"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Put the numbers behind you!!

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  • Doing my own thing?
    Hi Red! Hope you are well.
    I want to have a challenge of some kind. I keep drifting on and off my weight loss program. I have a lack of committment for periods of time.
    I don't even know what to call a challenge for myself... just trying and not giving up.
    This morning I debated going to a Weight Watcher meeting. But I find myself wondering if that is truly not for me. I have done it again and again and failed. So, what is there for me? I'm not going to some expensive weight loss clinic and buying prepared foods. I hate gyms, and I do like to have a drink now and then and I do dine out on the weekends a few times. Sinful? Yes, maybe, but that is who I am.
    So, I need to do the best I can with who I am and what is available to me. I have been exercising again, at least. I'm trying but doing my own thing.
    So, what is that?
  • Day 3 done!
    Eat Clean Challenge -- Day 3 completed -- 3 pauses left

    Yesterday was OK. It was not perfect but it was certainly not bad. I think I may start giving myself grades, as in a A, B or C. A D or E would be a pause. Because, within a "passable" day I have the B's and C's and I want to be aiming and reaching A days most of the time. Giving myself a grade gives me something to strive for and a better feeling about my accomplishment, otherwise I start to feel... "what's the point?" And I don't like being too strict and saying a little transgression blows it all, because then I am in danger of triggering a "remorse binge" or a "what the h e ll, I blew it anyway binge."
    (This is pathetic. The system blocked the word H E L L. Really, somebody needs to change this idiotic thing. There is NOTHING wrong with the word. BUT, now I know how to write the words, just put in spaces...)

    derry, I think you need to keep this simple just to get back in the swing of things, back in the mentality of commitment. Even something as simple as eating one piece of fruit a day or doing 5 sets of 5 situps or something. The mental aspect is very important and I think people aim for results too much, can't handle it and blow the whole thing and can the whole idea.
    Whatever you do with your life is hardly "sinful." But you do have to set a goal and say whether you want it or not. If you don't then stop setting the goals. If you do want it, then stop making excuses. If you want it but not now, then again, just don't think about it. Like the bodybuilders I know, I think it may be better to say, this is your ON time and then have an OFF time if you like. People I know get in competition shape and then expand in the OFF season. It's not much, but it's certainly different. They don't see it as "sinful" or having "blown it." It's part of the plan. The people who stay the same all the time, probably don't really enjoy the things that would NOT keep them there, or they have really, really good reasons and incentives not to be a certain way.
    In any case, if you're still coming in here, it indicates to me that you DO want something, so decide to go for it and do it. I know you can!
  • Back in the Swing of things.....
    Red, you are right.
    So, for my back in the swing of things challenge, This is actually a completed day one.
    I ate healthy. I had fruit. I went on my treadmill for 1/2 hour.

    I had a big dissappointment today a friend let me down and I am sad, but I did not resolve my feelings of sadness by eating/drinking. I am determined to go on being me and doing nice things for people.

    I am better than that. I wish everyone could be "better", but all I can do is be me.

  • Eat Clean Challenge -- Day 4 completed, 3 pauses left

    Well, I got through yesterday though I was sorely tempted quite a few times. But I did it and also did a lot of exercise. I was exhausted but did not give in to sweets. I am probably eating too much in compensation though. Then again, two nights out with lots of beer may have canceled out all the hard work and vigilance. Really, changing bad habits is so hard!

    I've packed food to go into the office with today. I am really sick of this and look at me, only about a week doing this (I had a few days good before I started the challenge.) My weight is steady. It's the same old thing. I need the fast results to inspire me, but losing fast always ends in a rebound. Damn! I really hate this. I just HAVE TO breathe deeply, look at the little things that can be adjusted and BE PATIENT!! And the rewards MUST come from ME alone.

    derry, congrats on liftoff. That sounds like a mega challenge. Is it all rolled into one?
    As for being disappointed, that's only because you have expectations, which of course are natural. But, it really is best to expect nothing and let people just be themselves. Everyone has to go along at her own pace and expectations from others only put the pressure on and usually cause things to backfire.
    I don't know your situation, but it's probably wise not to think in terms of "good, better, or best" EVER with people. They just ARE.
  • Different direction, day one.
    I do think it is a mega challenge... and it's too unclear. I think I need to be more specific and make it a realizable goal.
    Hate to be meandering here but I want to be part of this and I need direction.

    So, revised challenge.... Hate to waste a day or two of being good and erase it, but I do need to be specific.

    So, here we go again.

    Today, I declare is day 1 of my "Get of that butt" challenge.

    What this means to me is that each and every day I need to find some way, no matter how small, to fit some activity into my life.

    I could be easy on myself and include the last few days in this as I did exercise, but I think I need a day one here and so here it is.
  • Keep on going, Red. I know how hard it is to stick with something. Been there, done that, as they say.
    Packing and lunch can sometimes be boring. I know you are on a budget too and that makes you want all the things you can't afford or have.
    Is there a small affordable treat that can work into your challenge to make you a happy camper?
    Maybe you need to be flexible and allow one small piece of chocolate every couple of days or 2 drinks a week or something?
    I'm so human and make so many blunders... I drop in and out of these challenges and Weight Watchers as I can't stick with things. Life takes over and I get waylaid. I think a forgiveness plan for a few indulgences needs to be part of along term success oriented plan. We are human.

  • Eat Clean Challenge -- Day 5 completed, 3 pauses left

    I am so bummed and this is dangerous. No, "bummed" is not the word. I am pissed! My weight remains high and I need it to go down! I think, THINK my clothes are looser but I haven't been doing anything that I think would tighten me up. And so that whatever it is that is gone to make them looser (if they indeed are) has to have gone somewhere and I have to weigh less. But I don't. So, I am just pissed. Why, why, why do I need that number on the scale?!?!?

    Well, I guess because it has to move if I am ever going to lose 10-15 kgs, right? It's not like I had no muscle and now it's packing on or anything. I have been so good, really, packing foods, packing protein drinks, lugging it all around all day long on my back. I've said no to all the junk at work and hit the gym and walked and walked and now all I have is a cold or the start of one for it. Oh, I am so pissed.

    OK, thanks all for reading my rant....


    derry, hi there. I just saw your post after writing that garbage above...lol...but I'm going to keep it because I still feel it and maybe someone feeling the same can get a laugh out of it....
    No, the "treats" don't work with me. It is such a mental thing with me. If I have even a little bit I feel like I'm useless and a failure and the why-the-h e ll-bother attitude kicks in and I'm snowballing down the hill in yet another colossal crash-and-burn scenario at the bottom.
    I don't know what it is that can keep me going, except for something/someone I can't just conjure up on my own...wink, wink.
    I am so hard on myself. I do NOT know how to give myself any credit whatsoever. Even if I try, I don't feel good about it because there is no outside applause or recognition. Of course, no one is really looking and the loose clothes I wear mean they couldn't see anything even if they did look...ok, I have work to do before I head to the gym and it's getting late. I am just so ticked.
    You seem to be the opposite. I need a whip along with recognition, gold stars, rewards! You seem to just need more patience and forgiveness. Well, let's both try for whatever it is that gets us where we want to go!
  • Well, I made it to the gym. Am just so irritated. I think a big part of it is that I've done this SO many times before that there is NO "satisfaction" in it at all. i am just hating myself for being in the same old, same old, even if that means up and down, up and down. So, this "down" phase is not making me feel good. It's dredging up all these unpleasant feelings.
    Going to think of ways to mentally deal with this WHILE continuing on...
  • Feeling better now....think I'll hit the sack, but today was probably OK to call....
  • Eat Clean Challenge -- Day 6 completed, 3 pauses left

    Well, OK, it's Saturday morning here and I called yesterday clear although there was one small transgression, overall I turned in what I thought was a very good day.
    Thinking about all the ugly emotions that arise when I am doing this, I realized that I have to deal with them more constructively, instead of just letting them win by stopping me from my efforts to get the body I want. Perhaps I should think of them as the enemy, like the forces that keep me where I don't want to be.
    I mean, come on, the efforts I'm making are not that hard, really. I'm not such a moron. I think all that's needed is an attitude change. It's consistency that I lack and imagination. I eat the same thing over and over and it's rarely something I like. Why? Because I don't take the time to make or find something I like. And yes, that part is hard, because if I don't take the time (which I don't have all that much of) the things on offer and NOT things I can be eating. But when I do eat the right things, I am surprised that I don't even want to nibble. I can turn down food easily because I have no appetite for it. I am satiated and that is a new concept for me.
    So, here's to a bit of enjoyment. It's good to address all the junk that comes up, so that I can do the most important thing -- STICK WITH IT!!
  • Eat Clean Challenge -- Day 7 completed, 3 pauses left

    Made it through Saturday with not too much problem. The "clean" was not sparkling but it certainly was a LOT better than what I had been doing. I see how the first thing to fall for me is fruit and vegetables and this is my undoing because I then overeat. However, I am also learning to enjoy feeling hungry at times, as long as I give myself GOOD food later and NOT cheat myself with garbage.
    I think a lot of the irritation the other day was chemical. Maybe a lot of junk was being stirred up in my body. Who knows? In any case, it got me thinking that the sh i t will happen and it's no reason to reach for junk food.
    In the end, the day will be over and a lot of the stuff I can't control, but if I just calm down, don't panic and plan a bit, I can have one less thing to feel bad about.
    Today is the racetrack, which doesn't really allow for much planning and means I often go too long without eating something good. This is where I do wish I had more portable wholesome food. Mandarin oranges help....
  • Wow, you're doing amazingly well, Red! Congrats on Day 7 in a ROW! with no pauses. Your persistence is inspiring.

    I have to start over. I let the stress of school get to me and have been eating and snacking and not making my lunches. Somehow have ditched the gym for over a week.
    AND I got a call asking if I would be interested in my Dream Job. YES! Of course, I bombed the interview. *sigh*

    My opening line, "Do you understand how LITTLE experience I have in this?"
    Interviewer, "That's an interesting interview technique."

    The good news is that they saw past it and gave me the job! I start in two weeks.

    Since I am starting at day 1 of this challenge, I am creating a new challenge:

    21 days going to the gym with three built-in Sunday breaks.
    21 days under 1300 calories with three breaks.

    That sounds reasonable.
  • Eat Clean Challenge -- Day 8 completed, 3 pauses left

    Got through another day, although there was drinking. I am going to have to make the alcohol a separate challenge because I don't want to be so strict as to include drinking with the eating. Yes, I know it should be but it's a mental thing with me. If I try to do everything I will end up doing nothing. So here is the start of a new challenge.

    NO alcohol -- Day 0 completed, 2 pauses allowed

    ironlove, congratulations on getting the "dream job!" I hope it works out for you. And best of luck with your challenges. Be careful you don't overdo it.
  • Eat Clean Challenge -- Day 10 completed, 3 pauses left

    I am still in the clear as far as food goes. There are some sweets calling my name though. Still, it's more about losing weight than the challenge because I do have "pauses." However, I am afraid to take one actually because I tend to snowball....in more ways than one!
  • Wow, Red. Ten days! Good for you.

    But I'm hot on your heels at DAY 1! The day after Hallowe'en with tons of candy kicking around the house and it felt EASY to stay at 1200 calories. I also got back to the gym for the first time in a while. Feels good!
    Isn't that always how it is? You get nervous about something because it looks hard, and it's not so bad, but then when your guard is down...
    21 days, here I come!