SBD Weekend Chat, September 10-11

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  • Good Morning

    I'm sure someone else is stirring out there! I'm up, it's seeming to be a nice day, and I've got a plan to get on my bike and ride into town this morning. Food was OP yesterday, thanks to my decision to go to bed early while DH snacked through several boring TV shows.

    What's on your agenda this weekend? Stop and say hi
  • Good Morning, Debbie and Chickies!

    I'm up too early, too. Hubs and Auston went fishing this morning. When I was tucking Auston in last night, he asked, "Why do we have to get up so early to go fishing?" I've been asking that question for YEARS!!!

    There is a downtown yard sale in Oneonta this morning. My friend and her hubby have opened a small antique store and it's grand opening is today. That will be something fun to do.

    The router is still down in the house. Hubs ordered one and it should be here early next week. I'll be glad to have my laptop up and running again.

    I'm drinking New England Coffee Hazelnut Creme, made in Malden, Mass, today. You Northern Chickies have good coffee! Happy Saturday!
  • Good morning I'm just up after a bumpy night so moving verrry slowwwly. We are off to bird low tide at the beach before the daily beachers show up so just a quick check-in for now.

    Thanks for all the wishes yesterday. It was an informative, surprising and slightly upsetting day, though not really bad. This Dr. really thinks the surgery is a priority, in the next 3-4 weeks. He had a much better patient manner than the other doctor and we now really understand everything about this and are accepting both the necessity and the type of surgery. It's all just incredibly disruptive for DW who just started a semester teaching 3 classes including 1 in person. We also found out DD just booked tickets for Haiti for early October. She is working a week at the clinic whose Board she is on. I really want her to be in town, that's part of what makes Boston manageable for me. So many logistics to juggle and every once in awhile the emotions bubble up and make it a little more challenging.

    For now we are off to look for birds and see the ocean.
  • Hi Michelle! Auston always says the funniest things! The yard sale and opening sound super fun! Wish I was closer!

    Hi, Cyndi! Sorry for the bumpy night. It is good to get some answers, though. Now to figure out all the details which hopefully will be easier with a more supportive DR. For now, enjoy the birds and the beach!
  • Cyndi, I'll be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. BTW, Hubs bought me a hummingbird feeder. There are 3-4 birds FIGHTING over it! None of them even land on it. It is the craziest thing!

    Debbie, I wish you were close, too. We'd have big fun!
  • Cyndi, lots of hugs and positive thoughts coming your way. I hope you and Julie have a good birding day.

    Debbie, I was up but finishing my book after falling asleep on it last night. Your day sounds active as usual.

    Chelby, Auston has a good point. You think Mass. is North! Come on up here and I'll give you Timmy's coffee.

    Survived the day with the quilting biddies yesterday. No meltdowns occurred and there was little gossip. We actually got nine quilts pinned together (top, batting and backing) so they are now ready for quilting. I have to get my butt in gear and make some crafty "quilty" items for our tea and sale that happens in October. Drink coasters and chicken pincushions come to mind. It was nice to get home mid-afternoon and relax on the porch with the doggage.

    I may run into town shortly to pick up some mums for the planters at the Church since they died out in the heat. I also have 200 running feet of lumber coming to add to the bottom of my wire fence. (Jazz hasn't escaped since last Saturday but I want to be very sure.) The wood is 4"x4" cedar in various lengths that can go on the ground and have the wire stapled to them. Got a real deal on this as it's wood from the demolishing of the Mill museum.

    The spinach seeds are still not in but that may happen today. I have yet more tomatoes out there plus eggplant. How do you tell when eggplant is ready? I also found that the red and Savoy cabbages survived bugs and weeds and are ready. I'm thinking cabbage rolls for the freezer. Maybe with quinoa instead of rice?

    It promises to be a sunny day with moderate heat so let's enjoy it.
  • Good morning chickies!

    Debbie - enjoy the ride!

    Chelby - ohhhhh, wish I could join too! I much prefer the laptop too! (I'm sitting on my couch with my feet up, looking out over the field on this dreary day...)

    Cyndi - sorry you didn't get much rest, but very glad you have more information and are comfortable with the next step. Please keep us posted!

    Ruth - gossip without the meltdowns...does it get better than that?!? You reminded me to check - now 3 of my 4 greens I planted last weekend are up with this rain we've had all week...yay!

    I woke up in one of those moods of "why do I try to eat well, anyway", and the scale decided to finally drop a lb this AM , I think finally losing some TOM weight. Now, it makes me want to eat well, esp. since my pants were quite baggy yesterday!

    Hoping to paint DD's room today, and just some general maintenance of the house. I'm also hoping to get some kind of exercise in...

    Have a great day!

    I meant to mention - DH and I watched "unstoppable" on was better than expected. We wanted to see it, because much of the taping was done right near where we live!! That restaurant early on is right down the road (where "ned" was eating), and they actually have a really good breakfast! It was a kick to see where they were doing some stuff. And the costar was a bit easy on the eyes...
  • Good morning!

    I was up, but Jake and I were doing comparison shopping for a new washer before we head out this morning. Mine when kaputz last night, right after it filled the basement with smoke and set off the smoke detectors. I just thank the Lord that I decided to wait until last night to do the laundry and Jake was home!

    Have a great day, everyone. And, Cyndi, I have Julie covered in my prayers.
  • Linda, glad Jake was home for the washer meltdown! Hope you find a good one!

    Twynn, yay for a pound down just when you needed it. Ouch for a dreary day...sounds like a good one for painting.

    Ruth, good to get that fence fixed! I think the little pups aren't as street smart. Poor Bing, the one time he got out he was just around the corner and and looked very confused. Hope you figure out the eggplants...I don't grow them.

    Karen, I tried the cauliflower rice last night...pretty good, I think!

    OK, I'm going to shut down here and get something done!
  • Good morning!

    Debbie - Glad you liked it. I had to plan dinners to use up the leftovers. It's perfect for dishes with sauce to soak up.

    Chelby - Have fun at the yard sale. My husband says we need a new router too, but so far ours is hanging in there. That techy stuff is all over my head.

    Cyndi - Glad you at least got some helpful information and found a doctor you like. Hopefully all will go smoothly. Please keep us posted.

    Ruth - Oh, I haven't had cabbage rolls in years. My cousin makes yummy ones but I'm sure they are not OP.

    Twynn - Baggy pants We just saw that movie two nights ago! I wondered how realistic it was. Yes, he was eye candy.

    Linda - Yikes! Are you getting a front loader?

    I think we'll head over to watch my little nephew play soccer today, after our morning workout. So... yesterday DH pulled the trigger and returned our "new" big screen TV in exchange for a bigger one! The "new" one we returned was smaller than the one it replaced, if that makes sense, and DH just kept thinking about the one he did not buy. And... it went on sale. Love Costco's return policy. So, will be able to see all the details for whatever TV shows we watch when working out now. Men and their toys. He also got a universal remote and I am struggling to figure it out. Supposed to be easier!

    Off to elliptical...

    Have a great weekend, everyone.
  • Just a quick hi! Working 8 to 8 today, and not much time for relaxing. Still OP for P1, I'm on day 11 and getting VERY nervous for P2 or 1.5 or however it works...been trying to read up on it a lot, but I'm still dreading it! I would rather stay on P1 forever! It is a perfect time to be transitioning though, as fall harvest foods are my favorites, winter squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, etc. I'm looking forward to a trip to the farmer's market next Saturday.

    Haven't weighed myself in a couple days, maybe I will tomorrow depending on how skinny I'm feeling when I wake up I for sure want to weigh a couple days before my last day of P1 so I'm prepared if the scale ISN'T moving, and am not too disappointed on my final day. Blah, blah, blah.

    I hope everyone has a great day today! Cyndi, I am very inspired by your positive outlook on your situation and the two of you having so much fun during difficult times. Glad you had a positive doctor experience.

    Talk to you guys later,
  • Am I the first one up this morning??? Hubby set his alarm clock to go fishing yesterday, and forgot to un-set it for this morning. I see a nap coming on this afternoon -- although I'd probably nap regardless.

    Last night, I watched a documentary called "Engineering 9/11" about the rebuilding of Ground Zero. It was very interesting. Someday, we'll have to visit that spot that changed our lives. I'll never forget...

    I've got coffee going, if anyone gets up...
  • Good morning. It's a bit foggy out there (in my head too!) but Chelby's coffee will help clear the fuzz. Yesterday was a bit of a wash as far as getting stuff done but I did get to the Library. I spent the afternoon reading one book and would have started another if friends hadn't dropped in.

    Church is first on the schedule this morning and then Doug is coming over to see if he can get my new pressure washer to work. Grrr! My deck has not been cleaned this year and the front porch needs to be done before painting.

    Yes, 9/11 changed everyone's life.
  • Good morning DD stayed over last night so we are a crowded apartment. We sat outside people watching and drinking wine. It was a perfect evening after a very successful day of birdwatching (2 life birds!).
    DW and I are off for early birding again so I'm just flying by. I'll come back tonight when DD is home and it's quiet here

    Hope the sun is out where you are. It's another perfect early fall day here.
  • I'm here with my coffee.

    Today will be a moving day of remembrance for most of us. I still get goosebumps when I watch anything pertaining to 9/11.

    I think it will be a quiet day at home for Jake and I, since all the kids and grandkids were here all day yesterday. I did get out to shop for a new washer, though, and it gets delivered this afternoon. I decided on a top-loading HE machine without an agitator, and negotiated a great deal with the salesperson. I may be weird, but I'm excited!