Good diet *Check* Exercise errr

  • I'm starting weight loss. My first step is to eat right. I did that,my next step is to slowly graduate to exercising. The problem is i don't know where the heck to start. What would be best to START with? How do i progress? I plan to start Insanity when i need to start loosing it harder (Around 160-130 Pounds)
  • Just start by walking. And slowly add to how much you are walking, and the pace. A good rule is the first time, walk as far as you can, and make sure its at a comfortable pace. Time yourself. And do it at frequently a week as you can. Always try and improve your time from the last! It doesn't matter how you exercise. As long as you are up and moving around thats all that counts!
  • I suggest walking also. If you can't go outside and walk, Leslie Sansone has dvds for walking workouts in your home. Dancing is fun too!

    Check your local library to see if they have exercise dvds.

    You can do strength stuff at home with dumbbells or resistance bands. Check the library for books/dvds for that also. Or what about yoga? My library seems to have a lot of yoga dvds.
    You can also find workouts online on youtube, hulu,

    Just get moving!!