Considering WLS with Triwest

  • Hello, New here so bear with me...
    I have an appt scheduled for the 14th to approach my new PCM about WLS. Specifically, gastric bypass. We just PCS'd here a month ago and prior to this I'd been keeping documentation for 2 years with my old PCM about all weight loss attempts. He even referred me once to a surgeon but I chickened out after all the appts were made. I was 275 lbs Aug 2010 when I went to see him and decided to give it one more shot on my own. My husband deployed a month later and I walked into the GNC store for the very first time. I let the sales clerk talk me into a lot for the 4 months my husband was gone and as a result, was hospitalized twice, once for dehydration and the 2nd time (New Years Eve wknd) for Pancreatitis. I lost a total of 55 lbs and as soon as I stopped popping pills and working out 4 hours a day, I eventually gained 30 of those pounds back.
    I gave it another attempt over this past summer, after miscarrying for the 4th time. Lost another 15 lbs - with the help of a new pill again from the GNC store. But as soon as I stopped taking the pills, started packing our house up for our cross country move, I gained the weight back and then some. Frustrating.
    So, now that we are here and unpacked, I have decided, I am tired of popping pills. It's not good for my health. Eventually, I had to have my gall bladder out. The surgeon said it didn't even have a blood flow and that most likely it'd gone bad because I was trying so many extreme diets. A few weeks after that hospitalization in July I was back in for issues with my kidney's - I wasn't making any urine and I'd lost the sensation of my bladder. Hello catheter.
    I have 2 kids and a husband here that is very concerned for me. Not only because the weight is coming back on but because I'm so desperate to lose this weight. I've been this size for almost 5 years now and my joints are tired, my body is tired, I can hardly sleep, etc.
    I eat decently, I walk daily a few miles, when I go through these spurts of "needing to lose the weight now" I run several miles a day, lift weights, etc and do decently well - but I also cannot lose weight without taking any kind of supplement. I've tried - several times. Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers x 3 and Lean Cuisine never helped either.
    So, I'm back at this point that its now or never. If the DR says, yep, let's do it then I am all for it. Before I left the last base, the DR there said I have tendonitis/arthritis in my right foot. I can't walk very long, let alone exercise on it very long unless I plan to be on my butt with my foot up all day long the next day. It hurts all the time it seems.
    I am also having trouble with my back. Constant lower back pain. DR examined it before we left last base and said there was significant inflammation. He prescribed anti inflammatory and pain medication which I went through in a month. I am continuing to have trouble and at night it is the worst. Can't lay flat on my back or my side for that matter because then my hips hurt. I'm constantly tossing and turning (so my husband says).
    Insomnia has gotten out of hand as well. It takes me hours to sleep and when I do sleep its very fitful. Is this grounds for a sleep condition that would qualify me for WLS?
    What about my back or my feet? DR said could be tendonitis/arthritis in the back but would need to do MRI and we didn't have time for that at the last base before PCS'ing.
    I am under the BMI 40 this time around, I think around a 36 this time. But joints are hurting and sleeping has become a constant problem. Is this grounds for surgery? I've been told Triwest is easy to work with here but I'm trying not to hold my breath. I don't want to keep gaining weight until insurance says OK but at this point, I can't work out without pain so eventually the weight will come back.
    Should I pursue it or just wait and see?
    Thanks... if you made it this far.
  • I'm not sure what Triwest's requirements are but some insurance requires you to be in excess of the 40 BMI mark OR have enough co-morbid conditions before they will approve it with a smaller BMI or period. The co-morbids most consider are diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, asthma, structural problems (like the back and foot), sleep apnea, high cholesterol and triglycerides. I'm sure there are others but those are the ones that jump out at me right now.

    Some insurance will only approve the lap-band for lower BMI patients (lightweights). It all depends on your circumstances and your plan. Best thing to do is to keep the appointment and see what they say.

    Keep us posted and if you have any questions yell. Also, be sure and check in after your appointment.

    Take care,
  • What Red said... Tricare wouldn't approve me for WLS at 280 lbs and I had comorbidities... Tell us a little about what you've tried when you haven't been popping pills. It needs to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Please, do not flame me for this. Have you tried a whole foods diet? I have lost over 100 lbs. I had originally thought about WLS too because I was so tired of the weight. However, when I got REALLY serious about it, not trying pills or some diet that cost money, the weight came off. I did research for about a month, a lot of research. I read about what foods I should be eating to make my body the healthiest that I could possibly be. 90% of my diet is fruits and vegetables. I do not eat meat or animal products anymore. People say that's too extreme. To me, having your body cut open and altered in an unnatural way was too extreme for me. I am not putting anyone down who has had the surgery. I can understand it completely. I am just saying that I would exhaust all other avenues. The pills are just wrong. You are forcing your body to lose weight through unhealthy measures. Been there, done that. It is the worst way to lose weight. I don't know you, but I could definitely hear the desperation in your voice. A year and a half ago, I was in the same place that you are right now. My whole life has changed and yours can too. Feed your body only what it needs for excellent health. No pills, no junk food, no frozen frankenmeals.
    Good luck!
  • I just had surgery(September 13th, 2011) with Tricare. I was 292lbs 5'9" tall with no other problems. I was approved in a week.
  • Yikes Sara!! <and please tell me that you're not using your real name here!]. there's no two ways about it - YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! normally, when people are in pain like you have, they take antiinflammatories for awhile, and the pain becomes manageable. BUT, with your kidneys, that might not be such a good idea.

    orthotics might help the tendinitis and back pain [badly fitting shoes without support ya know], but again, the doc should be able to help you, even if it's with a referral.

    but most important, ya gotta stop this pill/lose/regain/panic cycle!!!

    breathe - go to the doc. tell him/her everything [and yes, you are even permitted to print out your posts from here and take them with you!].
  • @LayLay - where abouts are you? What type of Tricare? I've heard stories like yours and then like the other girl, where there were factors, above the BMI and they were denied. I'm just not certain what to do anymore. I have stopped taking diet supplements, I stopped back in September. I'm on my last month of prescribed birth control (Nuva Ring) and I'm at this point where, if I don't get the referral, I'm going to seek out another (new) DR here to try and help us get the answers we need for all of my miscarriages - and hopefully bring home a new baby. Honestly though, I really, really want the WLS. There is desperation - its something I've been struggling with for years now, keep flip flopping, getting pregnant and losing another baby. It'd be nice to be able to focus on ME for once, get this under control and then TTC when I have me all together again. I don't know if I'm making the right choice, but I do know I need some support - hence the reason I posted here. I've tried everything it seems... but regardless, if they were to deny me, the pain in my back and feet needs to be addressed and will be hopefully at my appt on the 14th.
  • I had my surgery in South, Tricare south region.
  • laylay where in Sc are you? i am just outside of charleston.
  • Chipper- I grew up in Summerville. All of my family lives there. I had my surgery at MUSC. I now live in Washington state.
  • laylay...that's where i live in sangaree. we were stationed on whidbey island in the late 70's. had our daughter there.
  • Aww! Very cool