*** November *** Chat

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  • Hi All. Happy Thursday! One more day to this work week!

    AquaZumba this morning. It is fun, but lots of work! I am surprised at how hard it is on the arms. There is one exercise that supposed to be good for your core - I apparently have not core! I will either get it soon or drown.

    1.5 mile walk at lunch - it was hailing out! (Just for a minute or two). Low 40's here and a little windy.

    Hoping to get in my 3 miler after work tonight.

    Rie, what is the Walkitout? I have a Walk Away the Pounds tape, but usually my husband is parked in front of the TV so can't do it.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    Connie S
  • Just a quick note:

    Connie, you go girl! Lots of working out. WalkItOut is a wii game that is part fitness walking, part dance and part video game. Bonnie just got one, too.

    Today I logged in the last of the points that I needed to earn a presidential active lifestyle bronze medal. I have averaged over 9 hours per week of excercise since I started. I am feeling absurdly proud. On to silver....

    Have a great day.

  • Connie I do walk away the pounds too love them and I did jest get walk it out and I love it I start playing it and before I know it time has flown by. I did one hr yesterday and another one hour today It don't seem like a work out but I can feel it in my legs. I think I like it better then watp but I will never give up on her.

    How is everyone doing I am doing well. I am trying to get back on track fully since my teeth are doing good right now.
  • Just a quickn flyby!!! A busy day today. Headed for bed and will read and do indies tomorrow. Goodnight.
  • Still hanging in with good FBGL readings at 4.3 this morning. Water weight is really pouring off - 199 on Monday and 183.6 today. I can't believe it! No wonder I felt so uncomfortable. My legs are starting to look like legs again and today may be the day that I put on socks AND shoes! I'll be spending hours with the legs up but am also hoping to work in a quick bank run.
  • good morning...
    trish...busy days help me not to eat.
    rie...what are you doing to get this presidential active lifestyle bronze medal?
    ruthie....glad to see the meds are working for the water weight. legs will soon follow.
    connie...i love me some zumba. i go tues & friday nights. going tonight with my fav teacher.
    bonnie...i walked the bridge a few years back. my sister lost over 150# and was coming from canada to visit and i really wanted to walk it with her. i had hurt my ankle. doc said i can do it carefully. it was great. would like to do it again with a brace on my foot. took us just over an hour i think. i just did my first 5K a few weeks back. did the race for a cure on danial island. finished in under an hour. walked with my 11 yrs old granddaughter. she did great with it. will do again next year.
    all other that i may have missed...have a great day.

    i have loads to get done today. so need to get started. nothing at a scheduled time which makes for laziness.
  • Well, I typed out a whole post and my computer acted up and I lost it. So I won't type all I did before.

    Rie - You go girl!!! I know I need to get some formal exercise going but have to figure out when and where since my house is so cluttered with so much "stuff" since the kids moved in. However, I would love a wii, but haven't been able to talk DH into it so far. I know the exercise would help bring the blood sugar down more.

    Chipper - I agree busy does keep me from eating because I don't have time to think about food.

    Ruthie - I'm so glad the swelling is coming down and I suspect you will find that was most of your weight gain and hopefully you will find you make your goal when the fluid is gone.

    Bonnie, Fatmad, Connie, Slmn and all others reading this

    DD was off yesterday and let me sleep in. She has class this morning but wasn't sure when she will be through as she heard conflicting stories. She should be home at least by noon. Nothing planned for us today. DH doctors appoint went fairly well. Doc says they have done everything... run every test and he doesn't know anything else to do and said Tony could get a second opinion if he liked. So I think now DH is going to have to think about doing some things himself like get more active... he is a couch potato and I'm sure it contributes to the problem a lot since he has gained weight. Might be able to talk him into a wii for exercise now who knows?

    Y'all have a great Friday!!!
  • so I am down 38 pounds now back on track . I did two hours of walk it out. Feeling pretty good I have so much to do today. I have to get ready for a bunch of teenage girls. My baby is turning 14. I will be making me another crust less cheese cake. So no cake for me.

    pattygirl63 wii are awesome I have one and it is the best thing we ever got.

    chipper15173 Congrats on the 5 k . Since they built this new bridge I have been thinking about it my hubby and kids are too excited about it. But one day..

    Ruthxxx I bet you are feeling much better loosing the water weight. I hated that when my feet would swell.

    For all other I wish everyone a happy weekend..

    To all the veterans out their THanks for all you guys done for us!!
  • Hello all!

    I was up early this morning with a fbs of 82. I took a friend for her first walk this morning and we walked for an hour down at a park by the river. It was nice but I slipped a couple times on the icy paths. Scary. I think I prefer my walking indoors in this weather. However, I promised to walk with her next week again. It kind of tickles me that someone is looking to me to help them get started excercising.

    For the first time in a couple months, my ticker is down another 3 pounds. I am excited.

    Bonnie I am so glad that you are enjoying walkitout. Isn't it weird how it doesn't even feel like you are working and then you feel it when you are done? I am really looking forward to finishing (maybe tomorrow) and starting over again. It will be fun to do now that I understand the game better. And major congrats on 38# gone! Amazing!

    Trish, I LOVE my wii and I am so glad that I got it. When I was first starting out, even the balance games made me feel better and more physically able. I also have a fishing game and other things. It was a good purchase. Sometimes I play some of the games with my little gs. He even has a "dora the explorer" excercise game that we do together. I highly recommend it!

    Chipper, good for you on the race for the cure. I did my first 5k last month and I can't wait to do another. I am planning on doing more walking races next year including (hopes) a half marathon. The presidential fitness award info can be found at thepresidentschalleng.org it is not related to a specific president but is a program where you log in your fitness activities and earn points toward awards. The bronze medal was 50,000 points - usually at 300-500 per day. It was strangely motivating. I really hope to get all the way to gold by next spring.

    Ruth, I am so glad that the meds are working and I am waiting anxiously to hear what caused the problem. Isn't it nice to know that all that weight wasn't your eating?

    Fatmad and Connie, hope you are heading into a great weekend!

    Thanks to Veterans! My dgs and I are heading to the vfw with snacks to donate to the care packages they are doing today for active duty.

  • Quickie this morning. FBGL 4.5 and weight down to 181.2. By next week I may be able to bring back my 177 ticker and start working on losing "real" weight. I've been eating well lately but have been really inactive. It's hard to be active with your feet higher than your heart. (Actually that's impossible unless you are in bed. I've been compromising with them elevated so they are higher than my hips.) They are back to "chubby normal" this morning.
  • Ruth, I am so glad the swelling is going down for you and your weight is getting back to normal. I hope they figure out what was causing it.

    Now if we can figure out what's causing Fatmad's hives and get rid of them we will be all set!
  • Hello Friends

    I was up late last night but got a nice sleep. I did 2 hours of walkitout this morning and had my peanut butter and apple breakfast. I am assuming that there will be some desert stuff at this party that I am attending today at my cousins, so I wanted to burn off some calories in advance.

    Ruth, I am so very pleased that things are getting so much better for you. I'll bet that your whole body feels much better. You can get back to activity soon enough.

    Fatmad, hoping that things are improving for you, as well.

    Bonnie, great weight loss! Is the birthday party today?

    Carol, Hi darlin! It's almost football day....

    Hi Trish, hope your weekend is going well.

    I will check in again later. Sorry for anyone that I missed.

  • A quick flyby here. Just haven't had time to get on here today. Sure hope everyone has a great week end. I'll catch up to y'all sometime tomorrow.
  • Quickie here too. I remembered that I didn't change the candles on the altar at the Church and need to get over there and get them done as soon as it's light.

    No weight drop this morning, probably from not-so-good eating yesterday - but the legs are almost normal except for ankle wrinkles which I assume is extra stretched out skin which will go away.

    Today will be better.
  • Hey ladies busy day here it is my daughter 14 th birthday party so I have tons of stuff to do so I hope all is having a good weekend. I will check in when I can ...