Goal Weight for WW

  • When do you set your goal weight with WW? Is it totally up to you what you set it at or does it have to be in the "healthy weight" range? Any insight welcome.
  • There is a chart for BMI on your weight record. You can pick from within that healthy range for a start. If you find you're at a certain weight and you're not losing and it's above the healthy range, you can get a letter from your doctor to change your goal weight. But, in the end, WW would like to see your weight within the healthy range for your height... reference the chart to see where you think you'd be at.
  • I asked my doc for a letter and he laughed and told me he wanted me in the 130s!
  • Our At Work leader had us set our goal weight when we first joined. I started out setting it at the high end of my "healthy" BMI weight, a weight which I remember as being ok for me - not my thinnest, but healthy. When I reached that weight I adjusted downwards again, this time to the weight where I remember feeling happiest with my body. I reached that weight last week (hurray!) and although I set my goal lower yet again (but still well within my healthy BMI range), I'm going to see how things go and maybe bump it back up if it feels like it requires an unreasonable amount of effort to either reach it or maintain it once I'm there. My understanding is that you can set/reset your goal weight as often as you want provided it's within the "healthy" range.

    Congratulations on your weight loss so far!