Self-conscious about running...will this ever go away?

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  • I'm also self-conscious about running. I started the C25k program last week and so far all of my runs have been at 6:20am when it's still dark outside! I think as I improve and am able run farther, I will feel more confident. But right now, I'm still in the huffing and puffing after 1 minute stage(lol).
  • I can't give you advice on how to get over it because I still have no figured out how but know your not alone. I worry about the stupidest things while running like, can they see me sweating? Am I running weird? If I stop to talk a walk break will they think I'm lazy? Can they see my fat giggle? The list goes on and on. I blame it on having social anxiety disorder, I think that everyone is thinking negative things about me and only me.

    To push past it and just do it I listen to music. Sing with the song in your head, try to make your feet hit the ground to the beat, count how many songs play before you have to either take a walking break or before you make it home. Just try to keep your mind off of it and push yourself to run
  • I'm self conscious about running but the nervousness should go away. I was really proud of myself for jogging 1.73 miles non stop yesterday... I used to think I could never run! I've even fallen while on the treadmill twice! You can do it!!!
  • I can so relate. I was so self conscious when I started to jog. I also find it a little crazy because I'm big busted and I jiggle a lot. I am also over 200 pounds. My face got so red when I started, and even know it gets pink.

    Just do what you have to do girl! Don't ever let anyone get in the way of your progress. Do it for yourself, and if you feel uncomfortable jogging for reasons other than other people looking at you, then take your time and walk/jog to start. I started on the C25K program and couldn't job a minute when I first started.

    Try it and you won't regret it.
  • I feel SO encouraged to see anyone overweight run (I'd probably be encouraged by me if I could see me). The bigger the person, the more encouraged I feel, actually. Maybe it is because I know from firsthand experience HOW HARD it is! It is hard enough as a skinny person, but carrying 50 extra pounds??? SO taxing. It takes real determination.
  • i used to be super self conscious too and still am some days (like for example i will only run on the treadmill in the corner at my gym so i don't feel so on display) but i am much less conscious about running outside. i put on my hat and sunglasses and ipod and just do it, i like to try to pretend i'm a celeb in my "disguise" mode and just run. Believe me when i say i run SLOW and i sometimes feel like people must be thinking look at that fat girl how slow she is but ya know what...when i see someone running i think how awesome that is cuz i know how hard it is. it will get easier the more you do it, i can almost run three miles straight now and when i re-started i could barely go a minute without having to walk, hang in there and you will succeed!!!
  • the same thing happened to me what really helped me was starting to jog with aninterval watch by Casio. I've set myself intervals of running and walking and have improved my endurance by doing so. so i've built up my jogging routine step by step, challenging just anough and with costant progress - i must say this really encouraged me to jog more, because i felt good about myself from inside.
    hope that helps for you, too!
  • I am in awe of all of your enthusiasm and dedication!! I'm sitting here, TOM, 1st day of smashing, thinking...I should go for a walk. Huh?! I'm happy I scrolled on down to this thread-I've always considered myself a fast walker and felt that I looked ridiculous jogging-so I'm not th eonly one, and I'm going to set that as my 1st mini-goal.. walking, then walk/jog combos for this month.
  • During my run yesterday, I was just thinking how far I have come in regards to this very subject. When I began in January, I ran on a treadmill, in the basement, and even my kids weren't allowed to be in the room. On Easter morning, I went on my first outside run. I chose that day because nobody would be out, and I was right. I saw one person and three cars the whole time. I loved that run, and have been running outdoors since. First at the park because I didn't want my neighbors to see me, then I got sick of having to drive to run, so I started running in my neighborhood. Then I began running around my sons' practice football field, in front of the kids, coaches, and parents and did not care. Lately, I have been running on main roads. Something I would not have dreamed of six months ago. Ya, I get hoots, hollers, and stares on the main roads, but I hardly register it. will get over it as you become more confident and start feeling like a runner.
  • I have to add that I have always had a HUGE admiration for runners. I thought it was the coolest thing, young, old, thin, heavy, fast, or slow. It didn't matter, when I saw a runner I was always in awe of them because it was something I wanted to do, but THOUGHT I couldn't, so sure you will run into some ogling slug once in awhile, but most people will just think you are badass.