food poisoning or super low blood sugar?

  • I had a rough morning this morning. I woke up at 6:40am to my roosters crowing and within a few minutes I found myself trembling and shaking. My first thoughts were that my blood sugar was really low. I have issues with my blood sugar getting low and it has never been an issue before beyond a few moments and something to eat. So i got up to eat (a cup of strawberry yogurt) and within 5 minutes I was getting real nauseated and i had a real pain in my stomach. It felt like the most immense hunger ever or something- it was at the very pit of my stomach and it felt like my stomach was clinging to my backbone. I had to keep laying down because i was so dizzy and i couldn't hardly talk. I would feel better but if i went to talk then i suddenly felt a lot worse so I spoke little, closed my eyes much. I laid back down and i felt a lot better and i fell asleep quickly and i kept waking up and falling asleep. Soemtimes that i woke up i had to go to the bathroom and feel like i was going to throw up.. once I threw up a bunch. THen my other end started up a bit and each time I went, i felt a little better but it wasn't the runs or anything but it seemed to lighten up the pain in my stomach. I still couldn't hardly keep my eyes open without the room spinning and feeling weak so very weak. So I went back to bed and this time slept a lot longer. Every time I woke up i would think i was going to throw up but the pain was lessening. I ate some toast and part of a peach and a ltitle bit of orange juice after i threw up so I did keep some food down- just not the yogurt) And finally by about 10:30 I woke up to finding myself feeling normal again except my head still felt like my blood sugar was low and im feeling weak yet. So I had a bit more yogurt and then had some cheese and for lunch I had a cheeseburger without a bun and then some rolled up lunch meat and cheese. Its 3:30pm now and im feeling much better except a little weak (im thinking i need to go make something big to eat)

    My first thought was blood sugar. All i ate last night was a large full plate of salad. I did not have a protein with it or anything that would take a long time to digest. In hindsight it was a poor choice. I am going to be more careful with dinner time.

    but anyways- could this be related to my recently (today is day 3) of the South Beach Diet? I truly flipped my diet around. My diet used to be HIGHLY consistenting of sugars and carbs and now im down to less than 5%. But it is also possible the salad mix was tainted with something related to food poisoning.

    Anyone experience anything like this? I am going to up my carbs just a little because I have had insulin resistence in the past and I know my sugars can be low at times even normally. I abused my body for too long for it to work properly now plus genetically i have a lot of diabetic family members. (which is why losing weight and eating healthier is so important to me- i dont want to become another one of "them")

    Either way, im not giving up on the SBD- I am going to modify it a little but i sure wish I knew if my incident this morning was my body in a state of confusion or a seriously bad bag of Dole salad mix
  • Why not go to the doctor and get the nurse to test your bs? There are some clinics that do it relatively quickly and cheaply.
  • Possibly a stomach virus? It's quite common and usually clears up quickly (although it mostly lasts about 24 hours..)
  • i went and got a glucose monitor last night so i will randomly check it from on now