
  • I didn't recognize myself! I just walked into the bathroom and glanced in the mirror and I didn't look like myself. I was wearing a tank top and some boy shorts, not something that would generally cover up my flab, but honestly, I looked at it and thought, 'Wow, I don't look like myself anymore.'

    I can't wait to see how much more I change 50lbs from now! The scale isn't moving much at the moment, but I'm losing a ton of inches, so I'm happy with that and I can definitely SEE the changes.

  • Congrats! That is a great NSV!
  • That is awesome!!!! The feeling of seeing your (new) self for the first time. Congratulations on all your hard work. It was worth it, wasn't it?
  • Fantastic! In another 50 pounds, you will be totally amazed, don't you think? You're doing such a great job. Just keep it up!

    And I know what you mean. Sort of, anyway. I started wearing shorts as soon as the weather was nice enough and just recently had to start wearing jeans again. I don't think I had long pants on more than 1 or 2 times from mid - May until a couple weeks ago. When I look down at my legs, they don't look like mine! I guess I got used to how they looked
    1) Fat and
    2) not so fat, but in shorts!
    They look different in pants. Funny.

  • You are so close...CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS