Low carb Freestyle. Week of Jan. 26th.

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  • Hello, low carbers.
    FYI, it is now 46 weeks until Christmas

    Thought I would start this so we would not have a run on thread. If you know what I nean.

    Frendship is a hug just
    when it is needed.

    have a large slice of the week.
  • Super Bowl Sunday!
    It's snowing out now. It depends on who you listen to as to the amount of snow we're supposed to get.

    tazcat, thank you for starting another thread. How is the WW & LC going?

    nikki, you can order the Oxysize tapes at www.oxysize.com. I think that's where I got mine. It was so long ago I've forgotton. Sometimes there is an ad for Oxysize in the Sunday magazine section of the paper, which I haven't seen in awhile. One thing I've been meaning to ask, but keep forgetting is, how do you like your inversion table? Has it helped your back any?

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • Hi Everyone!

    Super Bowl Sunday! Any football fans among the group?

    So far I have had a busy weekend. My husband has come
    down with shingles. He feels fine but they are annoying.

    I hope I don't get them!!! I was wondering if I come down with
    shingles if I would be allowed to go to work especially since
    I work in a hospital. What do you think Nikkic, I know you are
    a nurse.

    Weather still cold and yucky

  • Hi,
    I didn't realize there was a new thread, I kept waiting for a message telling me that somebody had replied to the old one. Tazcat, how was your birthday?

    Anne, I don't know, it depends on your infection control policy. Where I use to work, they wouldn't have cared. A long time ago, we use to isolate patients with shingles. Times change as well as ideas, mostly because of costs, I think. Anyway, you might check with the IC nurse and see what she has to say.
    I am not a football fan. DH is and is cleaning the garage in preparation for the big night. Not that we are having any company, he's just trying to burn off some extra energy while he's waiting.

    Aleka, thanks for the address. I'll order it soon. I am trying to curb my spending and have done reasonably well with it. I did order a new pair of jeans and a white t shirt last night, but my clothes are getting so big, I'm having a hard time keeping up my pants. I put a note on my computer, it says-buy nothing today other than what you need. It's like a mantra, I have to say it several times a day.
    I sent the inversion table back. I should have known I couldn't do that. It hurt my ankle. It swelled up and was really painful. I was afraid for several days that I'd really screwed it up again. It's ok now. I just get some hairbrained ideas sometimes. That's another reason I have to quit buying stuff, the S&H for returning stuff is killing me.
    But, I do want to buy something that is more mobile for working out with. When we start camping again, I don't want have to go home everytime I want to exercise. I am going to try bike riding and walking on trails, but I can only walk so far and then that's it. The ankle swells up and I'm done for the day.
    The cats are not getting along. The old female has now begun to really chase the baby all over and she seems to be living in fear all the time. I decided to put an ad in the paper and see if I can find her a happier home. The male just wants to kill her. I guess if we can't find her a home, she's going to have establish herself here, but it won't be easy. Poor little thing, she's had a rough life.
  • How fast can you get dressed? I was sitting at comp. when our pagers went off for assistance for a medical call, I jumped up had PJ's off and dressed in under 1 min, and yes that is with bra and panties. Then I remembered DH has car at work, I can't make the truck. Did I tell you that I am a voluntare Fire Fighter?
    And yea, I know I should have been dressed,

    Please read this with open mind, I do not mean this as criticism,[got out the thesaurus for that one] I am asking: Is it best to ask Questions in daily threads or weekly threads, or to start a new thread?
    Such as If I wanted information on a treadmill, would it be best to ask on daily thread or would it be best to start a new thread? Know what I am asking? I think it would be best to ask on a weekly or daily thread as more people read these.

    Love you all,Tazcat
  • HI everyone,
    Today was DD #1 25th birthday. We had cake and I made a baked chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy and fried eggplant. I ate all the bad stuff and I feel fine. Since this doesn't happen everyday, I figure it's ok.
    Got the basement finished and I'm very happy about that.

    Tazcat, I would just ask it anywhere you wanted to. I rarely read any other threads here. I don't know if the ladies on the daily read this one that much. We all have so much to do and only a limited amount of time to use the computer. I like everyone here, but I post on this thread because originally it was for SS'ers which is where I started, and I feel comfortable here. If you post your question on the daily, there would be more opinions to choose from. Or, you might try the exercise forum.

    Have a good night everyone, Nikki
  • Hi Everyone:

    Nikkic sounds like your daughter had a lovely birthday! Wish
    her many happy returns from me!
    I am going to eat on all the family birthdays this
    year too. I figure celebrating is part of life we all enjoy so
    Today is suppose to be the last day of the"deep freeze" here
    in Toronto. By the weekend we are suppose to be on the plus
    side for a change
    Its a funny thing, every Monday we notice that we
    don't see all day long. She comes in goes in her office
    and closes the door. I'm not complaining mind you

    I am thinking about buying Dr. Atkins new book from Amazon.
    I can't beleive the good deals they offer next to the regular
    book stores. Joan Rivers is one shopping channel this weekend.
    I'm feeling broke already!
  • Hello everyone

    Brrrr! It was -38c with the windchill this morning -I did not want to get out of bed and wanted to have a "mental health day" but got my keester out into the cold anyway and went in to work

    I don't even want to talk about my Woe -have not been SS for a week.
    I think I am stress eating from the shenannigins going on at work

    I haven't been around much so I hope you are all keeping well

    I was busy practicing my work skills and French to prepare for my government exam and interview. I had my interview recently and I think I did well I hope I get in I won't find anything out for 2 -3 weeks though - the waiting is driving me crazy!

    Anne- I hope your DH gets better soon.

    Nikki-that is too bad about the cat, if I lived close by I would take her for you! I hope you can find her a good home.

    Hi Aleka and Tazcat!

    Talk to you all soon!
  • Hi guys! I keep saying I will post again and then I disappear...stupid computers! I have been trying to get caught up for days. I might as well just quit trying and jump back in.

    Aleka, that group sounds good. I will look for it. I used to have the SB in a nutshell and it was GREAT! I wonder if they updated it to the new SB book that came out last month. I heard there aren't a LOT of changes, but some that could make a big difference in freedom of choice! SB is going hard for me, with trying to feed my family, and I have gone vegetarian, so a plate of veggies just makes me wanna cry these days.

    To all, I finally got the Gazelle up and running! We are trying to get a full fledged exercise room working. My husband has been trying to fix it up for me while I have been at work. He's so sweet. I can't wait until morning so I can get on the thing. That's such a nice feeling!

    I hope you all stay warm and safe, and hope we all get warm weather soon!
  • Hi everyone,
    I don't know how, but I've lost 2 lbs. Must have been the cake. Seriously, I don't know. But, it was a pleasant surprise. I figured I'd gained 5 for sure.

    Anne, JR just had a TS on one of the shopping channels down here. She sure does sell a lot of stuff. I didn't know Atkins had a new book out. I'll have to look for it.

    Mauvaisroux, good luck on your exam and stay warm woman.

    Jennifer, really glad to hear from you and I'm all excited you got your gazelle up and going. Hope you like it.

    We are going to probably have to keep the kitty, for better or worse. She is sick and keeps on vomiting. I doubt anyone would want a sick, ugly cat. She seems to be holding her own with the other female. We figure by spring, when they can get outside and apart from each other, they will be much happier and have worked out who is the alpha female.

    Later, Nikki
  • Still cold!
    Lost 1.4 lb. last week. I was a little surprised, I thought it would only be a fraction of a lb.

    nikki, congratulations on losing 2 lb.! Isn't it a nice surprise when you aren't expecting to lose? Sorry about your poor little kitty. Have you taken her to the Vet to see why she keeps vomiting? That's nice you want to keep her. Your other cats will come around. I'm surprised that the older female cat hasn't started "mothering" the kitty. I mentioned in one post about Mindy, the stray cat. Well....about a year after she was established in the household we went and got another kitten. Her maternal instincts went into high gear. She'd sit on the kitten and wash her all day, and if one of the dogs chased the kitten she'd march right up to the offender and smash them in the face with her paw. A belated Happy Birthday to your D. Hope she had a great day.

    Jennifer, nice to hear from you again. Good luck with the Gazelle. I bought one and I really like it. We have it in our basement, where half is finished off, there is a wall and a door that separates the finished half & unfinished half, which is the laundry room. I haven't got the new SB book yet. I ordered it on Amazon along with another book that hadn't been published yet, and both books will come at the same time. I was hoping the new book would explain a bit more, but it's great there are more choices.

    mauvaisroux, good luck on your exam It's been soooo frigid here too. Hopefully today will be the last of it. It's supposed to be in the 30's by the weekend with the threat of a storm. Can't wait for warmer weather.

    ANNE, that's great you boss doesn't show her face too much on Mondays. Has anything been done about her yet? How is your DH feeling? I hope he's doing better.

    tazcat, I think if you ask about the treadmill on the exercise forum you may get some good tips. It would be worth a try.

    Hope you all have a great day and keep warm!
  • Hi Aleka,
    I have an appointment to take her to the vet later this week. Our old female cat hates all cats. Before we got her spayed, she wouldn't even care for her own litters. I had to literally hold her down to get her to nurse them. After a few times, she would do it voluntarily, but mostly, she would go into heat again within a couple of days and off she would go. Leaving me to care for her litters. I have never understood her, but I do think she is kind of a tramp. They say your suppose to wait a few weeks after they have a litter to get a cat spayed, finally, I just had to have it done right away, she just kept getting pg. She is really funny for a cat. Very intelligent and can do all kinds of tricks. Not like a dog, but cat stuff.
  • Hi Everyone:

    Aleka, my husband is feeling miserable. This shingles thing in a
    nuisance, itching painful in other words yucky
    Nothing has been done about yet, management is still waiting on the final reports from the company they hired to do the
    survey. She is off today, one of the employees brought here a
    bottle of rum and she is someone who likes her drinks which explains why she is usually with the lights low and door to her
    office closed Mondays. I'm not making fun of her, I have
    relatives with that problem too. She's just not a nice person
    nothing to do with her drinking.

    Nikkic & Aleka, you guys are rocking with that weight loss!!!

    Weather here is warmer today thank goodness but it is real
    sloppy and slushy, I am still terrified of falling.

    Talk to you all later,
  • Ladies that was a hypocritical question, Don't really want to know about a tredmill, just wanted your opinion on starting a thread or going to one that was already started, such as Daily or weekly.

    For those that I told I was donating pint #57, It is only pint #56[of blood.]Will check in tomorrow,TAzcat
  • Good morning,
    It's finally above zero! It's supposed to get warmer towards the weekend.

    tazcat, do you mean asking a question about something on an existing thread or starting a new thread with your question?

    nikki, how is the kitty feeling? Still vomiting? Being left out in the freezing weather to fend for herself, she could've picked up anything. The poor little baby. If DH wasn't allergic and I lived near you, I would definitely take her.

    ANNE, sorry that your husband isn't feeling well. My BIL had the shingles brought on by stress quite a few years ago. I think I heard somewhere that the shingles are caused by the same strain of virus as chicken pox. I hope he gets relief soon. It sounds like your boss has a problem. Do you think it all came about because she's afraid of losing her job? Or, has this been an ongoing thing. In a way you have to feel kind of sorry for her.
    Has it warmed up any where you are?

    Have a great day everyone.