those young people you spoke of will be in 30, 40, 50 years? But perhaps they will wake up in time. I hope so.

    Marie - sounds like you're having a nice evening...Maddy and Bruce.

    Glynn - I can relate to eating when hubby is away...glad you are growing up, I'm still rather childish I'm afraid......but I do long to finally be a grown up when it comes to eating!
  • Good evening GG's,

    Well, I got the scrub top done. Took longer than I had hoped. I had a problem with the neck and had to do it over a couple times to get it right. At least now, I think I have the bugs worked out of it and when I go to make another one sometime, it should be a little easier.

    Got the chili made, but not the other soup I had hoped to make.

    I was hoping to get to some personals tonight, but had unexpected visitors ~ a hungry little girl and her mommy ~ LOL. Sara and Maddie were out taking a walk to look at the christmas lights in the neighborhood and stopped in to visit. And of course she was hungry. Had a popsicle and an hard boiled egg. She and Grandpa cook up a batch of hard boiled eggs (because DH says Dr Oz says it is ok to eat an egg every day.) She was looking for Grandpa and was kind of sad when she remembered he was in NC. So we used the skype thing and she got to talk to Grandpa and Aunt Jenny.

    Then she wanted to play some games and read a book. I love that they live close enough that they can just pop in like that.

    I'd better get to bed soon ~ things to do tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a good rest.

    Take care
  • I can't believe how fast this thread moves, especially on a weekend! I'm super busy right now getting ready for my little trip. Did an extra Christmas practice yesterday afternoon and last night got all the gifts wrapped. Today I have regular practice time and DH wants stew made so he can have some while I'm gone. My mind is whirling with even more stuff to do. I'll have to write it down as I think of the things that have to be done or I'll miss something. Rie, glad things are working out all right for your dad. Red, put down that cigarette. My MIL quite last year after 60 years of smoking. Don't wait that long. Gayle, post a pic of your new scrub when it's finished. I've read all the posts and everyone is so busy this time of year. A big wave to everyone. I'll post again when I return or maybe tonight if things slow down.
  • Karen3- My reversal is scheduled for Friday, December 9. I am a basket case, not necessarily about the surgery, but about the things the doctor has told me could go wrong, such as I could end up needing an illiostomy for the next 2 months. Right now I feel that I cannot go another day with this darn bag. I know there are people who have to have this for life and I don't know how they do it. And on the subject of tummy tucks, I keep asking the doctor to do one on me while he has me cut open. Just cut off a big glob of fat. How hard can that be?

    Marie - The irritation on my stomach isn't a rash. It's a crater the size of a nickel where the wafer pulled off a hunk of skin. I started getting careless with taking the wafer off. You are supposed to hold your skin taut while you gently pull the wafer away from your body. Pulled too fast and rip!!!

    Gayle - With all my heart and cholesterol problems, one of my favorite things to eat is eggs. I just can't give them up, and Egg Beaters just don't cut it, especially for hard boiled eggs. LOL I have heard so many things about them not being as bad a people think, but that could be information put out there from the egg producers. I have also heard that cholesterol problems are mostly caused by the excess produced by your body, and very little from dietary cholesterol. I want to believe it. When I eat an egg, DH says "Chalk up another clogged artery!". And I really loved your mother's comment about the headache going away. I'm going to steal that one!

    Red - DH and I both quit smoking cold turkey when he had his heart attack in 1993. If he handn't quit I would not have been able to. I could very easily go back to it but I won't because I don't want him to be the winner. LOL I find it hard to believe that you were addicted to smoking if you didn't smoke until evening. To me, a smoker is someone who lights up a cigarette the minuite they hang their feet over the side of the bed in the morning. DH used to get up in the middle of the night and have a cup of coffee and a cigarette and come back to bed. It seems that the pressure is really on for smokers to quit, but I wonder, if all the smokers in the world quit, the tobacco industry would go belly up. All those jobs would be lost. And all that tax money that the government gets from the sale of cigarettes would have to come from somewhere else. I don't want it coming out of my pocketbook. I want to put THAT money in a slot machine! LOL
  • Good monring GG’s,

    Early here ~ just starting to get daylight ~ don’t know yet rather it will be sunny or what. (That was when I started typing this ~ now is some time later and it is daylight, but not shiny. Oh well ~ maybe the sun will come out later.)

    Mary ~ you are not alone ~ I don’t always succeed at being grown up about the eating, and still from time to time do battle with my inner child like you have described. But it does seem like the grown up part of me is in charge more often here lately.

    Red ~ way to go on not giving in to that urge to smoke. Awesome!!!! Donna’s word Puny I think is used in certain areas of the country. I had never heard it until I lived in North Carolina. One of Donna’s words that we all like is: Gork (I think meaning just kind of taking it easy and relaxing). One of my favorites from different places I have lived was “wicked” in Maine. Used instead of very in a sentence. Instead of “very cold” ~ they would say “wicked cold”.

    Marie ~ glad you got to spend time with Maddie . Sorry Blizzie didn’t have such a good dr’s visit ~ hope she will be ok.

    CK ~ how is Sissy today? Hope her knee will get better. Any more house news?

    K3 ~ did you enjoy the Christmas parade? Glad you were able to get a little tree. I was feeling kind of bad because the last couple years we didn’t put up a tree at all. It just seemed too much trouble to go to, but I missed having something to make it feel “christmasy”. So DH found me a little “pre-lit” tree on sale at the Dollar store. I decorated it with small silvery garlands and little red velvety bows, and a glittery silver snowflake on top. That works

    Donna ~ are you snowed in? Did you and SamCat have a nice day relaxing, snuggling, reading, crocheting and indulging? I like how you do your posts in the red and green ~ very festive

    Rie ~ any new developments about your dad? How is he doing with the c-pap? I use one and it does help. How did your toys for tots pool tournament go? Glad you got a chance to visit with your son.

    Carol Sue ~ I’m glad your rash is better and that your surgery is still a go. Excited for you. With my c-pap, I use the ramp and the humidifier and still have the dry mouth ~ any suggestions? I like the Russian Tea Cakes you mentioned. My sister used to make those at Christmas time for gifts.

    Chicky ~ how is your thumb doing? What sewing project are you working on now?

    Rosey ~ your day of listening to Christmas music and gift wrapping sounded nice. I used to like to wrap and watch the movie White Christmas while wrapping.

    Andi ~ hope you are feeling better and that you got to have fun putting up your tree and Christmas decorations.

    Bobbi ~ how is the baking going? You are a strong woman ~ to be able to bake and then resist.

    Lynn ~ sorry about your car troubles. Glad your daughter could go with you and help you get things straightened out.

    Freda ~ I think my brother (a trucker) got into some of the flooding you mentioned. He posted on Facebook that in some area he drove through water 3 feet deep. Hope work is going well this weekend.

    Isabella ~ have a safe trip on Monday and enjoy the time with your family.

    Zoe ~ sounds like you are doing well ~ back on the wagon and hanging in there with it ~ way to go.

    Nancy ~ I don’t like fruit cake, but your homemade fruit cake sounds like it might be good. The store bought ones are yucky. I have said that if the only food around to eat were fruit cakes, I wouldn’t have a weight problem ~ LOL. Has your tree survived the kittys so far?

    Welcome Connie ~ glad to have you join us.

    Hello to TeaGranny, Lyn, Donna Marie and Darcy ~ and anyone else I might have missed.
  • Hello again,

    The sun hasn't come out yet ~ kind of dark and dreary here right now. Gave me an excuse to turn the Christmas tree lights back on It is a little pre lit tree and I was trying to not have them on during the daytime and wear them out sooner.

    I was just wondering if you all put up a tree anymore or what. The last couple years we didn't ~ it just seemed like too much trouble. But I felt kind of bad about that ~ like something was missing, so we got a little pre-lit tree ~ have it sitting on a little end table. It meets my need for something Christmasy

    Weighed this morning and was pleasantly suprised to have lost 1#. I haven't been "good" all the time, but enough I guess to make a little progress. I keep in the back of my mind K3's words of wisdom she encouraged us with:
    "It Is Okay We Are Programed From The Time We Were Born To Fail At Dieting Over The Holidays.....but We Will Still Get Up Every Morning And Try. We Are Strong Smart And Damn Fine Ladies Who Can Do Anything. We Are Already Beautiful And We Just Want To Perfect Ourselves. Cheer Up.....now Pull Up Those Bloomin Bloomers And Get Going With The Best Month Of Your Life.....because You Are Golden Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Karen3 Thanks Karen.

    I figure that if I make good choices most of the time ~ even if I am not perfect all the time, that it is better than just throwing in the towel and having a bigger mess to deal with. In this way, I have been able to enjoy some of the holiday treats and not feel deprived ~ while not going hog wild

    Going with Sara's family in a bit to see the Cirque Du Soleil. I have never been before. So, guess I'd better quit fooling around and finish getting ready.

    I tried to attach a picture of my little tree, but it said it was the wrong size and I don't know how to fix that.

    Hope you all are having a good day.

    Take care
  • Good Morning, All…

    Probably a quick drive-by today… I’m doing laundry (smells nice!) and am getting caught up on the emails from overnight I need to delete. Bah! Cold here, but we didn’t get any more snow after it stopped yesterday afternoon. The WF are predicting more. It’s fine with me!

    KarenFL – I loved your story about Miss Ott! She sounds like a pip and a great boss! Too bad there aren’t more like her… And thank you so much for being concerned about my possible hairballs! I DO wonder about that on occasion! I’m actually feeling quite fit and fiddle. My 2 ½ minutes of exercise every day continues to do wonders on the hip. Now I wonder if those docs are just, um, like, STUPID??? If the arthritis was THAT bad, how can this little fix make it all better??

    Rosey – I’d LOVE to be able to get my “apron” nicked off… I don’t think that will ever go away, even if I increase my exercise to 3 minutes a day. Are you still in the talking stages or is something set?

    – how is our Sweet Sissy? I hope she’s much better this morning and that you don’t need a vet to get her knee back into place. Pets and pats and good thoughts (and much concern from SamCat!).

    Marie – how did the Maddie visit go? I hope you enjoyed! And I’m chortling, too, about the horse dung episode (wide-eyed innocence!) from the new Stephanie Plum book. I haven’t read the book yet (it’s on the way), but I’m looking forward to it.

    Did you figure out what was wrong with your mom’s computer? My ComputerGeek has tried twice to strip the hard drive and reinstall, without success, on my old PC. He said that nasty and horrible virus also affected the hard drive, and he’s continuing to try to find a solution. He’s very good at what he does, so that virus must have been completely evil. I still don’t know where it came from! How’s your Blizzie doing? SamCat also sends meows to Blizzie and to Kai.

    Isabella – have a good trip! See you when you get home!

    Red – my mom quit smoking on April 15th after 63, yes, 63 years! She just woke up and decided she was tired of it and… quit. She has a spine of steel. Of course, she turned into the most horrible, miserable, cranky, horrible, miserable old crone you can IMAGINE; however, we all survived it. She doesn’t even remember (she says) all the terrible things she said and did. Good luck to you. And on another note, I’m so very curious how the Japanese think and talk about us? Is America a laughingstock to them?

    CarolSue – oh, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through! Good thoughts, good thoughts, good thoughts!!

    Rie – how’s your papa?

    Gayle - just read your post... I think it's really sweet that your DH bought you a little tree! Way cool! And enjoy the Cirque Du Soleil! I've heard that it's a fantastic production!! Good job on getting your sewing completed, too!

    Lynn, Bobbi, PT/Zoe, Freda, Nancy, Everyone I forgot (sigh!)… hope you’re having a good weekend! I’m snuggled in…!