The pants fit!

  • I've been frustrated because the scale hasn't been moving. I have a dress and a pair of jeans that I could get into, but I wouldn't want anyone to actually see me in. Today I tried them both on and they definitely fit better. I know it's a little thing, but it made me feel much better. Even though the scale has not been my friend, I am happy to be able to measure success.
  • congrats sometimes the bigger success isn't the number on the scale!
  • That's a great NSV!
  • CONGRATS....every victory is worth a few cheers. The ladies below are cheering for your better fit.
  • great work sumnerfan. A much better gauge of where you're at than the scales.

    this is the same target i have before i go away in mid-october. There's 2 pairs of work pants that i really want to be able to wear again comfortably, but lots of other stuff sat in my wardrobe that will also be much more wearable with another 5lb off!! Might just go off and try on my pants now and see how i'm going!....
  • That's why I generally go by my 'goal clothes' than weight. Good job!
  • you're probably building muscle
  • Great job! I personally don't care if the scale never moves, as long as I keep getting smaller! Nobody knows what you weigh, but they can SEE how good you look! Congrats!
  • Way to go!! I'm in agreement with everyone else. I like to feel the difference in my clothes!!! Keep it up girlie!!
  • Yay you! Great job!
  • You're doing fabulously so don't be too hard on yourself. My friend felt she plateaued so I mentioned to her that I read that our bodies become used to the exercise we do if it's the same thing day after day, week after week etc. She used to run every day, but now she's throwing in P90X and seeing changes in her scale, but mostly, her body shape and tone. Once I hit the 100's I plan to throw in something different too. Anyhoo, just one small piece of advice that I've seen work for a buddy. Celebrate your victories! PS// Spanx are fantastic if you're looking to wear the outfit but feel you're not quite there yet
  • Congratulations on this NSV! Usually when the scale is not being your friend you are losng inches. Way to go!!