Four weeks of healthy, clean eating - while living alone

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  • While I'm not totally alone, my DH took a new job where he's traveling during the week. Hence my weight gain and bad eating habbit nightmares. I'm trying to eat clean as well, and although I have children to cook a good meal for, I usually tend to wait and eat later in the evening.
    I'll try it with you. The 4 week clean challange. I need to take off this xtra 10 I've gained.
  • Yesterday and Today was great for me. I didn't overeat on peanut butter or cereal, my big nonos for overeating. Although my husband had the brilliant idea of picking up some vanilla icecream on the way home from work, and having me make my homemade strawberry topping for it. But I'm pleased to say I only had 1/2 cup of it. Tonight...he wanted peach pie. Thankfully I've always been able to resist peach pie. hahaha. Oh, and I probably ate the quanity of a 4lb watermelon today. Darned it was so good And I will not feel guilty on binging on watermelon ..haha
  • Hey Minifluffy and baking chick!

    this thread is perfect! I'm also kind of living alone haha my sister who's living with me eats at work so i have to either make my own food or order fast food.

    First of all let me ocngratulate you two, on losing those pounds i can see on your tcker u're doing so well (Y). I bet you now look so slim and feel good and confident : ) My goal is to lose 20 pounds, and i just started yesterday!

    Today: for dinner i had sauteed veggies, with my fav. yoghurt/mustard dressing and some salad. a snack of 3 biscuits :$ (light digestive ones tho) and 2 peaches after i did my 1 hour of excercise.

    and then for breakfast i had two boiled eggs and some salad

    And for the chocolate, happend all the time! i go buy a whole pack and then remember i shd be watching my weight, ..i'd say give them away because it wd be so tempting to keep them around. or keep a few for your days off (if you plan on taking days off every week or smth). keep up the will power !!
  • Are you joining us HappyGirl? if so, yay! Welcome. Right now, I'm actually not alone, unexpected job close to home for my hubby for two weeks, but still, I need the encouragement! Oh, and let me just say, you're starting out at my goal weight, so more power to ya girlie for wanting to lose 20lbs! By the sounds of your meals you listed, you're eating great. Peaches. In season right now and couldn't be any better. I actually just froze two lugs yesterday and have one more yet to freeze (ran out of bags, and time) yum!
  • Mini, have you ever made your potato salad with yogurt instead of mayo? Asking since you make a yogurt dressing....yogurt would be more healthy than the mayo in the salad, and you truely can not taste the difference (at least I don't think so).
    As for the peaches, you drop them in boiling water for a minute, then transfer them to ice cold water. Let them chill for just a bit and the skins just peel right off. Remove the pit, cut into the size pieces you want, sprinkle just a tad of sugar on them to prevent browning and freezer burn and preserve flavor. Put into a freezer zip lock baggy and freeze. I used to can them, but you use way more sugar that way, and I just didn't like how soggy they turned out. Plus, it was a lot more work to can than put in freezer bags.