Ignorant people shouldn't come out of their houses....(aka, keep your mouth shut!)

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  • This happened to me last week and I'm still so amazed by it that I just had to share it with all of you.

    One evening last week I was out for my nightly walk when I decided, on my way home, to drop into a corner store and pick up a bottle of diet 7-Up and a little something to satisfy a chocolate craving. So I got my pop and a snack-sized bag of Mini Eggs, and headed over to the cash.

    There was a woman there that I know only slightly (as in, I know her to see her and say hello, but I don't know her name and she doesn't know mine.) She was busy opening a bunch of breakopen tickets (I don't know if anyone outside of Canada will know what those are, but they're fifty-cent instant lottery tickets.)

    Anyway, as I put my stuff on the counter, she looks over and says, "You don't need that candy!"

    And I don't know what it was -- whether I was *that* taken aback by her ignorance or her sheer gall or what -- but I immediately snapped back, "And you don't need those lottery tickets. What's your point?"

    Get this...she actually got sniffy about how "rude" I was. Nosy old bat.

    As I was walking the rest of the way home, I thought about how it's still okay to make comments like that to people who are heavier than what they "should" be. If I weighed 120 pounds, she probably wouldn't have said that...but because I'm still overweight, what I choose to eat is fair game. And of course, she (and everyone else) assumes that if they see me buying *one* small bag of Mini-Eggs, I must be eating them all the time, because...well, look at me, right?

    People like that piss me off. Because really, who is she (or anyone else) to point the finger at someone else? We ALL have things we indulge in that we probably "shouldn't" (ahem, like lottery tickets) but the point is, what someone else chooses to do is their own damn business.
  • SOOOOO agree....That was more than rude and I'm stunned that an adult who doesn't really know you would ever think it's okay. I wonder if she would have commented if you were buying booze and cigarettes.
  • I'm with you on this one! People do need to stfu and mind their own business. I'm glad you had a comeback. Sometimes you're too shocked to even comment, good for you.
  • And there I was thinking there were no rude people in Newfoundland. Good for you! Great response and she set herself up for it.
  • I see that when the tables are turned she felt a comment about what she was doing was rude, but her comment about what someone else was doing wasn't at all rude... Hmm.

    What a funny looking glass house that woman lives in.
  • I can't believe sometimes what people say, it is none of thier business. My sister-in-law ( my brother in laws wife ) told me once that there was no excuse why I didn't have kids, how did she know if I couldn't have kids or something like that. Great comeback on your part. I can never think that fast.
  • She sounds insanely rude! I can't believe a person would have the audacity to say that to anyone!!
  • Wow. Seriously. I'm in Canada too...maybe it's the same lady who came up to me out of NOWHERE at Goodwill, put an XXXL jacket against me and said "Yeah, that should fit perfectly. Clearly it's too big for me" handed it to me and walked away.

    I was laughing because, she was bigger than me, and the whole situation was bizarre, but still- wow!

    She would have said that even if you were 120. Some people are *******s. It has nothing to do with weight but her own insecurities.
  • Great retort there! I can never think on my feet, so I envy people who can.

    She sounds like the type who will also say to someone, "You don't need that walking stick!" Honestly, why do some people have no manners whatsoever?
  • Good for you for sticking up for yourself!
  • I don't even know how I would respond in that situation. It would probably involve tears or cursing...maybe both. I don't know what makes someone think they can make those sort of comments.
  • I agree she should have shut her trap but maybe she didn't mean it as an insult? Maybe she has seen you lose weight over time and wanted to encourage you not to sabotage yourself. (That's where the ignorance comes in because clearly she doesn't realize people can actually practice self control!)
  • Quote: I agree she should have shut her trap but maybe she didn't mean it as an insult? Maybe she has seen you lose weight over time and wanted to encourage you not to sabotage yourself. (That's where the ignorance comes in because clearly she doesn't realize people can actually practice self control!)
    I wish I had your faith in people, but the thing is, I haven't laid eyes on this woman in over a year, so I doubt that was it. Unfortunately, I think she's just one of those people who thinks everything is her business. And even if she wanted to encourage me not to sabotage myself...that was not the way to do it. I wouldn't take that kind of crappy comment from my family members, so I'm certainly not going to take it from a virtual stranger! *L*
  • Good for you!!! GREAT comeback!!! I think I'd have just b****slapped her! And probably spent a great deal of money on an attorney, too!
  • Quote: I agree she should have shut her trap but maybe she didn't mean it as an insult? Maybe she has seen you lose weight over time and wanted to encourage you not to sabotage yourself. (That's where the ignorance comes in because clearly she doesn't realize people can actually practice self control!)
    So positive! I love it! I wish I was but sadly, I would have felt insulted too.

    I remember once I was working out on the elliptical facing the outside parking lot and a guy walked by, stopped right in front of me, pointed at his icecream cone and then pointed at me and smiled. I'm like, "F U a$$hole!". I was humiliated and felt like he was making fun of me because obviously if I was fat I wanted the icecream but I couldn't have it because I was working out trying to get rid of my fat caused by eating a million ice cream cones! *sigh*

    But I posted it on here and many nice people said he probably didn't even take my weight into consideration but that he just assumed everyone who works out (thin or fat) can't - or won't - eat icecream. And you know? Maybe they were right. He was just ignorant.

    And I'm thinking this little woman at the store was just that. In some weird way it might have been her way of saying, "You've done so well -- you shouldn't be eating that stuff again".

    I'm not saying what she said was right. I'm just saying that things are never how we perceive them to be all the time.

    (Huh, was that me being a little positive? PacSunMama must have rubbed off a bit on me this afternoon!)