Hi everyone

  • My name is Vona, I am 31 years old 5'7 and as of this morning I weigh 209 lbs. I am ashamed!!! I have had 3 children and after I had my 2nd child I weighed 174lbs that was the most I had ever weighed and I was embarrassed and I hid under baggy clothes because to myself I was ugly. Today I would give anything to be that weight again. If I don't have to go out anywhere most of the time I don't even walk out the door. And when I do have to go somewhere I hide under baggy clothes because I feel soo horrible. I have tried several exercises and diets my problem is I HATE food. I eat enough to keep me from getting that "sick" feeling but I don't get enough calories in me to sufficiently lose weight. My exercising isn't doing any good without the right amount of calories. I do good when I have someone telling me what to eat and when and how much. But most plans are outrageous like Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig. I did weight watchers a couple years ago and I lost 40 lbs but it's so hard to stick with it. I could beat myself up over not sticking with it. I do beat myself up mentally all the time and I'm ashamed for me to see myself much less my hubby or anyone else. Please help me!!! I am on my knees praying to God that someone can help me to get back down to my original weight at 145lbs...I'll even settle for 150 lbs.
  • Welcome, vona31. You can find support here. If you are ready to really commit to a plan, you can and you will be successful! Have you given WW another thought? Just figure out what diet and execise plan you feel you can stick to long term, and take it one day at a time. And above all: don't allow yourself to feel hatred towards food or your current body. It's the nutrition in food that will transform your body, and it IS your current body that will eventually weight your goal weight. Give yourself a little love: you now have three beautiful children, and, sure, you have some lbs that you want to lose, but you are quite young, and you can do this! I'm a calorie counter myself, which is very simmilar to weight watchers - it allows me to explore new nutritious, delicious food. I'm sorry you are feeling so discouraged, but this is a great site full of positive people, and if you are ready to commit to a lifestyle change, this is a great site to utilize.

    Take care, and the very best luck!
  • Thank you so much Jessica for your encouragement...how do I get a ticker count down thing? I want to be 100% accountable So I'm doing this right...I took a picture of me as of last night...Just so I can look at it and say hey I don't want to look like this anymore!!! What is involved in counting calories? How do you do it when you go out to eat? I'm lucky if I get maybe 900 calories a day. I just need someone to say ok this is the plan you're going to do and give it to me and I can stick to it. I have Zumba DVD's I have Wii Active 2 I LOVE that. I can exercise all I want and I love to exercise I even do the quickie workout in bed but I'm stalled..I actually started my weightloss journey at 220 lbs and I'm down to 209lbs so that's a mini-start
  • Hi Vona! I'm glad to hear you are in better spirits. I believe you need to make a certain amount of posts, or be on this site for a certain amount of days, before you can get a ticker. I hope someone more knowledgeable can chime in; I was on this site a few years ago, but I'm not ready to weigh in yet, so no need for a ticker for me yet. You can always post to the forum help for these questions.

    As with many calorie counters at this site, I subscribe to the "no less than 1200 calories a day" guideline, as this is what many doctors say you need for general nutrition. As everybody is different and, so long as you consult a nutritionist or doctor, this can be different for you, I like to eat between 1200 and 1300 cals a day. I do light exercise right now; I have a Gazelle, and get on it for about 30 mins a day, but I'm working up to sweatier workouts, so to speak!

    If you wish to tell me what it is you are eating at only 900 cals a day, I am okay with that, but, I am in no means an expert or nutritionist. I eat low cal, and lower carb, but I know a very low cal intake can damage your metabolism, and I want you to be your healthiest. Again, you should always consult a doctor or nutritionist, but we at 3FC are here to help. I just don't want you to develop a negative relationship with food.

    I'm happy to hear about your mini-start! Congrats! What (for me) is involved in calorie counting is planning my day at the beginning of the day, or the night before. I buy all my food on Saturdays, and plan my meals ahead. If I end up eating out last minute, I try to look at the menu before hand, but if I can't, I try to order a reasonable meal, and eat a small portion.

    I'm so happy that you have found 3FC, and so many calorie counters (and others) have lots of healthy tid bits and tips to keep your calorie count low but healthy. In addition, there are so many positive people on this site, it is bound to keep you motivated. I will stay subscribed to this site, so we can keep chatting!

  • Welcome to 3FC--you can do this, and we'll all help you along the way!