Walk Away the Pounds - OCTOBER

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  • Hey gang

    it absolutely CANNOT be October already WOW!

    Saturday I cleaned house for 6 hours and this morning I did 2 miles of the new 5 Really Big Miles.

    hope everybody has a great day
    later gaters
  • I didn't post yesterday but I did the 3-mile for Abs.

    If anyone has done the full 4-5 miles on any of her videos, what are the 4th and 5th mile like? Does Leslie follow her usual pattern and speed up each mile until the last mile or cool down/recovery? What I'm trying to figure out is if miles 4 & 5 are faster than mile 3. I have her older videos that stop at mile 3 and mile 3 has me huffing now. I don't know if I could go much faster and then even faster yet during the next 2 miles.
  • 4 and 5 are not faster than the 3rd mile. all of the miles are 15 minutes long, except for the 3rd mile that is 12 minutes.

    here is a breakdown on the dvd

    "there is a 5 minute warm up

    Mile one: introduces the double tap out
    The shift wth arm punches

    Mile 2: Uses the stretchie
    You do a side to side and kick back together
    step up and back jog 3 times (Like in Punch Out)
    Knee up with stretchie

    Mile 3: Knee up 4 and kick back 4
    Out out in in
    Shift and punch
    1-2 jog jog
    Boosted walking!

    Mile 4: Uses the stretchie and is the Bootcamp
    Lunges, and Lunches with Bicep curls
    Grapevine with kick back
    Squats and lunges alternate
    Do some jogging with the grapevine
    Boosted walking
    Shift and Punch

    Mile 5: Classic walk

    Total time with stretch was 87 minutes and I burned 500 calories using my HRM"

    hope this helps!
  • Cathy...

    Thanks. Leslie has been the only program that I like. I hate feeling like my chest is going to explode if I don't stop. I'm going to stop being a scaredy cat....I'm going to try the 4 miler.
  • I haven't even heard of her really big miles!! I am going to join. I have her 5 mile walk and 1mile advanced jog. I did the jogging one for the first time yesterday and it felt good! It was not hard like I assumed it would be and I'm not sore at all today.
  • Yesterday - 1-mile walk, LS Pilates and weights/crunches.

    Looking forward to receiving new LS DVD. It has been shipped.
  • Hi girls!!

    Did the 3 Mile Boot Camp this morning!! I'm never sorry I worked out, NEVER!

    Free-I have the 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk and all 5 miles are 12 minutes on that one. One doesn't seem to be any more strenuous than the others, but I usually get tired of moving my arms on mile 4!

    I'm going to have to run to Wal Mart for some things this weekend. I am just going to have to check out the new DVD!
  • Last night - 3-Mile Bootcamp and some additional strength training. Start week 4 of C25K this evening
  • Thanks for sharing the news of the New Workout Video is it called Big Miles ? I want to buy it . I love LS workout videos ! when I don't go the gym . I am working out with that lady. She is awesome !
  • here's this thread!! I looked before but didn't see it for some reason. Hope everyone is getting off to a great start in October!

    I've been doing a bit more Wii Fit than WATP because I was still getting over that cold and WATP is a little bit harder to breathe than Wii! lol! But I have been doing the 2 mile WATP the past couple of days - that's a really good level for me right now although I will need to find my old VHS tapes to try out a 3 miler some time, and probably end up buying some dvds.

    I tried a non-WATP walk today with Chris Freytag. It didn't give the mileage, though. It was 45 minutes but you also stopped walking to do strength training intervals. It was a great workout because even the walking was a bit more intense than the WATP I have been doing - although I know there are other versions of the 2 mile walk that are more intense, the one I get on my cable OnDemand is the basic 2 mile "Getting Started" or something like that.

    I have to say that I am really pleased with how far I've progressed since I started daily workouts on September 1. Even getting through the 1 mile WATP was hard but now that feels like I barely break a sweat so I've really only been doing the 2 miles. I may start trying the 1 mile in the mornings and then do the 2 mile one at my normal workout in the evenings. I really really want to get to Onederland and am willing to push myself a lot to do it soon!
  • Today - 3 mile weight loss walk (with 3 lb weights) and strength training.
  • Got the five really big miles dvd and can't wait to try it. I really like the walk strong with weights. Also on that dvd are walk and kick, walk and jog and power mile. They are all good.
  • I thought Leslie looked heavier in the new dvd. But I was looking at some clips of dvds on collagevideo.com and Mary Kay Bruenig really gained weight over the years. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this.
  • Received the new LS DVD yesterday. Plan on working out with it tonight.

    Finished Week 4 of the C25K yesterday morning. Start week 5 tomorrow evening. I have been alternating my LS workouts with my walk/jogging. It has been working out well so far.
  • Yesterday - LS new DVD first three miles. It was different and a lot of new moves. I hate tap outs (bad right knee) but I did like what I have seen so far. I don't like the close ups of the young, tight waists, but I think Leslie is trying to go towards a younger, hip, fit crowd.

    Today - WK5Day1 C25K.