NSV: Jeans!

  • I was shopping with some friends tonight... as a newish size 16, it's still a novelty to be able to shop in "normal" non-plus size stores. I realized at one place that I had brought in a ton of shirts, but no pants to wear with when I stepped out to consult. My friend said "Just wear these jeans, they're 14s." I haven't been shopping for jeans in awhile... I've been wearing a pair of 16s, but stopped buying pants because it's summer and because pants are so hard to fit. Dresses and skirts last through more lost lbs. Anyways, I said "Whatever, they're never gonna zip, but at least I can walk out." And they actually zipped. And looked good -- a 16 would have been too big! So, I bought my very first pair of size 14 jeans today! (Well, since like 17 years ago...)
  • That is increadible!!! im so proud of you!! i must thank you for putting a smile on my face for the first time today im going for a mini goal of size 14 now !!!

    hope you have a fabulous day xo
  • Congrats
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Jeans NSV's are my favorite!!!
  • Jeans NSVs are awesome and 14 was one of my favs. Be proud and go strut your size 14 stuff!
  • fantastic!! And I love that it was a surprise rather than trying them on and they didn't fit and then trying them on again and they still didn't fit but closer, etc, etc.
  • That is awesome!!!! What a great feeling!
  • WOOHOO!! Fantastic, you must feel so proud and you deserve too!
  • WOW! Congratulations! That must have felt amazing! WTG!!
  • enjoy the victory!
  • What a great feeling!!! WTG Jen.
  • Congratulations! That's my favorite part of losing weight, new jean size.
  • WTG!
  • Thanks ladies! I was soooo excited! And I bought a great pair of jeans at the Gap too! My first pair of Gap jeans ever. I love them!