I'm afraid to get on the scale

  • HI-I'm a newbie and really hope I can make a change in my life. I'm a hot mess.

    I'm sad, I'm overwhelmed and I'm too young to feel so uncomfortable with stairs, getting up from the floor and other everyday actions.

    I haven't weighed myself in over 4 months-I felt like I was obsessing about the number and stressing more. I suffer from PTSD, mild depression and anxiety- in the 14 months I have been on medication to treat these ailments, I have gone up 3 clothing sizes. Who knows if there's a connection or not?

    here is what I do know:
    >I'm uncomfortable and consider not going out with people I know b/c I've gained so much weight
    >In the year that my mother passed- I gained at least 35lbs...before I even started taking anti-depressants
    >I have health problems that are most definitely exacerbated by my weight
    >I've done points, shakes, SB and have tried to really be at peace with eating, a la Geneen Roth
    >I eat more than I should and am considering attending OA meetings
    >I think about food most of my day and resent myself for it
    >I am sick and tired-of being sick and tired
    the money for healthy shopping, diet plans, gym memberships don't mean squat in the end-I see so many obstacles, I'm often afraid to even try.

    SO-I'm trying-today, and tomorrow, I will try to focus on that day as well. I'm looking forward to viewing your stories, successes and support.
  • Hi Margarita Welcome to 3FC. I think you have the right idea - just focus on getting through one day at a time. Every day that you make it on plan is a victory. Eventually days becomes weeks and weeks become months and sooner than you know it, healthy habits will become normal.

    Hopefully that will help you from getting too overwhelmed

    If you think OA would be a good resource for you, definitely take advantage of it. I'm sure many on here have been and could tell you more about it. Good luck.
  • Good luck! One day at a time is a great attitude to have, I think!

    One thing I've learned is that healthy lifestyles don't have to cost more than unhealthy ones! We eat out a lot less now, and I buy less expensive fatty things- junk food seems cheap until you start snacking on veggies and fruit and realize how much cheaper that kind of stuff is!!

    Also, I have never had success going to a gym. For me, the additional driving time to and from a gym makes it seem like too time consuming and too much of a production. I have really had success with walking my dog (which is free!) and doing fitness videos online (which are mostly free, but sometimes I do the ones on streaming Netflix- which is like $10 a month and SOOO worth it even if you never use the fitness videos).

    You can do it! One of the things people on here say is that the equation for weight loss is simple- more calories burned than calories consumed = weight loss. Simple doesn't mean easy, though!
  • Hi! Listen don't worry- your not alone!!! I have the same issue with the scale - which throws me into a horrible cycle of basically beating myself up and eating to self medicate.

    I just started the South Beach Diet - and I'm finding that a lot of my issues is that I'm addicted to sugar... The south beach is not Atkins but enough to CLEAN - DETOX - your system from the cycle of carbs.

    ALSO: I'm finding exercise also really helps me get out of my negative mind set... If not today... The when?? You deserve to be happy and healthy and it all starts one step at a time.
  • Thanks all- just what I needed to reassure me as I look outside and think I should take a quick walk today. heading out now.
    And I AM going to bust out the scale tonight:>
  • You've made the right choice. I hope we both can get through this. I know how you feel as it sounds similar to me. Let's make the right choices from here to get it right for us. Keep on walking...
  • Take it one day at a time and remember to not give up that is the most important thing. Go strong and believe in yourself!
  • I was DX'ed PTSD, and btw I think anxiety and depression come with PTSD territory, I'm not on any medication for it as of now. And I also have PCOS (+insulin resistance issues since I was a kid), but I'm happy to say I'm a success story, 55 pounds lost.

    From experience, I can say that eating low-carb (and with quite a few veggies, good nutrition all around) really helps to keep my mind balanced and helps with clarity/focus. PTSD can make things feel so foggy, and low-carb helps me feel grounded and calm. I also experiment with intermittent fasting, which helps with the clarity and blood sugar levels, but the real weight loss progress has been from low-carb.

    Just a small tip: stick around this website, login every day or two, it really helps keep people motivated and a positive attitude. Everytime I slip, I come back here, and it helps tremendously.

    Good luck! Best of luck with your goals
  • Welcome!

    It's always hard starting out, but it's worth it in the end. Imagine how you'll feel in say, six months if you stick at it and focus on that feeling as you progress! There's lots of support available here, so dont be afraid to ask for help
  • Welcome! I feel like a hot mess too, so you are not alone! I wish you all the luck in the world!
    ok- so I dusted that badboy off and stepped on it.
    Best thing? at least I finally know the "number" and it's not the end of the world.
    Worst thing? I feel like it is a mountain...when I went to WW at my "heaviest" in 2004 I was 173...I'd love to be there now I know what my comfortable weight is but it's so far away. Time to set a mini goal
  • Yep, set that mini goal. 5lbs lost or 10% lost. Don't look at the whole number, it will discourage you. Reaching mini goals will help keep you motivated, encouraged on on track!!