Not loving my post partum body

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  • I'm not sure what I thought I should expect this time around after having the baby... I gained 40 lbs like last time, and now, almost a month later I'm down about 20 of the 40. I was feeling pretty good about it until I put on some pants from after my last pregnancy and they fit. They are larger size than I ever wanted to be again and they fit perfectly. And then my mom took a really unflattering picture of me today.

    Ideally, this should motivate me to eat healthy and get what little exercise I can (just slow, slow walks right now!), but today I went compeltely the opposite way. I moped around and ate a bunch of junky food all day.

    My husband has lost 50 pounds since July. I am SOOOO proud of him, but there is a ridiculous, irrational part of me that feels left behind... like I'm going to disappoint him.

    I just want my body back!!!
  • I feel you, I could have written your post! I gain 40 lbs every time too and like you I'm not a tall woman. Having done this three times I know that healing and your body returning to normal takes time, but I wish it would just speed the heck up! I'm 10 weeks PP and still up 12 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, sadly I just in the past week started wearing normal pants (aka not yoga pants!). I'm BFing so I can't hardcore diet because I don't want to affect my supply. I'm just trying to work on strengthening my core (Helene Byrne postpartum DVD) which will help with the stomach bulge,stay active and eat well. Best of luck mama!
  • Emily, our goal weight and heights are VERY similar. 40 pounds on our shortness is rough-haha!! It's really such a struggle for me to not want to eat ice cream and junk food all day... it's pretty bad. Does the DVD you recommended have adaptations for C-Section mamas? My core is incredibly weak, and there's not much I can or should do at this point.

    Hopefully we can both stay on track and get to our goals soon!

  • It's hard isn't it? It took me a long time to accept my postpartum body (and somedays I'm not quite there either). However, I will say that you've already lost 50% of your baby weight, which means you're doing great!!! I gained 65lbs with my daughter and 2.5 years later I still have 5lbs to go.

    Right now try and focus on what you CAN do. Make yourself do daily walks with your baby. Throw the baby in a carrier for extra resistance too!!! Not only will they help you to lose weight but getting outside daily really helps with the baby blue (not saying it cures it but it can help to cheer you up quite a bit). It was something that I eventually learned I had to do every day not even for health but because of my mood.

    BTW, don't stress out about your DH! ALL men lose more quickly (assuming they have no health problems), it's just the way life is. A good husband will support you during this time and not worry about your body. Right now I'm sure he's more worried about the health of your and your baby and getting a good night's sleep than anything else!
  • Tanna Bananna - the DVD is very good (boring at times) but focuses on properly rebuilding your core. There is a section for mamas with diastasis which modify the exercises a little where you use a resistance band (included) to splint the abs - not sure about c-section but it's VERY low impact, focuses more on slowly doing the exercises with proper form. I think you could definitely start it by 6 weeks PP if not earlier if you're feeling good - you know your body best, don't push it too early if you're still healing. There are some other postpartum DVDs I've seen on Amazon too.
  • I can understand that also. I gained 40 pounds with my son. And for the first year after he was born I just didnt care. I'd complain about being fat. But i'd just eat and do whatever. but now. I feel so depressed. My grandma.. has been giving me clothes...which is nice because she has expensive taste....but I'm 22 I shouldn't be wearing grandma clothes yet I feel like this should also motivate me but it doesnt. This is only my first kid and I want one more. Next year. And I want to be at my pre baby weight before I even start trying for baby number 2 and I want to make sure I actually watch what I eat next time. It's depressing.

    I think you have done a great job already! 20 pounds is a lot after having such a precious joy. You don't even have time to think let alone TRY to lose weight. I think you will be able to concur your goal in no time. Keep us updated!
  • tanna, give it time. I also dropped like 20 lbs right away, but I was at a much higher weight than you. Just keep working at it, and in no time you will get your body back.
  • I also gained 65 pounds during my pregnancy... I lost 35 within the first week and a half post-partum. I am now up to 52 pounds lost and I had him 5 months ago.

    My friend had her baby September 3 and gained 39 pounds. It is September 22. She has lost all of her weight and fits into all pre-pregnantness clothing.

    That B####.
  • Quote: I also gained 65 pounds during my pregnancy... I lost 35 within the first week and a half post-partum. I am now up to 52 pounds lost and I had him 5 months ago.

    My friend had her baby September 3 and gained 39 pounds. It is September 22. She has lost all of her weight and fits into all pre-pregnantness clothing.

    That B####.
    Wow, that is just incredible! I still have 4lbs left to lose of my 65, um... almost 3 years later.

    Seriously, doing that all in 5 months is amazing! Keep up the good work!

    Oh, and some people are just born lucky. I have a friend who had a c-section (a badly done one at that!) and had her prepregnancy body back immediately. She's also super tall, thin, blonde and looks like a model. I think God was trying to make up for the super crappy c-section that she got.
  • I gained 78 lb with my first pregnancy. My SW was 110. 6 months post-partum and I only lost 48 lb. The last 30 stuck to me like glue for 7 years. Even till this day and after my second pregnancy I'm still holding on to weight from my first pregnancy. Losing 20 lb in a month is fantastic. Give your body some time and the weight will come off.

    Men always lose faster than women. Its not fair but that's just the way it goes.
  • I feel all ya'll. I was 17 when I got pregnant and 130 lbs. I gained 75 lbs (mostly during the last trimester) and amazingly didn't get gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia. I thought since I was so young I would bounce back to a pre-pregnancy body pretty quickly, but I was so wrong! It's ten years later and I'm fatter than I was when I delivered! Plus, my body still looks SOOOO bad. I have mega, mega stretchmarks and saggy skin on my belly especially- the stretchmarks are SLOOOOOWLY lightening but not fast enough for me. When I've lost weight before (I got down to 180 a few years ago and then stupidly gained it all back), it DID seem to firm up a lot, so I'm hoping if I can get down to goal and stay there, it will help. It's just a slow process. Things are different after you have a baby. Breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed!!
  • It's nice to know I'm not alone in the postpartum struggles. Breastfeeding doesn't help me lost makes me really hungry. =)
  • Totally understand Tanna. I have lost a lot of weight, but really hate my post-partum body still. Breastfeeding makes me extremely hungry, especially now that I'm trying to lose the last 20. I have been failing miserably. I cheat all of the time! I'm gonna try exercising starting tomorrow.
    Your baby is still young and you are still recovering, so don't worry. You have plenty of time. After bf'ing and when you can do more physically, you will see improvement. For now, don't get down on are doing great!
  • Im glad to see this post..... I am 3 months PP on the 24th of this month... I started Weight Watchers.... again, been very successful in the past with it..... Im going for my 4th weigh in tomorrow and Im following program to a T and even started running again... slowly, as i am at my heaviest EVER... but the weight is coming off so SLOWLY!!!! I was only able to breastfeed for the first month, i didn't produce enough to keep my daughter fed..... and i suprisingly gained most of my weight in that month.... i was STARVING all the time when i breastfed, and it wasnt just hungry for a snack i wanted full meals, and Orange Juice... was drinking a gallon of orange juice a day... yup, that'll put weight on you FAST....... has anyone else noticed weight coming off much slower now that you've had a baby??
  • It takes time.... I gained 70-80 lbs with both my pregnancies and it was at least 3 years each time before everything was back to normal. Things shift around and it's normal it'll take time for your hormones and organs to go back to 'normal.'

    My daughter is almost 4 and I'm finally at a place where I don't feel like a big blog of mom squish. It'll happen! Don't give up .