:-) Stopped myself!

  • I went in the refrigerator to get myself some turkey chili for lunch. On top was left over pepperoni pizza. I took that out instead and said "Oh, I am going to hate myself on Monday for this but it looks so good!" (Monday is my weigh in) about 5 seconds later I wrapped the pizza back up and got out the chili. And you know what? The chili was just as good as the pizza would have been. AND I'm full. This is one time I love the scale (kept me honest). ;-))
  • That's awesome. For me, the leftovers are always the hardest to stay away from. Pizza is so much better the next day!
  • Whoo Hoo!!! Thats Great!!
  • Good for you!

    You know, I find I have a lot of near misses. Well, maybe not misses entirely, but turning what could have been a head on collision into a fender bender. I'll be on the verge of ordering something terrible and pull myself back and order something only a little bad. Situations like you're describing are hard though, when it's already in front of you. Congrats for staying strong!
  • Good for you! I've done that and later on, I didn't even feel deprived. I didn't miss whatever it is that I didn't eat, and I had to wonder why it's had a hold on me before, and why it'll have a hold on me again. On Monday, you'll be even happier. As that saying goes "nothing tastes as good as thin feels".
  • What an awesome victory for you!!!!!
  • Good For You!!
  • Victory!!

    Congrats on not only using control, but enjoying the healthier option
  • Great job, I know how hard it is to avoid temptation. I had one of these moments yesterday! My mother offered me cake, it looked so delicious! I said to myself "maybe a tiny piece" but then I stopped myself and went to workout instead

    Yay for the little achievements!
  • Well done you! That's a lesson to us all that it's never too late to put temptation away and make a better decision.
  • That's awesome! To get my ex husband not to overeat the leftovers, I used to take the whole grain/part skim mozz pizza that we could ORDER with turkey sausage (that place was awesome) and freeze two pieces together in a foodsaver sealed bag. Then he would heat up two on our pizza stone and that's it, instead of eating the entire pizza.
  • I think I overate today. Guh. I'm stressed so that's always an invitation to shove stuff into my face.
    But I worked out hard today...and yesterday. Still ate too much. Must get back on track.