Cake and Birthday..

  • So today was my birthday and I was prepared for the cake. By prepared I mean, I was going to eat it and oh not beat myself up so my sweet fiancé who doesn't bake make buys me a Hersey Dark chocolate pie. Really appreciated it since for everyone in this house special day I make them a cake. So anyways, let me tell you, stay away from this horrible but so good pie. I ate a BIG piece then finished off my nephews pie when he said he had enough. I was over my limit. Sugar rush, crash, feeling like crap, feeling like a pig etc. This is after a mini break down this morning that my pants gave me the mega muffin top from Hades. I'm seriously just not getting it anymore. I'm feeling like crap. It seems everywhere I turn, I'm forced to see healthy size women. This cycle never seems to stop. I been reading and feeling like this is it! I will be healthy today, tomorrow, everyday but somehow end up at this low point.
    Yep there is my rant. I know were suppose to have a positive outlook but serious I just wanna tell my self to stop being a face stuffing pig!
    I wanna just be healthy and get to a point where looking at mood doesn't turn me into a manic who JUST has to have it even when stuffed...
  • awww i am sorry for you. and the age-old cliche about it's ok to splurge on your birthday. although it can be the trigger food that makes you binge for days afterward. everybody's different, but for me, i had to analyze which foods i really wanted, overate, why i wanted them, and when. i tried to cut out the times when it wasn't really "ncessary" , just a social thing, etc. and allow myself some splurges because if i'm craving it, i'll eventually eat at least part of it. this is where i would say that our american social life revolves around food, and it should not always be like that. like the old cliche about finding non-food events to socialize around, and having your family support you in your efforts. and too, sometimes you just have to get "sick and tired of being sick and tired" of eating something you really wish you would not have eaten. but your birthday is over and done with, and today is a new day. don't waste it. next year decide in advance what kind of treat you are willing to eat and plan around it, and make sure everybody around you is on board with you.
  • oh cricket. i wish i could fix this for you. you made a mistake - and you ended up feeling really crappy, and bloated beyond anything you ever imagined. learn from this.

    there's something i've observed around here over the years - we ALL - every single person on 3fatchicks - have issues with taking care of themselves. we ALL have gone through periods where we've purposely ignored what's in our best interests, even though we felt miserable and sick afterwards.

    why do we do that? i have no idea. but i DO know that we deserve to care for ourselves. and it takes practice. at least, i THINK it takes practice - some people seem to do it naturally, and i envy them.
  • Dear WinterCricket, you deserved that piece of delicious cake and then some: it's your birthday! Please don't beat yourself up. Not for this. Not for anything.
  • Thank You guys VERY much. I'm feeling over stressed and it's nice I can vent here. I re read my post and I can see I was on a serious sugar crash! My spelling and words. I also envy the people who have no issues with these type of things! Can we get a pill for that?! I mean we got a pill for everything so one for a little self-esteem would be NICE hehe
    You guys are truly amazing. I'm so glad I found myself here
  • and we're glad to have you. a self esteem pill! darlin, if you coukd figure it out, you'd be able to retire in a week and surround yourself with a chef to keep your eating on track, and a whole team of trainers to keep you moving. and don't forget an apartment for ME!!!!
  • I could live without the money just to make EVERYONE feel good about themselves..ok the personal chef does sound nice though hehe
  • like the other's have said, don't beat yourself up over it. you ate it, move on and get back to your diet. Next year, get a really small plate and put a smaller piece for yourself.
  • oh, and next time you know you might have a similar situation at night, eat less during the day so your total calories stay low.