Back on the wagon I fell off...

  • So, I quit Weight Watchers for what I wanted to be a couple of months. But, that didn't pan out so well. Within the first 2 weeks of that, I noticed my shirts were getting tighter, and decided I wasn't having it. I've since joined back, but still gaining weight. I still couldn't figure out what it was that I was doing wrong.

    This morning, I was eating my Fruit & Maple oatmeal with and Iced coffee from McDonalds, and started to feel sluggish, like I've been feeling lately. So, I decided to check out their website, and look at the nutritional info on both items. The oatmeal had 32g of sugar with the brown sugar (mind you, the healthy serving per day for adult women is 20g, which is equivalent to 5 teaspoons), 18g without. Then I checked out the coffee. I get the one with the sugar free vanilla syrup, and even tho it shows 0g of sugar, I'm still convinced they put it in there.

    I've been addicted to sugary stuff for a while: chocolate, cookies, ice cream, etc. I know now that I really need to monitor my sugar intake now. The last thing I want is to end up with diabetes or worse. So here goes nothing!
  • Welcome back =)
  • There's a funny line from and old Mickey/Minnie Mouse video--a character falls down the steps....someone asks "what happened....miss a step?" The character replies...."nope, I hit em all." Sometimes we take a terrible fall....but if we can pick ourselves up again and learn what that misstep was, we're already ahead of the game.

    Good for you for getting back into the game, and good luck 2 u.
  • Welcome back! Glad you checked the nutritional labels. You can buy the weight reduced maple and brown sugar oatmeal. I eat that one instead of the regular packs.

    I'm also coming back after being away for 6 months.
  • Quote: The character replies...."nope, I hit em all." Sometimes we take a terrible fall....but if we can pick ourselves up again and learn what that misstep was, we're already ahead of the game.
    Great stuff. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • Thanx all! I weighed in yesterday, and wound up maintaining I was like, that's fine, I'll take it!

    I bought a "Pandora" (the same kind of thing, but not the actual) bracelet the other day, and put 3 charms on it. I was reading the Weekly Reader I got yesterday, and saw that this lady did the same thing, and every time she lost 5 lbs, she bought herself a charm. I thought, I like that idea! So, that's my goal: a new charm for every time I lose 5 lbs. Whenever I think of eating something I know I shouldn't, I'll make myself think of the next charm I want...
  • Welcome back! I recommitted this week -- it's good to be tracking again. I wish you much success
  • Welcome back! It's a journey we all are taking so you know we understand.
  • Good for you & welcome back. This journey is more fun with support from others, that's why I post on these boards. You CAN & WILL do this, stay positive and it sounds like your doing great, congrats!!!