How is it that one moment I am feeling wonderful and the next like a balloon?

  • It is an easy answer. As I have put on a few lbs here and there over the last few years, my "once a month" struggle has gone from my clothes fitting tighter for a few days to I'm spilting out the zipper on my new slacks this morning. *sigh*

    There doesn't seem to be any way for me to counteract the metobolic changes almost 4 years out, diet and exercise has become a way to slow down the weight gain but not turn it around or so it feels this morning after the zipper spilting.

    In any case, my wonderful husband just hugged me and let me complain a bit then sang to me "I love my baby just the way that she is...." I love him!!
  • Smart Hubby LOL

    Hang in there Ang, if anyone can figure out a way to whip this baby back into control its you.