Adios to the 150s and 140s - 5

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  • lovemydoggies, nadya and delyn welcome! hope for a speedy voyage!

    well, I have finally arrived at 140 for 2 days in a row. I am about to leave you guys! Any day now!
  • lovemydoggiesx2, Nadya, delyn Welcome! And philana, that's great, congrats

    Ugh, this was kinda of a rough week for me. I'm in the last year of getting my PhD, and lab work and writing kept me at work pretty long hours. I'm normally okay with bringing lunch and a snack to work, but dinner is much harder for me. One day early in the week I broke down and got chick-fil-a, even though it put me 300 over my calorie limit and ended up with a terrible stomache Later in the week I spread my day food out much more evenly and didn't even want dinner, which isn't good either since I was under calories then (about 900). I know a couple days of low calories aren't a huge deal, but it still felt stange. And on top of all that, I was stuck at 154 all week, except one day that it went up to 154.5 :/

    Well, whatever was keeping my up there is gone now, since I was at 152.5 this morning Ha, I would never wish to be in my old body, but I admit that I miss being able to easily lose 2 solid pounds a week, easy peasy. Hopefully this up coming week will be better.

    Edit: Hate to reply just after myself, but I'm down another 0.5 lb Just 2 lbs from my original goal

    One thing that I realized from my 'stall' last week was that, sorry for the TMI, but I think my digestive rhythm really affected what I saw, or in this case didn't see, on the scale. My rhythm got shifted about 3-4 hours, so I don't think I was at my normally lightest first thing in the morning. Now that things are back to normal for me, my weigh-ins for the last few days have been much better.
  • Hi everyone! I just began my diet a few days ago so I'm excited to be here! I'm currently at 159 lbs. It's Monday today, so I'll be working hard to weigh in at the end of the week Hopefully I'll lose a pound or two by then!!!

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • Almost out of the 150's again. I need to start taking this more seriously.
  • Still here.... not going anytime soon. Stuck at 140 for sure. And with my exercise plans I am gonna be adding some waterweight for the next week or so. So yeh..
  • Flashfacts – I’m sorry last week was rough, hopefully this one will be better. I know how hard it is to stick to a plan even if you try to be prepared. Congrats on the loss though, and figuring out what may have caused it
    Bloopers – welcome!
    Mikan – you can do it!
    Philana – you’re so close! We love your company but I’m sure you’re gonna be ditching us soon.

    After a terrible weight loss week last week, I saw 149.9 this morning! yay
  • thank you torito! what is your weightloss secret? You are going so fast! Haha. Though I went that fast in the beginning also, still... what's your plan?
  • I saw 158 flat this morning.....I am hoping to get through these bad boys quickly. Im going to the beach for the start of spring break this Saturday and I am scared I will be able to keep it together. I went 3 weeks ago and during 4 days gained 6lbs!!! Holy canoli!! I sooo want that to not happen again!
  • Hey guys, haven't been on much--didn't feel well last week, but maintained. Glad to see you all are having success!
  • philana I wish I knew the secret! haha. It doesn't seem to be going that fast to me, though I'm glad someone thinks so! I lose on average 2lbs a week (last week was super screwey with only .6 though grr). I follow a portion control type plan, eating 2 carbs, 2 fruits, 3 veggies, 1 dairy and 2 proteins a day. I work out hard 5 days a week too (i often wonder if that's not very good, because when I loosely put my calories into a app and my exercise it says my net is wayy low. But I don't care because I am losing, and I don't think it's that accurate.) I also have the motivations of mexico in 2 months, maybe that's my secret lol
    I realized that I'm now the lightest I've been in my adult life.

    lovemydoggies - welcome! Have fun on your trip but just try and watch what you eat. Don't go too crazy and you'll be ok
    rainy - congrats on maintaining while not feeling well!
  • Hey everybody,
    I've been on spring break, eating like crazy, and avoiding the scale for a little while now. (and neglecting 3fc) However, I'd been working out harder in hopes of making up for it. When I finally got back on the scale today I found out out I'm down to 152, which is 20 lbs down and my first mini goal! Not sure how i'm going to celebrate...
  • trisaratops, torito Congrats!

    philana Good luck with your weightlifting. I should be starting soon as well, but its a little nerve-wracking to think about.

    rainydays Hope you feel better

    Still hanging out at 152lbs. My scale only reads X.0 or X.5, so I don't expect changes every day and I've gotten 152 consistently for the last 4 days, but I admit I was a little bummed out to see it again this morning. But low and behold, a few hours ago my lips started to chap, which means I'm dehydrated. And I never lose when I'm dehydrated ::sigh:: I've been working longer hours, and its been hard getting as much water, but it needs to happen. But hey, better to be dehydrated than overeating, right?
  • I'm a little scared, I'm gonna weigh in tomorrow and I haven't been tracking my calories or working out. I used to get on the treadmill and walk or jog but now that I'm used to going outside, I don't want to anymore. It's been so damn cold lately, I miss going out.
  • Thanks guys Still stuck. My body likes it here I guess. I've reached a healthy bmi, add lost pretty quickly, so it's cool for a few weeks. More later, gotta get some laundry done! .
  • I’m still weighing in around 149.5, although I haven’t weighed in for the past few days. Hopefully I’ll move solidly into the 140s soon

    Rainy: I hope you feel better! The 150s do seem to be a tricky decade to get through… But hopefully you’ll get through it soon
    Nadya: Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow! I know how you feel about walking outside now - I’m the same way. I was spoiled with a couple weeks of warm weather, and I so don’t want to walk outside in the cold anymore. But it’ll be spring soon, right?
    Flash: Hopefully you’ll see a change soon! I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
    Triseratops: Congrats on the 20 lbs lost!