Ideal Protein Diet - Go Back to Lose a few Pounds gained

  • I found the book “The Unbalanced Diet Approach To a Slimmer You” by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh. On page 67, he says that if you want to lose the extra pounds you’ve gained after completing the diet (see highlight below), “All you have to do is go back on the protein diet for ten days once a year.”

    Does anybody know:
    1. Which phase are you supposed to go back to?
    2. If you go back to phase 1 or 2, don’t you have to gradually come off
    the diet by doing phase 3 for 14 days? That would be more than
    10 days.
    3. Or can you just jump to Phase 4 (the maintenance phase) once you
    done with phase 1 or 2 for 10 days?
