The towel test and 59 pounds lost.

  • What is the towel test? Having been fat most of my adult and teenage life, the only towels I could really fit round myself without being exposed anywhere were beach towels. 59 pounds later, and 12 inches round my waist gone, I can fit into a regular sized normal person towel. I can wrap that sucker around myself without busting out! How cool! It really is the little things sometimes!
  • Super congrats! I might try the towet test tonight!
  • Congrats!
  • YES! I didn't know it had an official name, very cool. At my heaviest a normal towel wouldn't close all the way. More like an open teepee. LOLOL It is so weird wrapping that baby all the way around and tucking it near my back!

  • Awesome! I'm looking forward to it!
  • Good job!
    That is a victory worth acknowleding I have this wrap for after showers or swimming and I just noticed yesterday that I can actually wear it and have it close so I don't end up flashing some poor person in my family lol

    Way to go! Don't you just love those little surprises that come with the weight loss? Congrats and keep up the good work!
  • What a great NSV! Congrats!!!
  • Thanks, all. ^_^ I love those surprises! Chickie, that's just the name I made up on the fly to make it sound cooler. It's got no official name. :P
  • isnt it a great milestone?

  • What an awesome NSV!
  • Awesome!
  • Congrats!! That is awesome!!
  • That's awesome! Congrats!