it is a moomentous occasion

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  • for me to be back with you all for a while. DH is having something done to our main yacht then we will be off again.

    I have a recipe to share: Scoop out the top and bottom of a Kaiser roll and toast shell. Fill the shell with a fresh leaf of red lettuce, a slice of Boar's Head hickory smoked turkey breast and several drops of red wine vinegar seasoned with garlic, et al.

    If you are not dieting, you may have this with a thinly sliced marinated cucumber.


  • Marcella we had the same idea to get the new thread going!
  • I'm back. Now I get to go pick up
  • Oh, I'm so torn!
    I didn't know where to post, so I decided to take my mother's advice and go with age before beauty.

    Darling Chella, what a lovely picture that is of you. It seems as though I may have seen you somewhere before. I'm quite sure it was when I was Christmas shopping. Could you possibly have been in Toys R Us? I'm sure I'll think of it eventually.

    Wabbie, you're thinking of PETA, that stands for "People Who Think Animals are more important than people" or something like that.

    I have an almost 15 year old and I can tell you I'm glad she is not driving yet. She's too distracted with all those new hormones and so on. Plus she is way too busy with schoolwork, friends, music and dance, friends, writing and friends to even fit driver's ed into her schedule.

    Speaking of which, tonight is DD's variety show. Wish her luck. She will be really good, and I will have to sit through another hour and a half of other acts.

  • I found Dahlia's post in the wrong place. Those newbies are so cute! Anyway, Dah, I thought the picture looked like Barbie too which is weird because I happen to know that Letty was the inspiration for Barbie. They wanted to name the doll Letty but it sounded too much like Betsy Wetsy.
  • I don't think Marcella looks that much like Barbie at all. I think her waist is thinner and her hips are non-existent.
    I think the new girls are cute, too. Of course, thread starting rights are like stretch pants.
    Speaking of which, I got an email from Old Navy today announcing that the now sell stretch jeans. Why would they send such a thing to me?
    I'm moving along with Perfect 2009. I had gagfast for lunch today. I had protein for brk. I still haven't exercised, but I drove past Curves and that should count. There is a Curves in the same strip store when DD will be having her Physical Therapy. If That WABBY would give me details, I would consider it. But you know how selfish she is.
    I'm going to go do the following.
    1. unload dw
    2. load dw
    3. vac kit floor
    4. mop kit floor
    5. bleach everything
    6. serve delicious dinner to family(turkey concoction)
    7. clean up after dinner
    8. vac the house
    9. dust, too.
    10 watch American Idol. A boy from the kids' school made it to LA. We don't know if he made it to the next level because he had to sign a contract that said that he would not reveal results until they appeared on TV. But he now carries two cell phones and drives a new car...evidence? We'll see tonight.

    I'm off. I'll get to work on my list. Maybe Wabby will meet at least one responsibility and tell me about Curves.
  • I made a lot of errors in that last post. I'm not going to fix them.
  • I am bored with Lush's stagnant journal
  • Curves
    Here's the deal, Lush: It's basically a room full of kinda cheezy looking exercise machines. They're like weight machines, but the have hydraulic thingies instead, so you don't have to mess w/ weights. They have music playing, and every so often a voice says "change stations now" & you move to the next machine, in between machines you basically step in place, to keep your heart rate up. It is a 30 minute work out, plus stretching after. They have no jacuzzi, they have no showers, they are bare bones, and yet the monthly charge is $29 if you let them take it out of your checking acct (I won't) or $39 month to month. They want you to sign a 1 yr contract (I didn't). I think it's overpriced for what it is, but it's close to my work and it's not co-ed (don't need any men watching me in spandex). It's just about the right level of difficulty for me (easy) and it makes me feel good when I'm done. Anything else you need to know?

    What's the American Idol boy's name?? I want to cheer him on. My friend is a real Survivor fan. At her work they all draw the names of the survivor ppl. Then they put in $5 a week and if they've drawn the name of the final survivor, they get the money. I want to play, but we don't have a big enough group here at work.

    Peaches how can we send you housewarming gifts when we don't know your decor color? I want pictures. I think I've been patient just about long enough.
  • The kid's name is Lou Gazzara. He came out of the NYC auditions but he wasn't on last night. I wonder if that is a good or bad sign. He sings very well. He's well-liked and a nice kid, so he deserves nice things to happen to him.
    My journal has been abandoned. I got bored with it.
    Thanks for the info, Wabby. I take from what you say that I can join on a month to month basis if I pay an extra $10. a month. I think I will because I think I'm going to try it while DD has physical therapy.
    I've been hanging out on this computer too much today. I'm leaving. bye
  • Quote:
    she is a sick figment of someone's imagination who thinks she is funny.
    I'm curious why someone would want to join a group of women who have known each other for years and start calling one of them names. You wouldn't want to called a "sick figment" would you? Or a sick anything. Sick is a very negative word. Often, it is used to imply mentally aberrant (Kiwi, spell please) or socially deviant. Sick could mean typhoid or measels but I believe you mean to imply something of a more social nature. You're welcome to your opinion of course but I must speak up and disagree. Actually, Dahlia, you show a tendency to be harsh and rude. Are you aware of this?

    BTW, I have noted that Brattie's thread started at 1:13 and Marcella's at 1:07. She could not have deliberately bypassed Brattie's as it didn't exist when she posted.
  • This is silly
    Marcella and I have been trying to help you for five years. We've seen no progress, but we do have standing with this group.
    The problem seems to be that we travel so much. I'm off to Europe and Marcella is taking the yacht out. Who knows where they'll end up! Bill is quite fearless with that boat.
    Personally, I couldn't be on a boat for months at a time. Oh true, they have a full complement of servants and helicopter support, but I would feel so isolated. Marcella tells me she is taking up yoga during this trip.
    My only advice for this thread silliness is "When in Rome......."
    PS. Luscious makes boring lists. We all know that. Don't encourage her.
  • When in Rome... polite and pick up after yourself.

    Letty and Marcella have given us so much over the years, haven't they? Remember all the good times we had? They have changed my life. Really.

    Still fat, still bored. Dh lost his CD cleaner and wants ME to find it otherwise he can't watch a DVD with his best pal tonight. How should I know where the heck it is?

    Must take ds6 to a birthday party. Then come back and do something useful. How mundane. Should I wear pearls?
  • Yawn
    Boy, Dahlia, that was mean. Maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself from now on. We don't think Marcella is a sick figment of someone's imagination.....well, maybe we do. But we don't care. Sissy is very sweet and would never purposely hurt anyone. Do you realize how long we've known each other?
    On a brighter note, I go to Curves today on the Wabby path to health and fitness. I think I will like it. For several months, I will be next door three times a week, so why not make the best of it. I'm looking forward to ripped abs.
    I was so hungry this morning. I almost killed all Perfect 2009 efforts but instead made some BROWN rice and chicken for breakfast. Now I feel nice and full and didn't offend Sissy by eating white rice. Whew, I'm so relieved.
    I blew off work today. I'm going to clean. Yes, clean. I know everyone was happy when I kept my lists to my journal, but my mind is too small to keep a journal, so I post here.
    Here is my list:
    1. unload dw OK I'm starting..
    2. load dw done
    3. clear counter euuuuuhhhhh.
    4. shift wash done
    5. vac s room Yuck...I have to clear out all the dirty clothes first.....
    6. vac b room
    7. 10 min s room Ha! three trash bags and an hour later.
    8. 10 min b room [COLOR=sienna]
    9. Close door to dd's room
    10. check in here.
    It is freezing here, about 10 degrees. I can't give my adorable dog a bath because it is too cold for her to go outside when she is damp.
    I'm going to go do something productive.
    PS. I want an avatar like everyone else, but every time I pick one they say it is too big. Kiwi, do something. BTW, how was the show? Was your darling fabulous?
    [COLOR=purple] [COLOR=teal] [COLOR=firebrick]